Launch of New Product - Global Collective

Global Collective is a worldwide network of the top performing real estate

professionals. The website is dedicated to showcasing the most unique, trophy

properties from in the country, and the skilled agents who list them. Members

of Global Collective will have access to an elite agent-to-agent referral network

with a global reach to grow their business.

Features Include:

  • Nationwide listing directory of exclusive homes that you can search by:

City, Neighborhood, Zip Code, Region, and Country.

  • Agent directory and profile pages for all members, with backlinks to the

agent’s website and social profiles.

  • User profiles for consumers.

  • Newsletter with upcoming real estate information, knowledge, and trends

in the luxury market.

  • Lead generation forms.

  • Luxury lifestyle and real estate market knowledge base and blogs.

  • Global referral network.

  • Networking events
  • Nationwide listing directory of exclusive homes that you can search by: City, Neighborhood, Zip Code, Region, and Country.

  • Agent directory and profile pages for all members, with backlinks to the agent’s website and social profiles.

  • User profiles for consumers.

  • Newsletter with upcoming real estate information, knowledge, and trends in the luxury market.

  • Lead generation forms.

  • Luxury lifestyle and real estate market knowledge base and blogs.

  • Global referral network.

  • Networking events
  • Rebrand of what was formerly The Network, is now elevated to Global


  • Global Collective stand-alone website and brand designed to be a

central place for ultra-high net worth individuals to find a home.

  • Rebrand of what was formerly The Network, is now elevated to Global Collective.

  • Global Collective stand-alone website and brand designed to be a central place for ultra-high net worth individuals to find a home.

Element Release - Universal - Call-To-Action

Block, Boxed Text & Stats Highlight

  • This universal element displays a single button and title text. The button

can be center-aligned or right-aligned.

Adjustable Button Placement: The button can be center-aligned or right-


MLS Search Bar - Element Enhancement -

Search Near Me

  • The universal Opening with Search element now supports a

"Search Near Me" option when the MLS Search Bar is enabled

for the element.

  • When a user clicks "Search Near Me", the user will be directed to

the home search, which will display properties close to the user's

browser location information.

  • The universal Opening with Search element now supports a "Search Near Me" option when the MLS Search Bar is enabled for the element.

  • When a user clicks "Search Near Me", the user will be directed to the home search, which will display properties close to the user's browser location information.

More convenient for agent’s clients to find nearby listings

Media Gallery - New Functionality - Share

Saved Media with All Users in Account

  • The Media Gallery has been updated to display saved media

across all users in account. This has been updated for the "My

Videos", "My Images", and "My Files" tab.

  • The Media Gallery has been updated to display saved media across all users in account. This has been updated for the "My Videos", "My Images", and "My Files" tab.
  • If a user adds a new image/video/file to their site, all other users

in the account will be able to access all uploaded or selected

media, regardless of the user that it originated from

  • Helps for media re-use, so that users do not have to search, find,

re-upload or re-select the file again

  • If a user adds a new image/video/file to their site, all other users in the account will be able to access all uploaded or selected media, regardless of the user that it originated from

  • Helps for media re-use, so that users do not have to search, find, re-upload or re-select the file again

Account 1 - Uploads New Image

Account 2 - Can Access the Image that Account 1 Uploaded via "My images"

Content Management System - New Function -

Sort Properties by Sold Date

  • The Properties CMS will now source and display the sold date

of a listing if the property is synced with a MLS feed.

  • For manually created listings, the sold date will be sourced based

on the property status change from the Property Record.

  • The Properties CMS will now source and display the sold date of a listing if the property is synced with a MLS feed.

  • For manually created listings, the sold date will be sourced based on the property status change from the Property Record.

The field will be editable so a user can override the date provided

by the MLS

  • The sold date data can be used to sort all property lists and

property slider elements

  • Properties without a sold date will be displayed last in the list/slider

The field will be editable so a user can override the date provided by the MLS

  • The sold date data can be used to sort all property lists and property slider elements

  • Properties without a sold date will be displayed last in the list/slider

Account 1 - Uploads New Image

Content Management System - New Function -

New Tags Field for the Agent CMS

  • A new field has been added to the Agent CMS called "Tags" where

agents can now be assigned tags using this form field.

  • These tags can currently be used to filter agents on Team

Grid/Slider elements in Page Builder.

  • This new feature will be most useful for large teams and small


  • A new field has been added to the Agent CMS called "Tags" where agents can now be assigned tags using this form field.

  • These tags can currently be used to filter agents on Team Grid/Slider elements in Page Builder.

  • This new feature will be most useful for large teams and small brokerages.

Filter Agents Using Tags

Element Release - Universal - Before and After

  • This universal element is called "Before and After". This element

showcases two images side-by-side with a slider in the middle of

the images.

  • A front-end user can adjust the slider left & right to reveal more

of the image on the left/right - if a user moves the slider to the left,

the image on the right will be displayed over the left image.

  • This universal element is called "Before and After". This element showcases two images side-by-side with a slider in the middle of the images.

  • A front-end user can adjust the slider left & right to reveal more of the image on the left/right - if a user moves the slider to the left, the image on the right will be displayed over the left image.
  • Interactive Slider: Slider can be adjusted by front-end users to

view and compare two different images

  • Custom Button: The element includes a call-to-action that can

be configured to open a contact form or link to another page

  • Interactive Slider: Slider can be adjusted by front-end users to view and compare two different images

  • Custom Button: The element includes a call-to-action that can be configured to open a contact form or link to another page

Page Builder - Modals - Only Modal-Specific

Elements will Display in the "Add Modal" List

  • The "Add Modal" element list will now contain the only

elements that work as modals to appear as an option when

adding a new modal.

  • Modal Enabled Elements:
  • The "Add Modal" element list will now contain the only elements that work as modals to appear as an option when adding a new modal.

  • Modal Enabled Elements:
  • All Forms Elements - Across All Templates

  • Properties Overlay Menu - Classic Template

  • Image Gallery Menu - Universal

  • Gallery Menu - Classic Template
  • Previously, when adding a new modal, users had to sort through

the full list of elements even though a majority of the elements

were not meant to be used as a modal

  • Previously, when adding a new modal, users had to sort through the full list of elements even though a majority of the elements were not meant to be used as a modal

MLS - Property Sync - Property Status is Set to

Inactive if Listing Falls Out of Feed

  • This update to the behavior of MLS Property Sync will update the

property status of synced listings to INACTIVE if the listing falls out

of the MLS feed and the sync expires.

  • This update to the behavior of MLS Property Sync will update the property status of synced listings to INACTIVE if the listing falls out of the MLS feed and the sync expires.
  • Previously if a synced listing was no longer available in a MLS

feed the property would retain its most recent listing status

  • Previously if a synced listing was no longer available in a MLS feed the property would retain its most recent listing status

Element Release - Universal - Hoverable Image

with Info

  • This universal element is called "Hoverable Image with Info".

This element can display a different image when a user hovers

over the image.

  • The element can be configured to display the text on the right

and image on the left, or the opposite, with the text on the left

and the image on the right. The image can be adjusted to be

full-bleed as well.

  • This universal element is called "Hoverable Image with Info". This element can display a different image when a user hovers over the image.

  • The element can be configured to display the text on the right and image on the left, or the opposite, with the text on the left and the image on the right. The image can be adjusted to be full-bleed as well.
  • Display a Different Image on Image Hover: A different image can

be surfaced when a user hovers over the image

  • Display the Image as Full-Bleed: Users have the option to display

the image as full-bleed in page builder

  • Text & Image Alignment: The text & image placement can be

adjusted so the image is right or left-aligned

  • Display a Different Image on Image Hover: A different image can be surfaced when a user hovers over the image

  • Display the Image as Full-Bleed: Users have the option to display the image as full-bleed in page builder

  • Text & Image Alignment: The text & image placement can be adjusted so the image is right or left-aligned

Element Release - Universal - Featured Video

Custom Height

  • This new universal element is called "Featured Video Custom

Height". This element displays a video button, supports Youtube

& Vimeo links and will play the linked video in a lightbox.

  • This new universal element is called "Featured Video Custom Height". This element displays a video button, supports Youtube & Vimeo links and will play the linked video in a lightbox.
  • Supports Youtube & Vimeo Links: Users don't need to upload

large mp4 files

  • Customizable Height: The height of the element can be adjusted

to be half-screen, three-quarters, or fullscreen

  • Optional Share Button: Users can surface a share button to share

the video link via Facebook, Email or Twitter

  • Supports Youtube & Vimeo Links: Users don't need to upload large mp4 files

  • Customizable Height: The height of the element can be adjusted to be half-screen, three-quarters, or fullscreen

  • Optional Share Button: Users can surface a share button to share the video link via Facebook, Email or Twitter

Page Builder - Filter & Sort: Filter and Sort is

Now Available for Client Users

  • The filter & sort form inputs found in Page Builder for dynamic

elements (list/slider elements) is now available for client users.

  • The filter & sort form inputs found in Page Builder for dynamic elements (list/slider elements) is now available for client users.
  • With this release clients will now have the power to configure

the sort & filter options for dynamic elements like Property Grids

or Neighborhood Sliders

  • With this release clients will now have the power to configure the sort & filter options for dynamic elements like Property Grids or Neighborhood Sliders

MLS - Property Sync - Sync by Co-Listing

Agent and Buyer’s Agent

  • Co-listed agent properties will automatically sync with the

agent ID authorized in the Presence account.

  • Additionally, syncing buyer-represented properties will be

available upon request.

  • Co-listed agent properties will automatically sync with the agent ID authorized in the Presence account.

  • Additionally, syncing buyer-represented properties will be available upon request.
  • This will be most valuable for agents that primarily focus on

representing buyers and/or co-listing with another agent -

these agents will no longer have to manually add/manage properties

  • This will be most valuable for agents that primarily focus on representing buyers and/or co-listing with another agent - these agents will no longer have to manually add/manage properties

MLS - Home Search - Option to Force Users to

Create an Account when Clicking into MLS

Details Page

  • The platform now includes the option to force website users to

create an account or login after clicking into a MLS Properties

Detail page. This can be enabled in Page Builder, under the


  • The platform now includes the option to force website users to create an account or login after clicking into a MLS Properties Detail page. This can be enabled in Page Builder, under the SETTINGS tab in HOME SEARCH SETTINGS.
  • When setting is enabled, users on the website will be prompted

to create an account or login when attempting to view a MLS

Property Detail page

  • When setting is enabled, users on the website will be prompted to create an account or login when attempting to view a MLS Property Detail page

Page Builder - New Feature - Instant Preview in

Page Builder

  • With this release, in page builder – users can select “PREVIEW”

in the top right of edit mode. This will display the website in

full width and the site will appear exactly like the live link.

  • With this release, in page builder – users can select “PREVIEW” in the top right of edit mode. This will display the website in full width and the site will appear exactly like the live link.
  • When our client-facing teams want to make changes in real-time

on client calls to train and/or revise the client's website for launch,

the turnaround time is now decreased during onboarding. Before,

this was not always possible because the render times from changes

made in page builder delayed updates from reflecting on the live site

In page builder, click “PREVIEW” in the top right corner of edit mode

  • When our client-facing teams want to make changes in real-time on client calls to train and/or revise the client's website for launch, the turnaround time is now decreased during onboarding. Before, this was not always possible because the render times from changes made in page builder delayed updates from reflecting on the live site

In page builder, click “PREVIEW” in the top right corner of edit mode

Preview site will expand to full-width to display how the site would look like on

the front-end

Element Release - Universal - Neighborhood

MLS Geolocation CTA

  • This new universal element is called "Neighborhood MLS Geolocation

CTA". This is a dynamic element that should only be used on

Neighborhood Detail pages.

  • This element sources the Geolocation set in the MLS Geolocation

Tool. When a user clicks on the "Search All Homes" button the user

is navigated to the Home Search page with the Neighborhood's

Google Location set as the home search boundary.

  • This new universal element is called "Neighborhood MLS Geolocation CTA". This is a dynamic element that should only be used on Neighborhood Detail pages.

  • This element sources the Geolocation set in the MLS Geolocation Tool. When a user clicks on the "Search All Homes" button the user is navigated to the Home Search page with the Neighborhood's Google Location set as the home search boundary.
  • Dynamic Element: This element automatically sources the Google

Location for each Neighborhood found in the Neighborhood CMS

  • Adjustable Top & Bottom Padding: Users can adjust the amount

of top & bottom padding for this element in page builder

  • Dynamic Element: This element automatically sources the Google Location for each Neighborhood found in the Neighborhood CMS

  • Adjustable Top & Bottom Padding: Users can adjust the amount of top & bottom padding for this element in page builder

Element Release - Universal - Instagram Feed


  • This new universal element is called the "Instagram Feed Grid".

This element sources the Instagram account associated with

the user's account in the Dashboard and displays the user's

Instagram posts following the design below.

  • This element displays Instagram posts from most recent to oldest.

On click, the displayed Instagram posts navigate the user to the

Instagram account.

  • This new universal element is called the "Instagram Feed Grid". This element sources the Instagram account associated with the user's account in the Dashboard and displays the user's Instagram posts following the design below.

  • This element displays Instagram posts from most recent to oldest. On click, the displayed Instagram posts navigate the user to the Instagram account.
  • Custom Instagram Post Color: The on hover Instagram post effect

can be customized. In page builder, users can set a color for the

on hover overlay effect

  • Direct Integration with Instagram: This element sources the Instagram

account that is connected in the user's Dashboard

  • Limit the Number of Posts: In page builder, users can configure

the number of Instagram Posts that are displayed

  • Custom Instagram Post Color: The on hover Instagram post effect can be customized. In page builder, users can set a color for the on hover overlay effect

  • Direct Integration with Instagram: This element sources the Instagram account that is connected in the user's Dashboard

  • Limit the Number of Posts: In page builder, users can configure the number of Instagram Posts that are displayed

Leads - Lead Activity - Page Name is Displayed

for Leads from Property Detail Pages

  • The Property Detail page name is displayed in the Dashboard for leads that are

captured on Property Detail pages (this includes MLS detail pages). Please note,

this update is only for leads that are captured on property detail pages. This does

not apply to other types of pages (like Neighborhood pages).

  • The Property Detail page name is displayed in the Dashboard for leads that are captured on Property Detail pages (this includes MLS detail pages). Please note, this update is only for leads that are captured on property detail pages. This does not apply to other types of pages (like Neighborhood pages).
  • In the LEAD ACTIVITY panel, the user can now see which property

address the lead was inquiring about

  • In the LEAD ACTIVITY panel, the user can now see which property address the lead was inquiring about

Misc. Releases - Media Gallery (My Images) -

Sort By Most Recently Uploaded

  • In Page Builder, the Media Gallery "My Images" section will sort

images by Most Recently Uploaded.

  • In Page Builder, when a dynamic page is created, the source

resource and page path are autofilled. This applies to property

detail, neighborhood detail, development detail, and blog detail pages.

  • In Page Builder, the Media Gallery "My Images" section will sort images by Most Recently Uploaded.

  • In Page Builder, when a dynamic page is created, the source resource and page path are autofilled. This applies to property detail, neighborhood detail, development detail, and blog detail pages.

Resolved issue where Sort By Title for Blog List elements was

not working

  • Resolved issue where list elements would break or display a grey

square when a deleted property/agent/neighborhood/testimonial

is included in a custom order

  • Resolved issue where adjustments to the Appearance settings

would revert other changes

  • Resolved issue where element form fields were not appearing in

page builder for modal elements

Resolved issue where Sort By Title for Blog List elements was not working

  • Resolved issue where list elements would break or display a grey square when a deleted property/agent/neighborhood/testimonial is included in a custom order

  • Resolved issue where adjustments to the Appearance settings would revert other changes

  • Resolved issue where element form fields were not appearing in page builder for modal elements

MLS - Home Search - Header Customization

  • Users are now able to customize the header navigation items,

background color, and header logo of the MLS Home Search Header

Menu. These custom settings can be configured in page builder under


  • Users are now able to customize the header navigation items, background color, and header logo of the MLS Home Search Header Menu. These custom settings can be configured in page builder under the SETTINGS tab - HOME SEARCH SETTINGS.

Page Builder - SEO Settings - Header Images

are Automatically Set as the SEO Image

  • When a header image is uploaded it will automatically be used

for the SEO image for that specific page.

  • If a user manually uploads a SEO image - the newly uploaded image

will override the header image for the SEO image.

The background image of the intro element on a page (seen below).

  • When a header image is uploaded it will automatically be used for the SEO image for that specific page.

  • If a user manually uploads a SEO image - the newly uploaded image will override the header image for the SEO image.

The background image of the intro element on a page (seen below).

Will be automatically used for the SEO image (unless the user manually

uploads a different image in SEO Settings).

Page Builder - Modal Settings - Updated Modal


  • Updated modal functionality - enabling modals to pop up based

on exit intent, on a timed basis, or on a button click in order to drive

lead conversion.

  • Updated modal functionality - enabling modals to pop up based on exit intent, on a timed basis, or on a button click in order to drive lead conversion.

Property Details - Property URL Structure -

Update Property Pages

  • With this release, all Property Detail pages across all V3 templates

will follow the /properties/:slug URL structure instead of /property/:slug.

This is NOT applicable to MLS Property Detail pages.

  • /property/:slug is now /properties/:slug across all templates.
  • With this release, all Property Detail pages across all V3 templates will follow the /properties/:slug URL structure instead of /property/:slug. This is NOT applicable to MLS Property Detail pages.

  • /property/:slug is now /properties/:slug across all templates.
  • Before this release, not all V3 templates followed the same Property

Detail URL Structure. Some templates were using /property/:slug,

while other templates were using /properties/:slug. This inconsistency

in URL structure across templates was causing issues with universal

property elements. By standardizing all templates to follow the /

properties/:slug URL structure - universal property elements can be

used across all templates

  • Before this release, not all V3 templates followed the same Property Detail URL Structure. Some templates were using /property/:slug, while other templates were using /properties/:slug. This inconsistency in URL structure across templates was causing issues with universal property elements. By standardizing all templates to follow the /properties/:slug URL structure - universal property elements can be used across all templates

Element Release - Universal - Gallery Style Menu

  • A new universal element called “Gallery Style Menu” in page builder.

This element allows the user to customize the image, link, and url of

each gallery tile.

  • The user also has the option to customize the number of columns

- from 2 to 4.

  • A new universal element called “Gallery Style Menu” in page builder. This element allows the user to customize the image, link, and url of each gallery tile.

  • The user also has the option to customize the number of columns - from 2 to 4.
  • Custom Linkable Tiles: For each tile, the user has the option to configure

the following

  • Custom Linkable Tiles: For each tile, the user has the option to configure the following
  • Image Background

  • Title

  • URL
  • Custom Columns: Users can set the number of columns for the tiles

(2 - 4 columns)

  • Custom Columns: Users can set the number of columns for the tiles (2 - 4 columns)

Element Release - Universal - Properties Map

  • A new universal element called "Properties Map". This element

displays listings found in the user's account in an interactive map


  • In page builder, users can configure what type of properties are

displayed on the map, the default location of the map, and the

information displayed on the property cards.

  • On the front-end, this map element will direct users to the property

detail pages of the properties displayed on the map when users click

"View Property".

  • A new universal element called "Properties Map". This element displays listings found in the user's account in an interactive map format.

  • In page builder, users can configure what type of properties are displayed on the map, the default location of the map, and the information displayed on the property cards.

  • On the front-end, this map element will direct users to the property detail pages of the properties displayed on the map when users click "View Property".
  • Interactive Map Layout: Properties found in the client's account will

be displayed on a map. Displayed properties direct users to the

corresponding property detail page

  • Property Filtering: Users have the option of filtering which properties

are displayed by property status.For example, users can set the filter

to only display FOR SALE properties on the map

  • Customize the Displayed Property Info: Users can select which property

info is surfaced on the property card. For example, Amount of Bedrooms,

Amount of Baths, Living Area

  • Customize the Default Map Location: Users have the option of setting

a custom location for the default view of the map

  • Interactive Map Layout: Properties found in the client's account will be displayed on a map. Displayed properties direct users to the corresponding property detail page

  • Property Filtering: Users have the option of filtering which properties are displayed by property status.For example, users can set the filter to only display FOR SALE properties on the map

  • Customize the Displayed Property Info: Users can select which property info is surfaced on the property card. For example, Amount of Bedrooms, Amount of Baths, Living Area

  • Customize the Default Map Location: Users have the option of setting a custom location for the default view of the map