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How To: Prioritize Your Health In 2023 (Tips That Actually Work)

How To: Prioritize Your Health In 2023 (Tips That Actually Work)

December 29, 20227 min read

Struggling to stay healthy? it's not easy, is it? with everything having bad stuff in it that's so conveniently assessable to us like synthetic plastics, bad oils, sugars, and junk foods. This is why we're seeing records of more people obese, having attention deficits, and stress levels through the roof. You know what I mean. A lot of people make new year's resolutions around their health specifically because of all these bad habits and poor results their seeing in their lives. I want to share some ways to make this easy for you to take the steps toward actually achieving your goals and still prioritizing healthy eating and exercise. Making it easier by using some habit hackers and high-achieving systems that will actually help you finally take control of your health this year.


Hi, I’m Nathan Newberry Your Success Guide to help High Achievers like you level up their permanence and achieve their goals and build successful life-lasting habits. I’ll provide insights and secrets of the most successful people I’ve learned from and before I get into today's discussion I put together a Free Workshop covering my 5x4 principles and methods that will help you create those better habits, eliminate addictions and help you plan out your best life. The link is down below.


Can I be real with you for a minute, simply watching these tips of success will not magically make you a runway model or a bodybuilder. It will take consistent action to achieve this. I want to prep you with essential steps to make this actually work. First, you got to eliminate bad habits, bad environments, bad destructive thoughts and then replace them with new life-giving habits, a clear focused mindset, and a winning atmosphere to allow all this to be possible for you.


I want you to ask yourself these questions:

Have my past life choices improved my health or limited growth?

Has my past environment helped me or hindered me from becoming better and healthier?

Do I have a winning environment and equipment to succeed?


Think about these questions and eliminate the unhealthy things in your life.


With the question “What are the foods I should Eliminate?” You probably know already what not to eat but let me help you make it simple. Don't eat junky foods. Don't eat at fast food places. Anything that has paragraphs of ingredients and words that seem scientific then it's probably made in a lab somewhere and is highly processed and has toxic things in it like plastic and poisonous preservatives that will kill you if you ate bigger amounts of it. Don't let any poison in you at all. So eat clean foods. Think as a high achiever, and ask yourself simple questions like: “Will this make me faster or slower? Will it build me up or tear me down?" Look at how a sports car runs. It's better with premium fuel in the tank and will be optimal when it has the high intake of what it needs to perform at the peak of its performance - treat yourself like that! Let that guide you in making better food choices that will fuel you not destroy you and give you the success results you want.


Now I try to set my mind on positive things, not negative things. I try to set my environment up for success like having a good bed to sleep in, a good workstation to be effective at work. I drink electrolytes and eat as clean as I can. This is the switch I made looking at Paul Saladino's method of animal-based diet. You can find him on his channel of CarnivorMD below. But its eating simply original origins of foods like grass-fed meats, organs, eggs, fruit, honey, and even raw dairy products like cheese, butter, and kefir - all real whole foods (not processed), God-designed tasty healthy foods. And I cook these foods with Ghee or Tallow, which are animal fats. This method isn't for everyone but whatever you choose to eat remember to make clean healthy choices. Replacing is important in stoping bad addictions. Like: swapping bad sodas with bubble water. Switching bad foods with healthy convenient options. Prep healthy snacks and meals if that's helpful. Have them easily available, and fuel your tank well. Consistency is key here. When it comes to replacing bad habits, environments, and past bad decisions. Make convenient, consistent healthier choices.


Here's another novel idea. Move your body. This doesn't have to be a hurkelen feet for hours at the gym. Go on a walk and lift things. Exercising doesn't have to be so complicated, just make moving a new lifestyle change. Some have adopted walking 10,000 steps as a way to gamify this. Start your journey with simple things like walking around the block, taking the stairs more often instead of the elevator, parking further away and walking or even doing short bursts of running. Strength training can also help gain muscle and burn fat; so invest in a few light-weight dumbbells for quick and convenient workouts at home. Have a dumbell around your desk and lift it when your on conference calls and your just needing to listen. Get a treadmill desk if thats helpful. Exercise doesn't have to be all about grueling long hours in the gym; try to aim for creating healthy lifestyle habits that are super simple to do everyday, and find some activities that are sports and enjoy that. 


Here's another tip here: Get enough rest and drink water. Hey, this must be a scientific breakthrough idea isnt it? You got to examine your life here. Am I getting 7-8 hours of rest? well if you're not then you got to plan it and execute it like if you were an athlete and you had a curfew because you knew you were going to have to perform at a high level the next day. You got to switch your mind to a high-performance mode in every area of your life. Make drinking water simple too. Get a big gallon jug and make sure you drink that thing every day. I found out that with water bottles that have straws on them you somehow drink more. Make sure you are prioritizing sleep and recovery and drinking enough. I like drinking electrolyte water, it's a powder you put in your water. It enhances my mental edge and I know I'm getting the good minerals in my body. When I get tired in the afternoons it somehow wakens my mind better. I like using the Redmond brand electrolyte it doesn't have added junk in it like most of the others do. I'll have a link down below for you.


So to wrap it up, So stay on the right track your body needs the proper fuel - dump anything processed and go for a nutrient-rich animal-based diet. Then, have some fun while you workout to get in shape – better yet add muscle too! Finally, keep up with a good old-fashioned restful night's sleep plus plenty of hydration so all those healthy changes will stick around! But sticking to these consistent activities will be the number one skill to have, so the pro tip is to track these habits with a habit tracker. Simple piece of paer with mon-sun and write down each day what you got done.


So let me ask you have you taken steps to stay healthy this year? Share your strategies and successes below so everyone can learn from your experience!


Don't forget to hit the link down below to watch my Free Active Growth Accelerator Workshop which will help you level up your performance and help you plan a life that's worth living.


Fight Hard,


Show Notes:

Paul Saladino - Carnivore MD - https://www.youtube.com/@UCgBg0LcHfnJDPmFTTf677Pw

Redmond Life - https://redmond.life/collections/re-lyte

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