The Eczema Academy presents...

ECZEMA DECODED: How to Rescue Yourself or Your Children from Atopic Dermatitis

Has Eczema had you going around in circles for years? Are you frustrated that you still have no answers? If you're tired of Eczema controlling your life, don't waste another day!

Enroll now and find out the truth about:

WHY you got it - HOW you got trapped in it - WHAT you need to do about it

  • Try my Introduction Module FREE!...

  • Step-by-step guidance...

  • Scientifically proven strategies...

  • Supportive community...

Free Introduction Module!!



Address Triggers

"When I met Carolyn, I was in the midst of one of my worst Eczema breakouts ever....and I was miserable. For years I'd seen dermatologists & allergists and was prescribed every cream, ointment, pill, and injection under the sun - and they just weren't working. It was becoming nearly impossible to live in my own skin. Nobody ever took the time to teach me what was going on in my body and how I could truly understand and address the many causes & triggers of my condition. Carolyn's deep insights and know-how impressed me. I never understood Eczema until she opened my eyes. But beyond her expertise, I was utterly blown away by Carolyn's caring nature and genuine desire to help me be healthier and happier. Most importantly, I'm feeling empowered, armed with the knowledge to live a better life -all through Carolyn's support! I cannot thank her enough." Dave USA


Discover Why

"I have gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding as to WHY I suffered from eczema and what I needed to do about it. Not only did the course provide me with loads of information in a simple and easy-to-follow way, but also provided me with clear action points which were cost-effective. I am blown away by how much research Carolyn has undertaken to put this course together." Yvonne UK


Understand Inner Workings

"If you are a health professional with clients who are struggling to break free from Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis, and you'd like to understand the inner workings of Eczema to serve them more effectively, then Carolyn is the one to help you. She has an incredible program that will teach you everything you need to know, including but not limited to; the inner mechanisms of eczema, the involvement of dietary and obscure often-missed triggers, the toxins you need to test for, and the most likely nutritional deficiencies. This is a complicated condition, as evidenced by the wealth of information Carolyn provides. There is no easy, one-size-fits-all answer, but with Carolyn's guidance, you'll be able to help your clients in a step-by-step manner. I highly recommend this program." Melissa Deally (Health Professional) Canada

Inside The Full Program, You'll Discover...

What has gone wrong with my skin?

How do I stop itching fast without using steroid creams?

Have I got an Atopic gene?

Do my genes control me, or can I control my genes to improve my health? How can I help my body make healthier skin from the inside out?

Is my immune system hyperactive?

How can I lower inflammation naturally without injecting myself?

YES! I Want to Start Learning!

Free Introduction Module!!

Enroll today for instant access to:

  • Entire Introduction module to the Escape Eczema course

  • Access to the categorization Quiz to discover the Hidden Driver of Your Eczema

  • Access to all scientific references to share with your medical professional

  • Action Points and Downloadable Resources

"Absolutely no risk!",

Carolyn Akinyemi

NO RISK Free Trial

100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will refund your money, no questions asked.

Eczema is an incredibly complex spiderweb, and trying to find real answers often feels like looking for a needle in a haystack! But Eczema Decoded brings you the proven facts about Eczema.

You no longer have to feel lost. Let me take your hand and walk you through the Eczema Maze. You will never view Eczema the same way again!

This course is for you if...

  • You are an Action-Taker who is ready to take responsibility for your own wellbeing

  • You are willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes to improve your health

  • You are fed up wasting time and money on products and treatments that aren't helping you

  • You already know in your heart there HAS to be more to this than you are being told, and you'd love to have someone guide you through the maze

  • You would be happy to hear about the peer-reviewed, evidence-based protocols you haven't been told about yet.

This course is NOT for you if...

  • You are NOT willing to believe evidence-based, science-backed protocols

  • You are NOT interested in discovering the root causes or driving forces behind Eczema

  • You are content to keep trusting in medication to 'manage' your symptoms and are NOT concerned about any potential side effects.

  • You are NOT willing to commit to any dietary or lifestyle changes

Free Introduction Module!!

Here's what people say about our The Eczema Academy:

"I have learned more about Eczema in just one module of Carolyn's course than I have in decades of consultant appointments!" Steve UK

"I have gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding as to WHY I suffered from eczema and what I needed to do about it. Not only did the course provide me with loads of information in a simple and easy-to-follow way, but also provided me with clear action points which were cost-effective. I am blown away by how much research Carolyn has undertaken to put this course together." Yvonne UK

"This course has been very informative, and I've learnt a lot! Carolyn has digested all the research and explains it in a way that's very easy to understand. Carolyn is super friendly and knowledgeable and teaches at an appropriate pace, so it's not overwhelming and ensures everything is understood. I put her advice into practice, and my daughter's eczema has cleared up! I highly recommend this course as it teaches you far more than you hear from your GP and helps you find long-term relief." Kirstie UK

"When I met Carolyn, I was in the midst of one of my worst Eczema breakouts ever....and I was miserable. For years I'd seen dermatologists & allergists and was prescribed every cream, ointment, pill, and injection under the sun - and they just weren't working. It was becoming nearly impossible to live in my own skin. Nobody ever took the time to teach me what was going on in my body and how I could truly understand and address the many causes & triggers of my condition. Carolyn's deep insights and know-how impressed me. I never understood Eczema until she opened my eyes. But beyond her expertise, I was utterly blown away by Carolyn's caring nature and genuine desire to help me be healthier and happier. Most importantly, I'm feeling empowered, armed with the knowledge to live a better life -all through Carolyn's support! I cannot thank her enough." Dave USA

"If you are a health professional with clients who are struggling to break free from Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis, and you'd like to understand the inner workings of Eczema to serve them more effectively, then Carolyn is the one to help you. She has an incredible program that will teach you everything you need to know, including but not limited to; the inner mechanisms of eczema, the involvement of dietary and obscure often-missed triggers, the toxins you need to test for, and the most likely nutritional deficiencies. This is a complicated condition, as evidenced by the wealth of information Carolyn provides. There is no easy, one-size-fits-all answer, but with Carolyn's guidance, you'll be able to help your clients in a step-by-step manner. I highly recommend this program." Melissa Deally (Health Professional) Canada

Free Introduction Module!!

Hi! My name is Carolyn Akinyemi,

Author and founder of The Eczema Academy and The Eczema Channel on YouTube. I am a mother of four kids, who ALL developed chronic eczema in close succession, and then to make matters worse, I developed hand eczema myself. Having just one kid with Eczema is hard enough, with all the special baths, emollients, steroid creams, eczema clothing, hospital appointments, and allergy negotiations. Multiply that by four, and you have a glimpse at my early motherhood experience. It was challenging, to say the least! And it didn’t seem to matter how much I used the prescribed treatments; eczema just kept spreading.

I finally realized there had to be more to eczema than I was being told. So I started to research. What I discovered was both frightening and exciting. Frightening because I realized if we don’t get on top of Eczema, it can lead to a whole raft of other chronic diseases; and exciting because I discovered hundreds of scientific journals from researchers PROVING you can treat eczema by jointly managing both your internal and external environments.

Yet, in all the years I have been helping eczema patients, I have NEVER heard of anyone being told about ANY of these by their doctors! Using this research, I created a map of the loop systems that develop inside the bodies of people with chronic eczema. Then I used this map to help myself and my children break free.

Now I want to help you do the same.

Don't waste any more time! Join me today and get the hidden evidence you need to take back control of your health!

See you on the inside!

Free Introduction Module!!

Copyright - All Rights Reserved 2023 - The Eczema Academy - Carolyn Akinyemi