Receive Healing From Adam and Laila Daily For 30 Days
30 Day Healing Transmission
The 30 Days Of Healing is designed to enhance every aspect of your life. With this regular healing, we will help you to boost your system with life force and vitality using the divine energies of love, light, peace and chi (universal life-force). This will naturally strengthen your immune system as well as clear out many years of unwanted fear and negativity from your mind and nervous system.
The Sacred Healing Vibration has helped people overcome all sorts of symptoms and conditions both physical and mental, such as back pain, cancer, strokes, insomnia, depression, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, liver conditions, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, migraines, heart murmurs, stomach ulcers and much more.
This is what previous clients has experienced and we can in no form guarantee you any results, we leave that for the divine. We are just vehicles of this healing, not doctors nor God.
Our intention is on your full recovery to optimal health in body mind, emotion and spirit.
Eva got healed from her IBS and stopped used medication
Health & Vitality
Boost Your Overall Physical Health
The 30 Days Of Healing has the power to improve your overall health and well being.
You can feel a sense of having more energy and vitality while the healing is being received and your overall physical healing capacity will also increase through a boost to the immune system.
Release Stress and tension in your body
Build up Energy levels
Back, neck, shoulder, hip, knee and other joints
Organ health, including the brain, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys
Digestive system health, including the stomach and intestines
Central and peripheral nervous systems
Reproductive system
Immune system
Cellular balance
Mental & Emotional Balance
Gain Peace Of Mind and Emotional Stability
The 30 Days Of Healing can help to give you mental strength so that you are able to face life challenges with more confidence and calm.
You can be able to manage stress in your life much better.
There can be more lightness and ease within you as you conduct your everyday life activities, as well as feeling more positivity and love towards life.
Ease Mental stress and tension
Get out of the mental loop of negativity and anxiety
Negative thought patterns and tendencies
Emotional disturbances
Feelings of separation and loneliness
Lack of self-love or self-confidence
Healing the Aura from Relationship trauma and abuse
Release Blockages and imbalances in the main energy centers
Spiritual Transformation
Awaken Your Divine Spiritual Bliss
The 30 Days Of Healing can awaken the dormant spiritual potential within you.
To help you have more inspiration to do meditation and spiritual practice.
It can also improve the quality of your spiritual practice and accelerate your spiritual growth.
There can be a feeling of guidance and support to give you inner peace and to help you overcome obstacles on your journey.
More peace, love and joy in your life
Raising your overall vibration
Developing spiritual strength to cope with life’s challenges
Gaining wisdom and clarity for enlightenment
Deepening your love and connection with the source and divinity within you
Improving the quality of your meditation and concentration
Register for The Healing
One Time
Daily Healing For 14 Days
Welcome Call 15 Minutes €50 Value
One Time
Daily Healing For 30 Days
Welcome Call 15 Minutes €50 Value
Resume Call 20 Minutes €50 Value
One Time
Daily Healing For 1 Week
Everything changed at Adam´s workshop. I am free from old stress & totally cured from the panic attacks that I had since I was 14 years old! I listen daily to Adam & Laila’s meditations. There are no words for how much it means to me.
I “randomly” came in contact with Adam & Laila. From that day on, my life has made positive transformations on all levels. My life has taken turns that I did not think was possible and for that I am forever grateful.
Frequently Asked Question
You chose a time that day when you want to receive. But remember the energy is flowing to you 24/7. When you chose a time is when you can connect deeper and to be more sensitive for receiving. You can lay down or sit in meditation, then you ask the energy to flow to you. At the same time connect with us in whatever way you feel and like. We have people who love listening to our music while receiving. You can find our music here. Spotify Youtube
After we have received your payment and you have chosed to receive our help is when the energy starts to download into you. The healing is programmed to flow from the dates you chose.
You chose a time of choice when you want to receive and that is the time we program the healing to be downloaded to you. Remember we are beings that are unlimited, energy and healing moves through the quantum universe without any limit regarded to time. This is also a good way for you to practice surrender and trust.
There is nothing that needs to be done for the healing to work. However you can aid your receptivity to the healing by practicing meditation or other spiritual practices daily. By also simply have an open mind and willingness to receive.
Picture us sending you the healing, and feel the healing energy coming to you, making you healthy, peaceful and happy. Once you have done this, a good practice is to pray for the health and happiness of all beings for another minute or so.
This will have a very positive effect. If you are registering someone else and you would like them to tune in, but they are unable to do it for themself, you can tune in for them. Imagine us sending the healing energy to them, and them becoming more healthy, peaceful and happy.
Then end by praying for them and all beings. This has the effect of benefiting both the recipient and yourself.
Is The Sacred Healing Vibration the same as Reiki?
Sacred Healing Vibration comes from the universal source, which is also where Reiki comes from. However, the difference is that Sacred Healing Vibration is not delivering a particular learnt Reiki method.
Before any healing session we are looking at the person/animal/place and we scan through with spirit to see what frequency and spirit medicine are needed for the person/animal/place and we download that frequency to their body/place.
This is happening right away as you chose to heal with us. During the 30 minutes you are downloading those frequencies that you need to help you heal, detox, upgrade etc.
Adults, children and animals in any location in the quantum universe can receive the healing. The healing is also beneficial for people who are in the process of passing away, and those who have recently passed. You can also book a healing/cleaning if you need help in cleaning a house/room/vehicle.
The healing is sent for 30 minutes the date from the time you booked
The Sacred Healing Vibration is the energy of divine love and light, which is downloaded by us to you.This power flows through us to the recipient, where its extremely high vibrational energy transmits the healing at the levels of the physical body, emotional body, mental body, and the soul.
The Sacred Healing Vibration is equally effective irrespective of where the recipient is. Therefore it can be transmitted both face to face, and at a distance.
Face to face sessions take place on all of our retreats, or in a private online session.Even though the healing works without any effort from the recipient, if you can make yourself more open, you will absorb more healing energy. Then the energy not need to penetrate the stubborn doubting mind.
Promote organ health, Boost the immune system, Increase circulation, Promote overall improved health, Boost spiritual growth, Increase concentration and focus, Increase motivation and joy in life, Boost vitality and energy, Infuse calmness and peace of mind, Reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue, Relieve insomnia, Assist with recovery from surgery, Prevent and relieve depression, Help reduce body stiffness, aches and pains, Aid in recovering from illness and preventing illness, Or any other frequencies we see are needed for healing and expansion
Every disease and every physical problem always relates to four aspects – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – and they are all connected to each other. In general, a physical cause could be some external change or impact, such as an accident.
A mental cause could be extreme stress over long periods of time, causing an imbalance in the body and the functioning of the organs. Emotional could be a loss of a family member or any other experience related to separation. Spiritually, it is when the individual soul chooses to experience that particular experience, as part of it’s journey, from a larger and grander perspective.
Healing will be beneficial for any situation, in the sense that it helps at all four levels. However, generally speaking it transforms quickly and beautifully by raising the energetic vibration of a person, and the body responds to that by bringing itself back to balance.
The healing begins at the spiritual level, which then affects the mental level, and then the emotional, and then physical level. Therefore, the positive impact and improvement is quicker at the spiritual and mental levels, and slower at the emotional and the physical level.
In this sense, acute physical symptoms may take longer time to heal. It also depends on the level of mind of the person receiving. It’s important to understand that the Sacred Healing Vibration has a powerful overall benefit and may cause detox symptoms on any levels of the four bodies.
Can I sign someone else up for the Healing?
Yes. You can register members of your family, friends, pets, or anyone you wish. You simply need a photograph of them, that you send to us after the payment.
If I give the healing to someone else, do they have to know about it?
No. You may register a person, even though it may not be possible or appropriate to let them know about it. The healing works without them knowing, as it is being sent to them on a subtle level that benefits their body, mind emotional body and spirit, without any conscious effort needed on their part. But out of respect always ask first, sometimes our own ego wants to help someone that does not want to be helped. Then we need to respect that.
The Healing Transmission operates on a different level from physical treatments, so it will not cause any negative effect when received in conjunction with either mainstream or alternative medical treatments or medication.
The high vibrational energy simply enhances the body’s healing and recovery process without interacting physically with medical treatments or medication. It will help to remove toxins from medication that is not pure for body and mind and it can cause symptoms of detoxification.
You can join the 30 Day Healing for €197, its €6.50 a day per healing. Or you can choose the 14 day healing for €147, or the 1 week for €97.