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Creating content to attract client

How to Create Content to Attract Your Ideal Client

June 07, 17116 min read

How to Create Content to Attract Your Ideal Client

I’m pretty strategic about how I write my blog posts (who would’ve guessed, right?). The content marketing strategy that I’ve developed for myself and my clients always starts by working backwards from the services and programs that are offered.  Working backwards ensures each piece of content serves a purpose.  We don’t want to waste all of our time and effort creating content for just some vanity metrics right?
In today’s blog, I want to go through my simple process for coming up with content ideas that will attract my ideal client.  But before we dive in, if you rather use the easy button, we do have an entire content calendar bundle inside of DubsUp, our signature program to systemize and scale your bookkeeping firm.

Before we go any further, I just want to preface this with, you do not need to be creating blogs, social media posts (for your biz page), or newsletters when you are first starting out.  When you are in a rush to get your first couple of clients, I suggest networking and building connections.  You can read more about that in one of my other posts.


Like I said at the beginning of this post, you want to start with your programs and services first.  If you are currently only offering bookkeeping services then this is going to be super easy for you.  For example, here’s a list of my programs and services:

  • Service – System Setup

  • Service – Content Marketing

  • Service – Outsourced Bookkeeping

  • Program – ClickUp Templates

  • Program – DubsUp

  • Program – Dubsado Templates


Now that we have all of our programs and services listed out, we are going to brainstorm all of the common questions, objections and what they need to know or do before they can work with you.  

Here’s an example again…

Service – Outsourced Bookkeeping

  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Monthly Bookkeeping

  • What It’s Like Working With A Professional Bookkeeper

  • 3 Things You Should Do First Before You Hire A Bookkeeper

  • When Is The Right Time To Hire A Bookkeeper?

  • Are You Losing Money Because You Are Not Keeping Up With Your Business Finances?

  • The Biggest Mistake My Bookkeeping Clients are Making (And You Could Be Making Too)

  • Five Things to Ask Your Bookkeeper Before You Get Started

See how all of these ideas are actually helping me build a relationship with the reader before we even hop on a discovery call?  It’s building know, like, and trust and positioning myself as being an expert.  Next, I think about what is the call to action or next step I want the reader to take when they are done reading the blog post.


We want every blog post to have a call to action. Whether it’s subtle or a bright shiny CLICK HERE CLICK HERE button.  Typically for services, we want them to book a discovery call, or at a minimum, get them to sign up for our email list by opting in for our lead magnet.  Once someone signs up for your lead magnet, you’ve got their attention and you’re in their inbox. This is a great opportunity and prime time for some great nurturing. 

The key is not to go directly into the sale — you need to prime them for a little bit longer before they’ll be ready to hand over their credit card. Use the first couple of emails you send to them to warm them up and get them ready to book a discovery call. This is a great time to share your personal story and introduce yourself to them as well.

Once I have identified my call to actions, I match them up with my blog posts in step two.  

Here’s the example continued…

Service – Outsourced Bookkeeping

  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Monthly Bookkeeping

    • CTA: Discovery Call

  • What It’s Like Working With A Professional Bookkeeper

    • CTA: Download Lead Magnet

  • 3 Things You Should Do First Before You Hire A Bookkeeper

    • CTA: Download Lead Magnet

  • When Is The Right Time To Hire A Bookkeeper?

    • CTA: Discovery Call

  • Are You Losing Money Because You Are Not Keeping Up With Your Business Finances?

    • CTA: Download Lead Magnet

  • The Biggest Mistake My Bookkeeping Clients Are Making (And You Could Be Making Too)

    • CTA: Download Lead Magnet

  • Five Things to Ask Your Bookkeeper Before You Get Started

    • CTA: Discovery Call


If you are still having a hard time coming up with topic ideas, here are a couple more places to look for inspiration.

Competitor Websites: You can get a wealth of information from a competitor’s website. It should go without saying that you shouldn’t copy things word for word. But you can use their ideas to come up with your own content topics. 

You can also scan the comments on their blog posts to see what people are saying. You may find that people want more information about a certain topic. 

QBO Website Blog: You can do the same thing with the QBO website blog. This is a great resource when you need to find a topic relevant to your business. 

Social Media Posts: You never know what you will stumble across when you are scrolling through social media posts. If you focus on groups within your industry, you may notice people asking the same questions over and over again. Those are the questions you will want to focus on in your content. 

Pinterest: Pinterest is another platform that holds a wealth of information. You may find that numerous people are searching for specific items about bookkeepers or running a business. Use that information to create content that will fill their needs. 

Quora: Quora is a website you can visit to see who has questions about your industry. If you happen to see questions asked frequently, you can write content that answers those questions. 

Forums: Forums are another excellent way to see what questions your target audience has. You can search for forums that are relevant to your field. Then check out the most asked questions and write content that provides answers. 

Ask the Public: Ask the Public is a website that compiles all the questions people are asking in Google. This is an excellent website to use when you are stuck. Simply enter your keywords and this website will give you all of the questions that have been asked that include those words. You should get quite a few ideas from those questions. 

Reddit Keyword Research Tool: This keyword research tool is similar to Ask the Public. In Reddit, you can enter your keyword and then see what topics people are discussing on the platform. 
Google Analytics Landing Pages Report: After you have written a few blog posts, you can head over to your Google Analytics Landing Pages Report to see which topics have been read the most. You can then use that information to focus on similar topics.

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