Empower Your Event with Visionary Leadership and Inspiring Insights

Tracie Collins, a trailblazing Black female CEO, Entrepreneur, and thought leader, inspires audiences to turn their dreams into reality. With her powerful message of resilience and growth, Tracie is the ideal choice for your next mastermind, podcast, corporate event, or gathering.

Tracie Collins

Are you ready to captivate your audience with a speaker who embodies resilience, innovation, and empowerment in your next event? Tracie Collins delivers exactly that. As a dynamic Black female CEO and thought leader, she offers powerful insights that inspire change and motivate action. Her message resonates with diverse audiences, encouraging them to embrace their potential and take bold steps toward SUCCESS. Whether it's a mastermind, podcast, or corporate event, Tracieā€™s presence will leave your audience inspired and ready to embark on their own journey of GROWTH.

Meet Tracie Collins

Tracie Collins

As a visionary Black female CEO, Entrepreneur, Author, and thought leader, I am fervently committed to sharing my wealth of experiences and knowledge with diverse audiences. My passion lies in inspiring individuals to move beyond mere aspirations, urging them to take tangible steps toward entrepreneurship by either Scaling Up in business and life or fearlessly Scaling Out through strategic pivots, thereby rewriting their personal narratives.

My focus extends to empowering minority women to embrace their inherent potential and seize control as the CEOs of their own lives, even amidst formidable challenges. I encourage the rejection of societal norms, advocating for the incorporation of softness and pleasure into all aspects of life, demonstrating how to infuse ease into daily practices without significant costs. I firmly believe that self-care is a revolutionary actā€”a form of self-preservation that can disrupt conventional expectations.

A central theme in my discussions is the art of cultivating peace in one's life by achieving a harmonious balance that prioritizes personal well-being. I underscore the significance of maintaining overall wellness, encompassing mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Through practical insights and strategies, I assist individuals in navigating the complexities of modern life while fostering inner harmony.

Tracie Collins

Ultimately, my objective is to empower every woman to construct the life she desires and deserves. I am steadfast in my belief that by transforming one soul at a time and stepping into greatness, we can collectively shape a better future.

If you seek an engaging and inspiring speaker capable of captivating your audience with tales of resilience, entrepreneurship, and personal growth, I would be honored to contribute to your event. Together, let's inspire change and empower individuals to embark on their extraordinary life journeys.

My Key Talks


The Power of the


In lifeā€™s toughest moments, the ability to pivot becomes essential. Women have an innate resilience that empowers them to not just survive adversity, but to thrive. "The Power of the PIVOT" encourages women to view change as an opportunity for growth and transformation. This talk will inspire you to harness this power, navigate challenges, and emerge stronger and more aligned with your true purpose.




Women have long been taught to view pleasure as a luxury, not a necessity. But embracing pleasure is vital for well-being and attracting abundance. This talk explores the power of living a pleasure-centered life, showing how joy, fulfillment, and self-care can lead to greater success in career, relationships, and personal growth. Itā€™s time for women to reclaim pleasure as a path to a life of prosperity.


Black Women vs. the Western Healthcare System

The Western healthcare system has long been a source of struggle for Black women and women of color, where disparities, biases, and systemic racism have caused severe harm. "Black Women vs. the Western Healthcare System" critically examines the deep-rooted issues that fuel medical violence against these communities. This talk will uncover the historical and ongoing forces behind these injustices and provide actionable steps to advocate for ourselves and future generations.

My Pillars as a Woman

in Leadership


Business Strategist

  • Strategic Vision: Crafting long-term strategies that align business goals with market opportunities.

  • Growth Optimization: Scaling businesses through innovative approaches to revenue generation and operational efficiency.

  • Brand Development: Building and refining brands that resonate with target audiences and stand out in competitive markets.

  • Leadership Coaching: Empowering executives and teams to achieve peak performance and drive organizational success.

  • Strategic Vision: Crafting long-term strategies that align business goals with market opportunities.

  • Growth Optimization: Scaling businesses through innovative approaches to revenue generation and operational efficiency.

  • Brand Development: Building and refining brands that resonate with target audiences and stand out in competitive markets.

  • Leadership Coaching: Empowering executives and teams to achieve peak performance and drive organizational success.



  • Executive Leadership: Steering companies toward sustained profitability and growth with a clear, decisive leadership style.

  • Operational Excellence: Ensuring business operations are efficient, effective, and aligned with the overall strategic vision.

  • Innovation & Adaptability: Leading the charge in embracing change and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Building and maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders to drive company-wide alignment and success.


Woman in Leadership

  • Empowerment: Advocating for the advancement of women in leadership roles and breaking through barriers in male-dominated industries.

  • Mentorship & Support: Guiding the next generation of women leaders through mentorship and support, fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual success.

  • Work-Life Balance: Championing policies and practices that promote a healthy work-life balance for women, enabling them to excel in all areas of life.

  • Resilience & Adaptability: Leading with strength and grace, particularly in the face of adversity, and inspiring others to do the same.



  • Future-Forward Thinking: Anticipating trends and positioning businesses and individuals to thrive in evolving markets.

  • Transformative Leadership: Driving change and innovation with a clear vision for the future, setting the stage for long-term success.

  • Cultural Impact: Shaping societal and industry norms through thought leadership and groundbreaking initiatives.

  • Purpose-Driven Action: Aligning business and personal endeavors with a higher purpose, creating meaningful impact in the world.

  • Future-Forward Thinking: Anticipating trends and positioning businesses and individuals to thrive in evolving markets.

  • Transformative Leadership: Driving change and innovation with a clear vision for the future, setting the stage for long-term success.

  • Cultural Impact: Shaping societal and industry norms through thought leadership and groundbreaking initiatives.

  • Purpose-Driven Action: Aligning business and personal endeavors with a higher purpose, creating meaningful impact in the world.


Women's Health Expert

  • Holistic Wellness: Advocating for comprehensive approaches to women's health that encompass physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • Education & Awareness: Raising awareness about critical women's health issues and providing education to empower women to take control of their health.

  • Health Equity: Fighting for equal access to quality healthcare for all women, particularly those from marginalized communities.

  • Wellness Programs: Developing and implementing wellness programs that address the unique needs of women at various life stages.



  • Thought Leadership: Writing on topics that inspire, inform, and challenge readers to think critically about their lives and the world around them.

  • Storytelling: Crafting narratives that resonate deeply with readers, blending personal experiences with broader insights.

  • Advocacy Through Writing: Using the power of the written word to advocate for social change, particularly in the realms of women's rights and health.

  • Personal Growth & Development: Offering readers practical advice and inspiration to achieve personal growth, wellness, and professional success.

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