Get Ready For Change

Get Ready For Change

October 24, 20231 min read

Get Ready For Change

Life changes everywhere. I've experienced organization changes, leadership changes, personnel changes, team changes, job description and title changes, changes for the sake of change.  New changes come before the previous change can really take root. Your team will now support a new region. Your friend received a promotion and is now your leader. Your leader is moving to a new team.

I have even had the unfortunate experience of having a senior leader become deathly ill and pass away in the middle of initiating a new culture. Change happens for good and bad reasons, There are well thought out changes and there are poorly planned changes. You can be assured that change will be a part of your everyday life. It is funny how most people only like the change they create. They need time and space to adjust to changes imposed on them. Said another way, “I am good with my change, however I need advanced notice with details and time to embrace your change that is impacting me.”

Get reeady to change

Change is going to happen and we can either take the posture of waiting FOR change or getting ready TO change.  Just waiting FOR change leaves you completely at the mercy of what is coming. It can cause unrest, suspicion and defensiveness. On the contrary, getting ready TO change is a posture of ownership, accountability and being in control.  Is it possible to maintain a posture of Getting Ready TO Change as oppose to being in a position of waiting FOR Change? Over the years I have learned it is best to be flexible. When I have a personal plan with specific objectives in mind, then while change may be happening around me, I am in a more favorable position. Welcome to the time and space continuum called Change.

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Yvette C. Owens

Yvette C Owens is a world-renowned speaker, international best-selling author, leadership coach, and consultant who teaches change leadership principles to increase adoption, retain talent, and build high-performing teams using the proprietary V.I.C.T.O.R. framework Yvette, AKA Changologist, is a board-certified change management professional (A.C.M.P.). She has 40+ years of sharing her vibrant, resilience, compassion, and influence in teaching how to "Dealing With Resistance To Accept And Invest In Change" during keynote speeches and live and virtual working sessions.

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