What is the FDV

What is the FDV?

October 02, 202415 min read

The FDV (Freeland Double Vortex)

The FDV is a fresh solution to the invisible effects of radiation. Everything we know, as in see, hear, feel, touch and smell, is a question of frequency. Like light, the signal that lets you talk on a mobile phone is a frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.
When we analyse something, subjecting it to a scrutiny beyond its normal environment, we remove it from its context and separate it from what we are trying to understand, modern physics proves this. More than ever, in today’s world:

▶️  Research needs financing

▶️  Financers need a return on investment

▶️  Investors will opt for the easiest return in the shortest possible term

▶️  Any product outside the current paradigm is consequently, naturally discarded.

The domain of energy and its endless manifestations in Nature no longer interest the supremacist human. We have conquered the world! What more do we need now that we have transport, communications, nutrition and pharmaceuticals?

Having said that, I have been pressured for “scientific” explanation and it struck me that the most suitable way – for me – would be to tell the story of its development.

In the beginning… Interest was piqued some years ago when I started using a mobile phone EMF “neutralizer” acquired via a Polish colleague.

The device, when attached to the mobile phone, relieved the “hot ear” and headache which a friend suffered from when using the phone for more than twenty minutes, that was sufficient to hold my focus, but there was clearly some experimenting and investigating to do in order to understand the whys and wherefores because no one could tell me how this was possible.

The Polish manufacturer spoke enough English to tell me that fundamentally he did not know but was using a technique his father had mysteriously discovered using two different metals.

My experience as a French-English translator for twenty-five years specialising in state-of-the-art technologies including telecommunications working as a freelance had prepared and educated me in a wide range of disciplines relating to physical phenomena.

It is accepted scientific knowledge that when a flux of electromagnetic radiation passes through a substance it will either be absorbed or transmitted, resulting in a transition in the electron energy levels of the molecule, as a result potentially altering its configuration and the surroundings, although the latter is generally only considered when something unusual happens.

The absorption or transmission primarily depends on the radiation frequency and the structure of the molecules encountered, I would add that structure alone presents a vast scope of possibilities in itself.

My first question was how can a combination of metals, of which the device in question is made of, accomplish that?

Obviously in theory a molecule has to have an oscillating electric field to interact with the radiation and those oscillations must be at the same rate, this is known as frequency matching. By generating an oscillating electric field or a change in the dipole moment the radiation of that frequency can be absorbed, because the dipole moment oscillates at the frequency of the vibration, or so science would have it.

If the combination of metals was causing the frequency matching and so somehow causing absorption or transmission – no tests have ever been run to investigate the exact effect - so it could be either, it was a natural step to consider the effect over time on the composition of the metals.

This question of effect over time is clearly manifest in the phenomenon of cavitation, a frequent problem arising in steam generators in nuclear power plants and on ship’s propellers – when you alter the configuration of something there is a good chance that at some stage the original material integrity will be compromised, impacting the purpose which is no longer achieved or modified to the extent that problems arise.

Having tested a large number of the “phone” devices available on the market and examined the technology behind them, my understanding of the claim to “neutralize” was challenged. Perhaps it is a question of terminology and as always, the words and symbols we use can lead to confusion. The upshot was “I don’t know!”, there are no references, few parameters, with an increasingly changing environment gradually being filled with more and more electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from a variety of sources making the task complex.

One thing was clear in my mind, however, all the operational substances being employed in the host of devices on the “neutralizer” market, whether crystals, metals or rare earths, would at some stage be subject to the time factor and the potential subsequent inability to provide frequency matching, which I believe is the key to all these solutions functioning. A few manufacturers of devices on the market warn of this phenomenon, calling it “saturation” and even offer to recharge the device if and when it happens.

But how does one know when it has happened?

There is no warning that the device has stopped working and has perhaps become useless, even dangerous as it might have an adverse frequency-concentration or some such effect. That fact struck me as being vital if a lasting solution, if such is possible, was to be found.

Form vs Material

There then followed a laborious and slow process of trial and error which led me to investigating form rather than any other expedient. This was new territory because although dealing with well-defined technologies that had been developed since the 1930s and the time of radar’s application during the second world war, there had been very little research made on the human interaction with EMR, or it was not being published as the dangers are definitely not to the honour of the now-burgeoning mobile phone industry.

As can be imagined when working with form or shape there were quite a few false leads concerning dimensions, potential materials and assembly methods.

Initially I was using silk thread because of its remarkable physical qualities before I found that printed form works as well. There was also some intense discomfort in the actual manufacturing of the earlier models of the prototypes I made because the energetic build-up caused dizziness and severe headache as soon as there was more than one device at a time on my desk.

It rapidly and concurrently became apparent that the appropriate solution lay in the individual approach, in other words, there is a need to work on the human metabolism rather than trying to alter any frequency effects in the environment, let alone the phone itself, which I doubt is possible without serious equipment.

Following in the steps of numerous other observers of nature and pioneers in diverse arts and sciences, as I had been doing for some years, the eternal fact slowly dawned on me that shape and form in Nature are the fundamental archetypes of creation, describing the self-organizing forces that govern and define our visible world, at least as we perceive it with our senses.

Every pattern has the ability to generate or reproduce certain proportional systems, to which we contemporary humans then give a mathematical interpretation with a name that, of course, potentially restricts the movement and limits our perception to the part defined. We miss an essential point because all the while our interpretation is a static observation – because it must be repeatable for approval – but between times the environment has moved on and us with it.

Convinced of the reality that shape indicates how energy is compressed and organized, there must be a relation among the factors that create form. Energies are/can be controlled, specified and modified due to the effects of movement along a given path taken by the energy itself. One only has to stand in the vicinity of a sky-scraper to realize that the wind current follows an invisible pattern determined, in part, by the straight lines presented by the walls and axes of possible flow.

Our reasoning ability, our knowledge base, our understanding of life are very personal. Generally they are very confused thanks to educational systems, hearsay and scientific discoveries which serve to stand the last discovery on its head.

Our understanding of life is naturally a question of belief and nothing more.

Does one give credit to science and the accepted paradigm?

Does one believe what your teachers and parents have told you?

Do you try and find out for yourself?

There will be a grain of truth in all, so one cannot say this is the right method and the other is wrong. We do that and get into trouble, we intuit that is not the best way of going about it and tolerance dawns.

So, by constant and tireless questioning of every single “fact” we risk getting a little closer to the truth, as it exists, which will still elude us if we insist on looking from the anthropomorphic standpoint instead of from an all-embracing consciousness which may gracefully, but not systematically, allow us an insight into what is happening. On this assumption and in the awareness that such insights will be subject to our very limited human intellect, I pressed ahead.

At a certain stage in this process of applied research and thanks to the research of obscure but remarkable experimenters such as Viktor Schauberger, Leon Eeman, Alfred Tomatis, Theodor Schwenk et al, I found that the vortex form has unique properties including a capacity when the movement of energy is directed through it, to generate an oscillating electric field or make a change in the dipole moment.

Some Physics and Biology

Vibrational modes and quantum transition are fascinating subjects but risk taking us off on a tangent, so suffice it to say that the human body being made up of a lot of water and a fair amount of protein, there is enough research material for generations but that cannot help us now.

There is a need to help ourselves because Nature is working overtime to keep it all together, or so it seems!

It was Helmholtz, a 19th century physician, who said that in a frictionless liquid, a vortex will not disappear, it will last.

The aether or the empty space which surrounds and permeates us is frictionless, not moving but allowing movement, a “fluid” with both a positive and negative electric charge. Such aether also enables a wave or particles of light to pass through it.

Some of the leads that I followed:

a)     Light has a centripetal (towards the centre) or positive electric charge but no centrifugal (away from the centre) or negative charge.

b)     Matter has a centrifugal or negative electric charge but no centripetal or positive charge.

c)     Inertia or absence of movement resists change, perhaps because it has reached a point of energetic stability, nevertheless its origin is in spin.

The vortex spins in a spiral but has no measurable axis of spin, which is normal, all of nature – including us humans - involves these vortices so we cannot create an instrument which would allow us to find an axis – in relation to what, so simply use the spiral and create spin!

Practice shows that the clockwise spiral is stronger energetically than the anti-clockwise movement. It is perhaps irrelevant whether it is centrifugal or centripetal, how can one determine one’s position, by what criteria? A clue to the answer lies in the function of light or electromagnetic frequency, especially when it encounters matter.

A centripetal vortex reduces friction because it contracts the radius of the passage of movement, resulting in acceleration, contraction, convergence, integration and quiet, compared with a centrifugal vortex which increases friction because it expands the radius of the passage of movement, resulting in deceleration, destruction, dissipation, divergence, disintegration and noise.

The use of a device which presents a double vortex form can reasonably be assumed to modify the movement of energy caused by the impact of electromagnetic frequencies, in view of early experimentation of scattering using vortical forms.

The effect on humans is demonstrated by the results of blood tests on people using the double vortex pattern which showed improved red blood cell separation and significant results in other testing protocols.

Extensive research into absorption and scattering in aero- and hydrodynamics as conducted throughout the world in the last sixty years to determine the interaction between types of waves and the surroundings led me to further refinement in the spiral shape that was originally indicated as being the right one.

I was initially using a small elephant tusk that a friend had given me to wind a specific length of silk thread into a precise pattern – well quite precise, before reversing the winding direction for the remaining half length and making a mirror spiral of opposing directions!

A copper cone of greater geometric precision then replaced the tusk. We know that geometric form in the shape of a vortex is instrumental in producing thrust by scattering waves as has been demonstrated repeatedly, especially in the development of the jet engine and subsequent integration into machines and devices using the venturi model, so there had to be something to explore there.

The capacity of EMR to penetrate a material and its intensity once beneath the surface was obviously a key factor but most scientific research has been conducted on metals and animal rather than human tissue and the emphasis is on the decay of electromagnetic waves inside the material.

Although radiation may be partially reflected from the surface, there is still an energy field that is transmitted once inside the surface. The depth of penetration in the human body depends on a variety of factors, including the force of the electromagnetic field, the frequency or frequencies, the resistance of skin and bone, the condition of the individual metabolism and its magnetic resistance (negative and positive ions in the blood), among numerous other factors.

The Evidence

As with the phenomenon of scattering, there is significant disagreement amongst the various theories as to what these fields do to the human metabolism and no conclusions are or can be drawn and that is probably explainable given the difficulty to identify precisely all the external influences at play and the practical impossibility to isolate their complex interaction.

We are in an age where older scientific theories are debunked by theories of probability! There is a lack of evidence to the possibility that form (in this case the double vortex) can modify the effects of electromagnetic frequency on a human, however, there is sixty years of research to support the idea that the vortex modifies energetic travel, so perhaps its impact.

Generally, there are inverse laws at work and this could well be a case in question! No claims to physiological, neurological effect are made with my FDV device, apart from the proven fact that blood analysis tests have demonstrated an improvement in red blood cell separation, probably caused by the vortex effect, and the absence of hot ear and headache.

This leaves a vast arena of unexplored territory, spread with the usual mines of derision, pseudo-science and the fine web of disinformation and deceit that has plagued the scene since the discovery of radar but has become a well and fiercely defended position on the part of the industry.

In the world of today where electricity, communications and turbulence are intensely prevalent except in the remotest of terrains, I would venture that it is impossible to determine the origins and intensities of the multitude of frequencies, vibrations and disruption we humans are subject to. When combined, as they are, with the constantly streaming cosmic influences, the overall impact is so great that it appears very difficult even in a secluded laboratory, protected by the most sophisticated shielding, to recognize individual electromagnetic, electric and magnetic fields.

This means that in all probability frequency recognition is random and measurement cannot be repeated. Identification with regard to source is constantly altered by surrounding influences and, therefore, cannot be coherently plotted. This is made exponentially more complicated due to the complexity of those waves, with electromagnetic wavelengths ranging as they do from around 0.01 nanometres at one end of the recognized spectrum to in excess of 100,000 kilometres at the other end.

Our planet has apparently been in its current frequency form for several million years. At some or several stage(s), thanks in part (and a large one at that) to those frequencies, life (in the singular) was able to develop into multiple forms. That environment allows nature to continue as we know it today.

While the World Health Organisation released a report in 2011 stating that there is a relation between brain tumour and using a phone for half an hour a day, the industry says it needs more time to find out if mobile phones are harmful to human health, there is no mention of the planet and the problems we are causing the environment. There would be little point debating that but so long as in vivo tests are not conducted on a much broader context than to-date or the results published, there can be little progress.

There have recently been several calls from the industry to end further investigation into the effects of EMR, so it is highly unlikely that further research will be forthcoming because it is the industry that has been financing EMR investigation for many years. Modern physics describes the mechanics of our world, not the formative forces at work nor their interaction with humans so what precedes is at the limits of science because the study of shape and form have been neglected in favour of the mechanical aspects as applied to centrifugal purposes.

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