Online Meeting for Active GEOVITAL Consultants and Associates

Consultant Session

LIVE event: Monday 12PM, 16th of October 2023 (Melbourne time)
Time zone information in the image below

Here is what we'll cover:

These sessions with Patrick van der Burght are to provide support and continuing education to the beginning and established GEOVITAL consultants and associates.

  • Product recommendations to clients

  • Your lead generation

  • Mattresses, your golden egg

A picture, a good picture, speaks a thousand positive words

It is worth while getting a good photographer to take some professional photos of you. Considering lighting, framing etc. It shows you're a professional. Stock images are now considered a poor sign of a business that can't afford to make their own photos or doesn't actually do what they want to photos to show potential clients.

Find yourself a good professional photographer and make some good photos in a beautiful environment.
They'll last you for years.