Death Has Lost Its Power

Death Has Lost Its Power

December 18, 20242 min read

"And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,"

— Matthew 27:52

This is a profound event recorded only by Matthew. As Jesus died, an earthquake struck the region, causing the graves near Jerusalem to be opened. Some of the saints who had passed away were resurrected and walked out of their tombs. At the very moment of Jesus' death, such tremendous power was unleashed that death lost its grip on its captives.

There is some uncertainty about whether these resurrected saints eventually died again or were taken up to be with God. If they were resurrected at the moment of Christ’s death, their experience would have been similar to others whom Jesus raised—such as Lazarus, Jairus' daughter, or the widow’s son at Nain. They were all revived, but eventually, they too faced death once more. Jesus, however, is described as "the firstfruits of them that slept" (Acts 26:23; 1 Cor. 15:20). While others were raised from the dead, Jesus was the first to be begotten from the dead in a way that He would never die again.

If these saints were resurrected only after Jesus’ resurrection, as Matthew suggests, then it’s possible that they were raised with glorified bodies—never to face death again.

Regardless, these resurrected saints entered Jerusalem after Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to many. It’s hard to imagine the impact this must have had on the people. Their very presence would have been a powerful testimony to the reality of Jesus’ resurrection.

The resurrection of Jesus is what sets Christianity apart from all other faiths. Many have come claiming to have a revelation from God or a new way to approach God, but only Jesus conquered death. This not only makes Him unique but elevates Him above anyone else who has ever walked the earth. The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate proof of the truth of His message and the power of His doctrine.

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