Rudolf Steiner

Steiner & Theosophy

October 14, 20244 min read

Following references on the internet to Rudolf Steiner and a related menace to our health -

In moments of insecurity, such as we are experiencing intensely in 2021, the average human turns to a source of perceived comfort – any source, no matter the fragility and transience, in order to find some illusory orientation. Generally, those fountainheads are to be found amongst our role models, our heroes and heroines, despite the fact that they are no different from ourselves, mere mortals of flesh and blood with a clouded understanding as to what life is all about, let alone how to resolve the pressing issues that plague us.

Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying I know any more than the next person, and probably even less because my spiritual convictions tend to be far removed from the consensus physical ‘reality’.

The more remote the epoch, the more obscure the meaning of the words of our paragons, and the more readily we strive to associate their utterances with our current vicissitudes. Desperation knows no bounds when we need to find relief to our distress, admitted or not!

At the risk of ruffling some feathers, even shaking a sacred tree or two, it seems opportune to follow the lead of René Guénon, and call a spade what it is. When Guénon took the theosophists to task in 1921 (Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion, Sophia Perennis), he raised a certain number of ghosts, for the most part unobserved.

The elephant in the room for me became apparent on page 200, and I quote:

“Regarding the work of Steiner from which we took the preceding citation, it is worthwhile pointing out something rather curious. This book, called La Science Occulte (Die Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss), was published in Leipzig in 1910, now, the previous year there appeared in Seattle (Washington) another work entitled The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, by Max Heindel, which put forward theories that on the whole were entirely the same. At first glance it might be thought that Steiner, who gives no explanation of the identity of his affirmations with those of Heindel, borrowed them from him; but on the other hand, as Heindel dedicated his book to Steiner, one may suppose that he drew his teachings from Steiner before these teachings were made public, unless both did not simply draw from a common source. In any case, the most appreciable difference between the two (aside from questions of form) is that Heindel does not hesitate to clearly attribute his teachings to the Rosicrucian tradition, while Steiner is most often content to speak of ‘occult science’ in an extremely vague and general manner, which is perhaps more prudent. In fact, it is not too difficult to see that the greater part of Heindel’s teachings as well as Steiner’s, are drawn directly from The Secret Doctrine (Blavatsky’s main text expounding theosophy) with a few modifications that touch only details, but carefully avoiding terms of an oriental appearance. Thus these conceptions have little connection with authentic Rosicrucianism, and even what is presented as ‘Rosicrucian terminology’ is almost always expressions invented by Mme Blavatsky. From another point of view also there is in Steiner’s reserve the proof of a certain cleverness, for it has always been said that true Rosicrucians never proclaim themselves but on the contrary keep this hidden. This is doubtless one of the reasons why Steiner avoids saying expressly in his publications that he belongs to Rosicrucianism, which does not prevent him from letting this be guessed….”

You might agree that a most efficient way to control humanity and have them toe the line is via confusion and mystery, requiring an enlightened intermediary to interpret the bits we do not take the time to figure out. Steiner was probably not a cat’s paw for anyone – I don’t know – but he definitely wanted to achieve fame, and control the thinking of his followers. He did that well, are you going to follow suit and pay heed to some ‘occult’ menace, which is nothing more than sensational clap-trap, in keeping with theosophy and the like?

There is no doubt that 'medicine' is severely compromised, which is why all thinking people long since took to the hills of the truth. I can't quite convince myself that homo pharmacopia has the ability to see beyond the next billion on the P&L account. Even if he does, and this whole show is planned and programmed as many would believe, the outcome is equally distasteful, and we could do worse than to harden ourselves to those eventualities, each to his own!



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