influencing diplomatically

Influencing Diplomatically

October 04, 20234 min read

Diplomacy is the art of dealing with people sensitively and effectively.

We best learn by example. There are far too many scenarios where we must lead with diplomacy when engaging with leadership to influence where we cannot direct or establish a position. When the person interacting with you is dogmatic, condescending, inattentive, or self-serving, diplomacy just maybe what the doctor ordered. 

Hello, and welcome to InteSoul Leadership with Yvette C. Owens, where we explore the actions that influence organizations' culture. I am your host Yvette C. Owens. I am the author of Conquering Corporate Enemies: Mind. Personalities. Situations. This book reflects my corporate experiences through challenging situations in corporate settings. Corporate is an environment where people come together to complete a set of objectives, from fortune five hundred companies to church organizations to college campuses, to name a few. I expose situations, personalities, and mindsets that many endure and how to overcome what feels impossible. I am referred to as the Business Ambassador, coaching people who are not satisfied with where they are and want a clear plan of action personally or for their business. 

Why reference a doctor in the introduction, you may ask. Individuals negatively interact with others when there are underpinning concerns or issues, regardless if they are related to the immediate situation or not. I recently had someone on one of my teams approach me and explain how I made her feel with my tone and words at times. She admitted that she can be overly sensitive and that she was working on getting better. Her tendency to be excessively sensitive did not negate my lack of awareness of or should I honestly say my inconsideration towards her. As leaders, we are to position ourselves to develop our teams with diplomacy carefully. Deadlines are tight, demands are great, and competition is fierce; however, none of that warrants our cookie-cutter approach in building and maintaining productive teams. Perhaps you are doing your best to meet the challenges members of your team face. In either case, we can be more open to their transparency while providing a diplomatic response. Diplomacy is not absent of honesty. It only feels that way when inside, you want to blast or lash out under the pressure you are experiencing from other places. Diplomacy is an honest and tempered response despite how you feel emotionally. The more you practice, the more internal peace you will realize, even in the throes of a tense confrontation.

On the other hand, if you are the recipient of your leader's insensitive behavior, there are steps you can take to influence a positive outcome. Keep in mind that you do not own the decision; your leader does. Your power position is to provide information, so they will hear you allowing them to make an informed decision. In the past, I fell into the trap of trying to convince the point of agreement. Pushing too hard will backfire. Talking too much will not yield your desired results. It could cause the listener to do just the opposite. Present the facts, not emotions, and then let it go. Stop, think, and craft your response or argument. We prepare and plan for the conversation. You gain the ear and attention of those in leadership when they respect you because you produce, are reliable, or come with more solutions than problems. Speak the language of a diplomat. "May I offer a suggestion?" "It would be helpful if…" "Has consideration been given to the possibility of …?" No pointing figures or leading with accusations, only creating an environment seeking solutions.

Very shortly, I will release my newest program. "Lead with Diplomacy." If you would like to influence more decisions outside of your control and have gained the power players' ear in your space, this course is for you and be located on my website under the Courses tab. You will find instruction there on how to receive access to this affordable interactive online course.

I invite you to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel at DestinySpeak. You will find more videos on what impacts the culture of organizations. On November 5th, my special guest is Aisha Young of The Conqueror's Journey. Our topic is, "My past followed me to work." Both leaders, staff, teams, and employees have life experiences that are difficult to shake, and they show up in the workplace. 

We are going to talk about what this looks like and what to do about it. 

You are also welcome to my Facebook Community at IntelSoul Leadership and/or visit my website at You will find courses, blogs, and other resources on there. 

If you are not satisfied or frustrated with where you are and ready to move forward with a reliable, actionable plan, let us connect and manage the change you want to experience. You can schedule a power chat with me

Finally, my book, Conquering Corporate Enemies: Mind. Personalities. Situations and its companion workbook are available at my Online Shop. It is a great, practical reality study tool for leaders, individuals pursuing career growth, professors, and students. 

Until next time remember that it takes each of us to create a culture that promotes the most exceptional creativity and growth.

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Yvette C. Owens

Yvette C Owens is a world-renowned speaker, international best-selling author, leadership coach, and consultant who teaches change leadership principles to increase adoption, retain talent, and build high-performing teams using the proprietary V.I.C.T.O.R. framework Yvette, AKA Changologist, is a board-certified change management professional (A.C.M.P.). She has 40+ years of sharing her vibrant, resilience, compassion, and influence in teaching how to "Dealing With Resistance To Accept And Invest In Change" during keynote speeches and live and virtual working sessions.

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