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Tips for Bringing Aboard Your Next Team Member

The Hiring Handbook: 5 Expert Tips for Bringing Aboard Your Next Team Member

March 26, 20244 min read

The Hiring Handbook: 5 Expert Tips for Bringing Aboard Your Next Team Member

So, you're considering adding a new member to your team? That's fantastic news! But let's face it, the hiring process can be a bit like navigating a maze - confusing, overwhelming, and full of unexpected twists and turns.

Believe me, I've been there. Recently, I had a disappointing hire only to realize that I could have saved myself a lot of time and headaches if I had followed a few simple tips. So, today, I'm sharing my top five tips for finding your next team member and making the hiring process a breeze.

1) Define Your Needs

Before you dive headfirst into the hiring process, take a moment to define exactly what you're looking for in a new team member. Are you in need of someone to handle specific tasks on a project basis, or are you looking for a full-time employee to join your team? Understanding your needs upfront will help you narrow down your search and find the perfect fit for your business.

focus roadmap

In my FOCUS Framework, I team scaling your team as the last stop on the roadmap to getting your business systemized to scale.  Consider all of the tasks you hate doing, as well as the ones that are revenue-generating. Those are the tasks that your new hire should complete for you. A great example would be hiring a VA to create your DIY course or complete some of your client work. Both those things are revenue-generating. 

If you have any unimportant tasks pop up on this list, mark those accordingly. Those are the ones you will want to postpone, remove from your list completely, or automate using a tool. Scheduling appointments with clients and sending intake forms and emails are all tasks that can be automated. Since they are not revenue-generating and therefore should not be completed by a team member. 

2) Craft a Compelling Job Description

Once you've nailed down your hiring needs, it's time to create a job description that stands out from the crowd. Be sure to clearly outline the responsibilities of the role, as well as any specific skills or qualifications you're looking for in a candidate. Don't forget to inject a bit of personality into your job description to give potential applicants a sense of your company culture and what it's like to work with you.

I like to create just a quick Google Form that has the job description on the top and the application on the bottom.  Using a Google Form makes it easy to share online or with my email list.

3) Screen Your Applicants

With your job description posted, you'll likely start receiving a flood of applications from eager job seekers. While it's exciting to see so much interest in your role, it's important to take the time to carefully screen each applicant to ensure they're the right fit for the job. Consider including a special instruction or question in your Google Form to help weed out applicants who aren't paying attention or aren't a good fit for the role.

4) Conduct Thorough Interviews

Once you've narrowed down your list of potential candidates, it's time to conduct interviews to get to know them better. Whether you opt for a traditional phone interview or a Zoom call, be sure to prepare a list of thoughtful questions that will help you assess each candidate's skills, experience, and personality. Remember, the goal of the interview is to determine whether the candidate is a good fit for the role and your company culture.

5) Try Before You Buy

Before making a final hiring decision, consider giving your top candidates a chance to showcase their skills with a paid trial project or trial period. This will not only help you assess their abilities firsthand but also allow you to see how they work with your existing team and fit into your company culture. Plus, it's a great way to ensure you're making the right hiring decision before committing to a long-term arrangement.

Fortunately, in my situation, we did a 30-day trial period so when the person wasn’t performing I was able to end work.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

As soon as you know which tasks your team members will be completing for you, it will be time to create SOPs. Hopefully, you have an SOP template at this point, so all of your SOPs are standardized.

If you want an easier way to create all of your SOPs for your team members, I recommend checking out our shop for a range of helpful resources, including templates, guides, and mini-courses to streamline your hiring process and onboard your new team member like a pro. Trust me, with the right tools and resources at your disposal, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect addition to your team in no time.

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