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How to Keep Your Customers Happy?

How to Keep Your Customers Happy?

April 24, 20242 min read


How to Keep Your

Customers Happy? 

How to Keep Your Customers Happy?

You want to please all of your customers, but the problem is they are all different and unique. Pleasing all of them is impossible. Rather select a small segment and try to please them and automatically the number of happy customers grows.

I know of quite a few experienced businesswomen who usually take feedback from their customers. This is an excellent method of knowing the needs of the customer but the feedback must be used with discretion. 

However, some businesswomen may make the mistake of taking each suggestion very seriously and thus constantly changing their product line and business practices. But this constant change may make the businesses unstable and cause frustration, extra cost, and extra work.

Customer feedback is important but their interpretation is critical. You can’t please everyone rather try to please those you can. Find out the customer’s need and then streamline the products and services.

Be intelligent in business. Get focused on what needs to be done and the profits will grow. Choose quality over quantity. Try to please the ones you can. Trying to please everyone will end up pleasing no one. Create a better strong business by combining your strength and the majority of customer needs.

Let’s take here an example of a businesswoman who owned a jewelry store. She has expertise in diamonds and 60% of her clientele come for that. She also keeps other gold and silver jewelry. She should have been more focused on diamonds and not diluted her market with other things, and grown bigger. 

She could have done surveys that are diamond-oriented and could have become the biggest diamond retailer in the neighborhood, by just adjusting her focus.

Always try to focus on your strengths rather than weaknesses. You’ll prosper as a brand and bigger service provider.

Do your best to please people and leave the ones you can’t. You’ll have more happy customers and a strong and stable business.

Here are some tips:

  • You can’t please everyone, so only try to please those you can.

  • Find out your customer requirements.

  • Eliminate ideas that are not focused on customer’s desires.

  • Build on the areas that cater to customer needs.

Here are some important points you should keep in mind while customer handling:

  • Everyone is different and unique.

  • Customer feed back is essential but your interpretation of that is critical.

  • Pleasing everyone is not possible so try to please the one’s you can and you’ll end up with more happy customers.

You must combine your strength and desire of the majority of customers to create a better and strong business.

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