A cluttered space overflowing with clothes and miscellaneous items piled on the floor and furniture.

10 Signs You Might Be a Hoarder (and How to Get Help)

July 11, 20244 min read

“A clean home is a happy home. Help your loved one reclaim their space and rediscover joy.”

Is your loved one's home filled with clutter? Are they struggling to keep up with everyday chores? These might be signs that they need some extra support—and not just with cleaning.

Clutter and disorganization can be symptoms of a deeper issue called hoarding disorder. While it's important to understand that this is a mental health condition requiring professional help, a good house cleaning can be a crucial first step in creating a safer and healthier living environment.

8 Reasons

How to Tell if It's More Than Just a Mess

Here are ten signs that your loved one might be struggling with hoarding and could benefit from a professional cleaning service:

1. Mountains of Stuff

Their home is overflowing with items, making it hard to move around or even find a place to sit.

2. Can't Bear to Part

They have trouble letting go of anything, even if it's broken, outdated, or worthless.

3. Sentimental About Everything

They attach strong emotions to every object, making it nearly impossible to discard anything.

4. Stuck in Decision Mode

They can't decide what to keep and what to toss, leading to piles of unsorted belongings.

5. Chaos Reigns

Their home is disorganized, with items scattered everywhere and no transparent system for keeping things in order.

6. Daily Life is Difficult

Clutter interferes with cooking, cleaning, sleeping, and other essential activities.

7. Embarrassment and Isolation

They may feel ashamed of their home and avoid social interactions.

8. Financial Strain

They might overspend on acquiring new items or struggle with bills due to missed payments or late fees.

9. Health and Safety Hazards

Clutter can create tripping hazards, block exits, and attract pests, posing risks to health and safety.

10. In Denial

They may not recognize the severity of the problem or refuse help, even when offered with love and concern.

If you notice several of these signs, it's crucial to encourage your loved one to seek professional help. While cleaning services can significantly improve living conditions, addressing the underlying mental health issue is essential for long-term recovery.

Seeking Help for Hoarding Disorder

  • Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective in helping individuals understand and manage their hoarding behaviors. Therapists can teach coping mechanisms for anxiety and decision-making difficulties and help individuals develop strategies for decluttering and organizing.

  • Support Groups: Support groups offer a safe and understanding environment where individuals with hoarding disorder can share their experiences, challenges, and successes. They can provide valuable emotional support and practical advice.

  • Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage co-occurring conditions like anxiety or depression, which can make it easier to address the hoarding behavior.

Remember, recovery from hoarding disorder is possible. With the right support and treatment, individuals can overcome their hoarding behaviors, improve their quality of life, and regain control of their homes and lives.

How a Cleaning Service Can Help

Professional cleaning services can play a vital role in the recovery process. Here's how:

  • Safe and Respectful Decluttering: Trained cleaners can help sort through belongings, identifying items that can be donated, discarded, or kept while being sensitive to the emotional attachments involved.

  • Deep Cleaning and Sanitation: They can thoroughly clean and sanitize the home, removing dust, dirt, and potential allergens that may have accumulated in the clutter.

  • Organization and Order: Cleaning professionals can create systems for organizing belongings, making it easier to maintain a tidy home after the initial cleanup.

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: A clean and organized home can significantly reduce stress and anxiety for the hoarder and their loved ones.

  • A Fresh Start: A thorough cleaning can provide a fresh start and a sense of hope for a more manageable and enjoyable living space.

Finding the Right Cleaning Service

When choosing a cleaning service for a loved one with hoarding tendencies, look for one that specializes in hoarding cleanup. The service should have experience working with hoarders, be patient and understanding, and prioritize the client's well-being.

Helpful Resources:

International OCD Foundation (IOCDF): Provides information and resources on hoarding disorder.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA): Offers information and resources on anxiety disorders, including hoarding disorder.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Provides support and resources for individuals and families affected by mental illness, including hoarding disorder.

Keywords: hoarding cleaning, hoarder cleaning service, clutter cleaning service, house cleaning for hoarders, apartment cleaning for hoarders, deep cleaning service, cleaning service near me, professional cleaning service.

By offering compassionate support and connecting your loved one with professional cleaning services and mental health resources, you can help them take the first step towards a healthier and happier life. Remember, a clean home is just the beginning – it's about creating a safe and supportive environment where your loved one can thrive.

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