I agree that my answers are true to the best of my knowledge. By providing my phone number & email, I agree to receive text messages and other communications from HandiMaids.
I understand that HandiMaids Careers may investigate my work and personal history and verify the information provided in this application, on related documents or information obtained through other sources and I hereby authorize such investigation.
I authorize all individuals, schools, firms and business named in this application or in other documents or interviews, except my current employer if I have so designated in this application, to provide complete and accurate information regarding my relationship with them to HandiMaids Careers. I further release those individuals, schools, firms and business and HandiMaids Careers from any and all liability for damage for providing or requesting such information.
I certify that all of the information provided in the entire application process including any information provided in addition to this application including, but not limited to, information provided in resumes or interviews is true and correct.
I understand that if there is any falsification or omission, this may lead to HandiMaids Careers’s refusal to hire me or a determination, at any time, that my employment should be terminated. HandiMaids Careers is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and considers all applicants without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, veteran’s status, the presence of a mental, physical or sensory disability, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status.
Employment shall be based solely on the needs of HandiMaids Careers and the qualifications of the individuals making application including their ability to fulfill the specific job requirements.
Office: Lorem Ipsum
Call xxx-xxx-xxxx
Site: www.yourcompany.com