Ground Floor,Online Business Opportunity that is NOT taught ANYWHERE Else!

Discover how Motivated Women in the Wellness Industry are Disrupting the Market By Entering the Multi-Billion Dollar Online World Without a Tech Background!

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What is the Best, Unsaturated, Side Hustle (w/o the Hustle) in 2024 for a health consultants, medical professionals, or nutritionist who love their profession, but don't have time to see more patients?

Building Your OWN:

Functional Med Passive Systems!

These are vetted, on-demand, information systems (about Functional Medicine) that are built around market demand and placed on passive traffic systems that once you built, you can sell over and over again- changes hundreds of lives at once!

Why? Because...

Your Title Here

Just think for a moment HOW MANY people are unhappy with the current health and conventional med. Many have already turned to coaching and consulting, which are multi-BILLION dollar industries. And YOU are more qualified than 97% of people who do it & are making 6, 7, and even 8 figures a year! The other 3% are people just like you with often LESS knowledge & experience; they just went for it already!

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It is Very Rewarding!!

We have sever different ways you can set these up to fit your life needs (as little or as much client interaction as you would like). But either way, once some one thanks you for transforming their health and life with. the information you give them, you will be set on fire to keep going!! Functional Medicine is changing lives and this is a great way to help people get started on their wellness journey.

Plus, it naturally ascends them up into becoming high-end clients for when they are ready for testing and to really sky rocket their health results!

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Very High Margins (Up to $12K/product even starting out)

I remember when I thought selling something for $12K was a lot of money, so I know you may not believe that statement right out. But, give me some time and I will teach you how to find the people who will invest that into their health and how to package and deliver these ecosystems so that your customers know you actually overdelivered for that price!

But, still if you can't fathom that, just think about how much easier it would be to make $997-$2,500 by selling information passively, verses hourly wage.

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It's Automated & Leverages AI

We use hyper-focused web-designs (not websites) to direct traffic on low competition platforms. These have the power for automation (i.e. sending a product to someone while you are sleeping).

This is a number game, the more you work the system the better it gets until it becomes like magic...

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It becomes passive within a year of consistency

I will not lie to you. This takes consistency & practice. But, the great thing is that every time you build on to your ecosystem, it gets stronger and attracts more clients. That is because we use a system that makes your online-platforms stronger. Your channel gets more traffic with every piece of content added because of our optimizing systems, the channel learns better who to send people to your page. Depending on your unique strategy, we might use YouTube, Podcasts, Websites, Funnels, or mega-audiences to feed these systems.

As opposed to clocking in at a job, your efforts don't compound. You work for 40 hours last week and You have to go back for 40 hours to make the same check next week.

I understand you may feel that making 6 and 7 figures passively is impossible, but the truth is that many make a million a month. Just think for a moment how many sales could come from ONE piece of content (NOT on social media) that gets thousands of views. Many get millions! Also... this is NOT Ads training either.

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+You can work in your medical/health passion WITHOUT charts

If you've ever spent even just one night doing charts... you know how incredible that promise is!! lol!!

Think of how many times you repeat the same thing over and over to patients or clients... what if you could take that information, put it in an ecosystem of knowledge and sell that as a package? All you have to do is build you information system online so that people search and FIND it.

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ANY one CAN do this!

You do NOT need to be a social queen/king, good on video or show your face at all!

Because these are evidence based, repeatable systems, that require no face, no personality, and no "it factor", literally any one who is willing to learn and implement can do this. If you are someone with passion for something in health/wellness you will have an extreme edge, but even that is not necessary. Literally any one can do this!

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Very Low Overhead!

+Very low overhead (unlike brick and mortar business). We are talking a couple hundred a month verses taking out tens/hundreds of thousands in loans (which is what most businesses or degrees require!)

+No trading time for money

+Earn While You Sleep

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No Malpractice Risk

You CAN start your own practice. That's just not what we are talking about here.

In this system, you are just what we call an "information broker". You are not treating or diagnosing (unless you want to and have the license to).

There is A LOT of misinformation floating around about health coaching, functional medicine and the likes. Stay safe, protect any license you may have and live a prosperous life.

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Perfect Timing

You could NOT have timed this better! It's the exact sweet spot where I have this thing figured out but very few people even know this method exists! Those who have a steak in the ground now will have a huge leg up! Either way, once you make your first big year happen, you can become one of those people who have the money to stay on the inside breadth of what's going on and never loose your edge!

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You don't need to invent a product!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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It's not too late to join us in taking the industry by Storm! People are craving online help, they just aren’t getting it from the people they want... until now!

Does it get you a little perked up to know that people with way less qualifying backgrounds are teaching the things you know as a professional and making 2-10x’s your income?? Literally, this is an industry that can bring you millions. And I want to show you how!

Step 1:

Do Market Research to Find a Gap in the Functional Medicine Information Ecosystem on line (there are several.)

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

Step 2:

Build a passive system online.

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

Step 3:

Sell Your Product/Package

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

Imagine waking up to a "Ding! You just got paid!"

Learn how to blend years of education with your passion for helping others, while leveraging your professional experience to create your own profitable passion project.

You're Burned Up & Stressed Out

You’re completely drained and have no idea how you can keep doing this until retirement. If something is going to change, you have to invest in an easy to follow guide that will get you there fast, without overwhelm or breaking the bank!

You're caught between two worlds

You know your family needs your income & you are proud to be a career woman, but you want more time with family. Furthermore, you became a career woman because of the burning desire to contribute to the world. You don’t want to give up on that part of you, but things have to get easier.

You Have Little to No Time to Enjoy Life

I used to say "I just wish I could stop running from one thing to the next for a second!". You love your career. But you didn't realize going into it that it would consume you. For the first time every, you understand why people go on vacation and do nothing.

You Secretly Crave More

You may even feel guilty b/c you have a good income and life, but deep down, you know you were meant for more. You know this is not all God has in store for you.. but you’re not sure what to do about that. BESIDES, you feel too unqualified to do anything more or different.

If even just one of these spoke to you...

You're in the Right Place!

And you aren't wrong for feeling this way! You worked hard to be who you have become and you deserve to enjoy your life TODAY. Did you know right now more and more individuals and organizations are looking towards health & life coaches for direction and improved quality of life? And coaches are making more online than even the top paid in medicine? There are 1,400 millionaires made every day (mostly from online services & few to none from medical degrees) Don’t ignore that, don’t resent it... Embrace it! It’s freedom for both parties & it can be yours!

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

So you can make more impact, more income, & more freedom; even if you consider yourself an introvert or "boring".

Once you access the Training and learn how to create your system and set it up the right way, you will be able to sell your online Information Ecosystem on repeat!

It is easier than primary school, you just haven't tried it yet!

Bonus #1: CME will be provided!

Bonus #2: Learn An Incredible AI Hacks that can make you money the next day!

Bonus #3 Learn The Secrets to Automation with Behind the Scenes Trainings

Bonus #4: Those Who Join the Full Program Will Get the Option to Re-sell a proven, high-demnand done for you course that will bring you in up to $500 each time it's recommended & $30/month for life!

Passive Income, Driven By Passion.

The online information world is a booming, billion-dollar industry. It is the fasting way for you to stop trading time for money. But, if you want to succeed you need the support of a Business Coach who knows how to build & sell your courses the right way.

Industry-leading techniques

Product recommendations

Step-by-step tutorials

Time Efficient Model that gives you the edge over competitors

What if I am technologically "challenged"?lol..But for real...

Perfect! Then you are starting out just like me! Did you know when I first launched online I had NO idea how to run IG I was "lost" in IG TV for three days not understanding what stories ever were let alone how to use them? I did not have a clue how to build a website or even videotape my computer screen. I will show you all of that & you choose what fits your lifestyle

What if I don't know how to practice or teach Functional Med?

We can teach you in 48 hours (Having a medical background will make this easier. But, it is 100% doable for any health or nutrition background.)

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What if I'm afraid my employer finds out?

To begin, you can run a fully successful online business in the privacy of controlled private groups and/or start accounts that no one knows you as. However, watch this video to see why it can still be a great balance to any life, even with your employer knowing.

What if I am afraid I don't have the time?

Do you have an average of 3.5 hours a week (that's 30 min a day) for a while until you can work part time? Trust me, I get it. I am a mom, wife & active in my community and I started this while working for an employer 60 Hours a week. But, I am a time hack warrior and I teach all of my clients how to be that way too! Also, starting with just 15 minutes a day will get you to a place that you can hire out and end up saving time.

What if I'm a seriously shy introvert?

Don't worry, friend. I got your back. Check this out:

What if I don’t have any good ideas or I am just not “original enough”?

First of all, the smartest business owners do not try to recreate the wheel.

Second of all, I’ll bet you don't actually know how incredible you are or insightful because you just haven't given yourself the opportunity to find out!

Last and most importantly: The fact that you feel this way means you will relate to and therefore attract the vast majority of people who do not yet have someone representing their identify! The special sauce is in how to relate to people. Most extroverts do not actually relate to majority of people, they are just what others have to choose from, because they are who put themselves out there. YOU are in a beautiful position to scale something big, if that describes you.

How could I grow a business if I have a small or no audience?

You are in the RIGHT place! This is something I am BOSS at! You don’t need a huge audience to be successful. It took me a while to figure out how to do this, but it won’t you, because I will share with you how I hit over 2K in my first two weeks with an audience of only 6 in a private FB group!!

But, I don’t have a huge budget or a big team to pull this off... I’m barely getting by as it!

The methods in this training include very effective strategies that are free to implement. But, this course will teach you how to build faster, to start earning money NOW, which is an investment that saves you money. You won’t waste months or even years without that income you could have NOW. This is why I have priced this course so anyone who truly wants it, can have it!

Don't Let Fear or Overthinking

Get in the way of:

The freedom to control your own income

Building something that is yours that you are passionate about!

From changing the lives who NEED you to share your gifts with the world.

The Freedom to travel when and where you want (if that's your dream).

Being a calm, fun-loving, present mom/wife that your family deserves.

Step 1: Idea Storm & Sketch

Explore your passion where others are leaving a hole in the market. THIS is where you can scale in even the toughest of markets. I will even show you how to:

• Explore your passion where others are leaving a hole in the market. THIS is where you can scale in even the toughest of markets. I will even show you how to:

• Set up your LLC in a way that keeps you no-to-low risk even without any legal experience.

• How to safely provide coaching to protect your license & not use your license (NO medial liability)

• PLUS Mindset Coaching to help you overcome limiting beliefs! Online business is 20% strategy & 80% belief. You will overcome those fears!

Step 2: Turn Your Idea into an Irresistible Offer

This will teach you the building block of course creation. I even have a training on how you can launch in TODAY and for FREE! NO risk, why not try? Learn How to position yourself as the go-to person.

• How to position yourself as the go-to person even without any prior experience

• How to build your first course for FREE

• How to structure the courses even without any online experience

• How to create an action plan for your client's results

• How to automate sales coming in

• Exposure & comparison of the best & Different Softwares

Step 3: Deliver & Sell Your Course & Start Getting RESULTS for you & your clients.

Once you change the trajectory for your first client you will be on cloud 9! I can't wait to see that for you!

• How to price your services to scale fast (this is not lowering your price, but often raising it)

• How to get traffic & build an email list

• How to build $500-$5,000 offers

• How to Onboard clients & even build traffic Passively! (Evergreen & SEO optimization).

No matter where you are at, I have been there. You can do this too! This Simple 3 Step course will step you through each of these so you can be sure to position yourself for success!

Don't Let Fear or Overthinking

Give yourself the chance to share what you know you were called to do! Course creations is a high-demand, low-liability, non-regulated independent source of income & the key to building passive income that will bring you



Capless Passive Income

Passion & Purpose

Functional, Integrative & Holistic Certification Course PLUS Simple & Smart Course Creation Training

Side note: if you want to be an Official Certificate Verified FUunctional Practitioner, Course Creation Academy course is included PLUS you get 48 CEUs + info on starting a telemed practice.

$2,500.00 USD

What customers are saying...

“I Made OVER 1K my first few weeks doing this VERY part-time/half way because I did not actually think it would work for me. Now I'm all in!!”

Hollie Gunter, OK

“This is exactly what I have been needing! Finally having someone in my corner, not give spitting info at me, is the game changer I needed!.”

Rachale Haddad

"I owe my success of starting in large because of Lauren. She is so passionate and honest and very knowledgable in online business.”

Gina Sea, Canada

Bonus #1: Fast Action $2K in 2 Weeks

(Value of $997)

If you are concerned about the initial overhead of starting, I want to help eliminate that fear for you! I will teach you the exact strategy I used to get a quick return on investment and make $2K in my first 2 weeks of launching!! Unless you just don't like more money in your life, there is no reason to not start today!

Bonus # 2: The ROI System (Value of $1,599)

Your Return On Investment (ROI) is very important to me. Getting sales fast is the best way for me to protect that. Which is why I built my proprietary ROI System!

The secret? 🤔Well.... you know I can't share that here. 😜But, I will teach you how to have people coming to YOU for your services without "hustling" or spamming the internet. Sales psychology & proprietary positioning: the very thing that allows people less qualified than you to be making more than you now!

Bonus #3: Time Hack Warrior Trainings (Priceless: Your Time is worth $300+/hr I save!)

You may be asking yourself if you have the time to do this?🤔 I too was afraid of investing and going for something, then not having time to implement. Trust me, I understand. When. Iinvested in my first training, I was working 60+ hours a week! But I knew if I didn't change my future plans, nothing would change & I would be busy until the day I died That is why I figured out, not only the most efficient ways to find extra time in your day, but how to build this incredibly stable business in the most efficient ways possible.

For a Total Value of over $3,000! But you pay only $497 while spots are open!

Functional, Integrative & Holistic Certification Course PLUS Simple & Smart Course Creation Training

Everything you need to build your first course and start making an extra few hundred to a few thousand dollars without being tech savy!

$2,500.00 USD