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Attracting More Clients

Attracting More Clients

May 02, 20243 min read


Attracting More Clients

Attracting More Clients

How do you sell yourself to clients? What do you do well that’s unique from other businesses in the market? In order to explain this to prospective clients, you need to clearly understand your unique strengths. Our strengths aren’t always apparent to us, so you have to do some strategic thinking.

Examine Your Experience

Go over your experience working in this area. Where have you spent the greatest time working? Whatever you’ve done most is probably something you’re good at. You’ve accumulated knowledge and expertise through doing it.

Look at Your Biggest Successes

Go back over your history and look for your biggest successes. Find the times when you really achieved something fantastic. For each, what was behind the big success that made it happen? Sometimes the timing was good, you were lucky, or it was something external to your business, but look for instances where something you did bring about the success.

Consider Soft Skills

Don’t just look at topic areas you know about or hard skills you’re good at. Look also at soft skills like communication, problem-solving, reliability, or other facets of your personality that affect the way you work. One of your natural strengths might be that you always deliver work on time and you’re always easy to reach.

Your Reputation

What do people say about you? When people have praised you before, what did they say was great about your services? Try to find comments where a customer or client expressed their satisfaction with the work you did and see what they said they were happy with specifically. Gather as many as possible and look for patterns. If you can’t find many, reach out to current clients with a survey asking for their feedback.

Focus on the Positive

Focus on the positive aspects of the work you do, not the negative. For example, “I don’t turn work in late,” isn’t an excellent natural strength. You can frame it positively by saying, “I always turn work in on time.” Don’t make a list of things you don’t do.

Sample Other Services

If you have the resources, use other services that are similar to yours and see what’s different about them. You might discover some natural strengths through this. For example, you might find another e-commerce store’s ordering process to be clunky and awkward, leading you to realize that yours is smooth and simple.

Make a list of as many natural strengths as you can. You may know some off the top of your head, but try to use actual feedback from the market or clients whenever possible. Use what you discover in your marketing materials. After all, these qualities are the reason people choose you over another similar business.

Get into the regular habit of collecting feedback from customers and clients so that you can maintain an understanding of your natural strengths in case they change in the future.

Do you want to learn more about client acquisition? Click my calendar link to learn how we can help you with the A to Zs of getting and keeping the right clients for your business and helps you achieve your business goals.


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