Women are the next level of consciousness

Women are the next level of consciousness.

Now is the time to Awaken the Divine Feminine energy that will enliven your soul, reconnect you to the rhythms of Nature, unlock deep intrinsic wisdom, intuitive power, love, and self-compassion and channel solutions for challenging times into being.

Each of us holds elemental energies within us, called shaktis that represent different aspects of divine consciousness. When you awaken these energies, you awaken your full potential to thrive. Shakti is goddess energy.

The Goddess is the DIVINE FEMININE.

Goddess archetypes give you a framework of what is possible.  Each goddess represents part of your potential that either needs to be nurtured and strengthened, is asleep and ready to be awakened, or lies in shadow to be transformed.  When these energies come alive, so do you and your life, work, relationships, finances, health and happiness.

Awaken the Divine is a sacred container for you to empower the Divine Feminine and reconnect, remember, and restore the soul seeds of the innate wisdom deep within you. There is no right or wrong when you approach the journey with an open heart and an authentic desire to know Her and yourself more.

When you fully awaken these energies within you will:

  • fully embody your highest potential for living
  • shift your internal landscape and create a profound shift in your external world
  • deepen your capacity for living with passion and depth
  • develop an unwavering spiritual connection, giving you a new level of certainty and trust where you feel more grounded, safe, held and steady
  • awaken your capacity to receive more love, abundance, ease, creativity, health and wealth
  • show up authentically and powerfully without shame, guilt or inner judgment
  • stop struggling and pushing so hard to make things happen and start flowing with grace and guidance through life’s changes
  • a paradigm shift where the divine feminine is honored within your daily life
  • radiant confidence, exude joy, and strengthen your faith and intuitive capacities

When you don’t have a strong connection to your innate capacities and to the divine you feel untethered and subject to the whims and changes of life happening all around you.

Women are feeling the pressures of a culture that teaches you must be everything to everyone to be of value.  You must overgive, overwork, and at the cost of your body, mental health, dreams and happiness. Women, you are highly intuitive and spiritual beings, yet your spiritual well remains precariously low because you live in a culture that does not value, honor or nurture the divine feminine essence.  

When your true essence is ignored for extended periods, you lose touch with your innate gifts. You stop trusting your intuition and start following a hypermasculine model that leads to burnout, exhaustion and feeling you are never doing enough.  

You deeply desire a new way of living, working, loving, leading and being in the world but do not know how to extricate yourself from the chaotic pace of a hypermasculine system that values and rewards competition over collaboration, individualism over community, profit over people and the environment, and incites conflict over resolution.  

You long for change that leads to a path of community, healing and nurturance. Where the female body is honored at all ages and stages of life.

Tell me if this resonates…

You feel you need to:

  • control your circumstances to feel safe and certain
  • make things happen because you don’t fully trust that you are supported
  • push harder in order to overcome obstacles
  • hide parts of yourself for fear of not being valued, loved or appreciated
  • upgrade the way you are living but feel trapped in the momentum of the way things are done

  • Stop doubting yourself and ignoring your heart's yearnings

  • overdo, over give or self-sacrifice in order to meet expectations, to feel seen, special or good enough
  • put others' needs before your own at the expense of your health and happiness

  • project your fears onto the future because you don’t want to recreate the past
  • put off your own happiness, and feel you need to do more to achieve more
  • come back into a more natural rhythm but do not know what that would look like or how

  • set aside your spiritual practices because you do not have enough time

“Who is She?

She is your power, your Feminine source.

Big Mama. The Goddess.

The Great Mystery. The web-weaver. The life force.

The first time, the twentieth time you may not recognize her.

Or pretend not to hear.

As she fills your body with ripples of terror and delight.

But when she calls you will know you’ve been called.

Then it is up to you to decide if you will answer.”

~ Lucy Pearce, Burning Woman

Signs you might be neglecting your feminine energy...

  • Overworked, exhausted and running on adrenalin

  • Feeling tired and wired at the same time

  • Creatively blocked

  • Frequently get sick

  • Struggle with anxiety or depression

  • Have intense bouts of resentment or anger

  • Feel disconnected and alone

  • Sense a hardening or tightness deep in your gut

  • Are hungry for spiritual connection

  • Often judge and criticize yourself and other women harshly

  • Are confused as to your direction and purpose in life

  • You are living a lackluster life

Connect to the power of the divine feminine to self-honor your journey to an easeful and trustful state.

Cultivate a spiritual connection to always feel supported, held and nourished.

Live with certainty, faith, positivity, freedom, and confidence daily!

Awaken shakti and feel yourself come alive with wonder, awe, and passion for your life !

Find your own unique rhythm and pace to life. Dissolve internal blocks and be transformed.

Be in awe of your divinity!

Each month you'll discover and awaken a new aspect of your inner goddess!

Become the magnet for what you desire to attract and manifest with greater ease, joy and fun in less time.

Awaken your divine shakti and embody fierceness, compassion, strength, beauty, resilience, courage, will power and creativity!

Your time is now to show up in a new, magical and radiant way for yourself and others with enthusiasm, energy and empowered confidence.

I've tried pretty much every type of yoga, meditation, therapy, counseling, manifestation tools and coaching you can think of to get out of my own way and change my beliefs to what is possible for me.

They all worked, up to a certain point but I'd always hit a wall. I could sense there was something missing I couldn't name. In time, I realized what was missing were parts of myself.

Those parts were the Divine Feminine.

When I took the time to awaken these parts, I began to experience my Whole Self. Life came into greater balance, there was a grace and beauty to the flow of life and I stopped pushing myself to extremes in order to produce and achieve a certain level of success, recognition and acknowledgment.

By honoring the Divine Feminine I now feel deeply nourished and have more energy, clarity, creativity and joy in my everyday life. I make better decisions because I align with my heart, and trust her guidance.

I continue to move towards my goals, but at a pace that is self-honoring and nurturing and allows me to thrive, unapologetically.


You sense there is a shift happening. You feel deeply desire a new way of living, working, loving, leading and being in the world but do not know how to extricate yourself from the chaotic pace of a hypermasculine system that values and rewards competition over collaboration, individualism over community, profit over people and the environment, and incites conflict over resolution. 

You and long for change that leads to a path of community, healing, honoring and nurturing but do not know how. 

What I have found to be true is the first step is to find yourself again. 

You must reawaken the parts of yourself that society has taught you to believe is weak, less than, unworthy and insignificant. 

You must reawaken the divine feminine so that you experience your true authentic nature. 

You do this by healing generational wounds, empowering your intuition, transforming your beliefs, heightening your insight and claiming your space, voice and your birthright to thrive.

You do this by Awakening the Divine Feminine

These are a few of the topics we'll be covering...

Reconnect to Nature Through Sacred Ritual & Embodied Practice

The Power of Language to Empower or Disempower

Unraveling Dominant Culture's Conditioning

Celebrating & Honoring the Female Body as Sacred

Creating Space, Expanding Time & Tapping Into Infinite Possibility

Becoming Receptive to Receiving Health, Abundance & Prosperity

Nourishing Your Soul Connection & Discerning the Messages of the Heart

How to Sit in Loss, Uncertainty, Let Go & Be Guided to Stillness

Sacred Rest as a Portal to

Healing & Transformation

Creating a Steady, Clear &

Focused Mind

Strengthening Internal Trust, Intuition, Wisdom & Self-Compassion

Becoming the Goddess

Through a combination...

of yoga asana, contemplations, mantras, yantras, yoga nidra, pranayama, and meditations you will access the divine connection and intelligence that resides within you in different ways. Some will be psychological.

When ignited you experience yourself as the awakened embodiment of that Goddess archetype.  You will think, feel, and move from a more enlightened, empowered and aware perspective.

You become the goddess.

Each of the goddesses

 represent parts of your potential that needs to be either nurtured and strengthened, that are asleep and ready to be awakened or lie in shadow to be transformed.  When these energies come alive, so does your life, work, relationships, finances, health and happiness.

When you embrace them all, you embrace and wholly love and accept yourself.

Working with the goddess

energies give you access to a power that works on a deeper level than is available through conventional psychology.

Goddess energies are transformative. They untangle psychic knots and transform the mind and heart. They purify, cleanse and clear the emotional and mental bodies, and change you on a deep cellular level. You begin to see the world, others and yourself through the lens of love, compassion, wisdom and clear insight.

For women especially,

tuning into goddess energies is a way of accessing parts of yourself and life energy that you may never have fully understood, appreciated or owned.

When you bravely enter a sacred space with other women to honor the Goddess within, magic happens.  You no longer feel alone, crazy, or lost. You feel held and supported in a way that allows for parts of you to be deeply nourished, heal, and come alive again.

You step into your intrinsic strength, intelligence, intuition, wisdom, healing capacity, and transformative and creative power.

Take the journey today!

Join the Awaken the Divine Feminine and get INSTANT access to the community, the content and the transformations!

Awaken the Divine Feminine includes:

An in-depth workshop on each goddess exploring their unique powers and shadow aspects

Direct mentorship and coaching from Lynsie in our private community

Yantras + Mantras Guide to raise your vibration so that you feel the radiance and power of each goddess as your own

Audio meditations to connect you to the healing and nurturing qualities of the divine

Yoga Nidra + pranayama guided classes to deeply rest, restore and rejuvenate your body and mind

An online vault of yoga and contemplative practices for each goddess so that you can embody her essence

Special monthly practices for embodiment and energetic attunement

Special Guest speakers and teachers to deepen your Self knowing, awaken your intuition + empower you to thrive

Community of Women Thriving, Unapologetically!

Change Your Breath, Change Your Life Course to experience the sacredness and healing capacity of the breath

The Complete Practice - 5 unique practices intelligently weaving together asana, breath, meditation and yoga nidra creating inner transformation

Your Investment:

$550 per month payment plan / $5500 per year

(save $500 when you sign up by May 17th)

I do not charge more for payment plans. You will not be penalized for needing to pay monthly. However, if you can pay in full, this allows me to provide scholarships, pay the expenses of the program upfront, and enables more incredible guest speakers to join us on this journey.

If you feel aligned with this program and need an extended payment plan, or want to make a deposit to reduce your monthly payments, reach out to me.

[email protected]

I will work with you to make it possible.

Unsure or have questions? Book a Clarity Call with Lynsie. It is important you feel confident and aligned with your investment. There is never any pressure to join. Your decision is honored, always.


The Complete Practice Library

Do you love yoga but are never confident in knowing which practice is correct for your needs and how you want to feel?

Take the guesswork out of your practice while exploring a broader spectrum of these teachings.

Tantra yoga is the mastery of energy and the weaving of the Divine into daily life. There is mastery and science to it that can empower you to deeply nourish and heal the body, steady the mind and reunite you with your heart.

Not all poses, meditations and breathing techniques create the same benefits or are useful to you at certain times in life.

When the correct postures are married to the right breathing, meditation and kriya techniques, the effects can be extraordinary.

Each module focuses on one goal and includes the practices that will support your intention and includes asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), meditation, yoga nidra and self-inquiry.

Take the time to completely nourish your nervous system, steady the mind and find ease in your body.


Monthly Goddess Circle

Every month we gather together online for a group coaching call, Q&A, to learn from guest speakers, and strengthen sacred connections. This is an opportunity to connect more deeply with fellow women on the path through shared practice, inspiring and meaningful conversations.

This is your place to feel held, supported and loved by women who truly understand you and want to see you flourish and embrace your Divine Feminine powers.

We have monthly deep dive immersions where we gather together to invoke a new Goddess energy through mindful movement, ceremony, sacred sound, self-inquiry and rich, in-depth conversations.

This is a profoundly immersive and empowering experience for women

...who want to live in alignment with their highest potential, flow through life with more ease and grace and be the state of being and frequency that is exactly what you want to attract, magnetize and create in your life.

Therefore, it is important...

to see this as a GIFT to yourself. This is a unique opportunity to slow down, go inward, open up to the Goddess within you, so that healing and transformation can happen. The energies of the Goddesses will enliven, protect, and inspire you.

She will lead you to true thriving, freedom and abundance.

Got a question…?

If you cannot attend a session, it will be recorded and yours to keep.

Take the full 12-month journey and join the Facebook group so that you have the opportunity to ask questions that inevitably come up on a spiritual journey and receive support and mentoring every week for a full year.

The more you show up for yourself, participate and bring the goddess energies into your daily life, the more you will experience amazing shifts within you and your life.

Not to worry. Payment plans are available so that you can dive in now and awaken the divine within. Once you commit to the goddess (hence yourself), she will show up for you in profound ways and your investment will come back to you in beautiful ways.

The more you show up for yourself, participate and bring the goddess energies into your daily life, the more you will experience amazing shifts within you and your life.

The goddesses represent aspects of you. Cultivating a goddess practice helps you understand why you might be afraid of your own innate power, beauty and strength. The goddess energies heal the broken bond between you and your highest Self so that you can confidently claim all aspects of yourself. When you do, you become what you seek. You become the full embodiment of the Goddess.

When you join the 12-month journey, you’ll have access to mentoring and support within the Facebook Group so that you can delve deeper into how to step into your full power and presence.

The more you show up for yourself, participate and bring the goddess energies into your daily life, the more you will experience amazing shifts within you and your life.

You will receive a professionally recorded meditation for each goddess to keep. You can use these meditations to support you whenever you need that particular goddess to be alive within you and your life.

All sessions are recorded and yours to keep. Once you join, you can watch them at your leisure and revisit any goddess you want to spend more time with.

What other women are saying...

I was turning 40 – somehow simultaneously moving way too fast but also without any specific direction or clear purpose. – too much alcohol, too much stress, not enough rest, too much time wasted. I needed a reset but did not have the skills or focus to do this on my own.

I’ve worked with Lynsie for years and know that she brings such wisdom, joy, and love to her work.

Lynsie helped me clarify what was missing in my life: spiritual connection and self-nurturance. I found that the commitment was not only completely doable, but it made me realize how little time I dedicated to myself. I also didn’t realize that the community of women that Lynsie gathered would really be the catalyst for us to all grow!

This was exactly the space that I needed to do the work of transformation. I had never experienced such a sacred space or realized the power that we hold collectively – we women are amazing! Today I am continuing on my journey, now clearly grounded with a vision and purpose that aligns with my inner goddess!

~Megan B.

Working with Lynsie has opened up connections to my heart, emotions and a spiritual realm that I have not been able to access for as long as I can remember. Both times I participated in her seminars I felt immense personal growth, and afterwards even moved to different cities to continue my exploration. I have been given an arsenal of tools to help me remain grounded and steady no matter what I’m going through, and I encounter change with enthusiasm and courage rather than fear. As someone who needs to always keep searching, Lynsie is an ally who makes me feel validated and supported along my path. She approaches her work with diligence, compassion, and energy, and makes her clients feel like they are seen and heard, and are in such capable hands no matter where they are on their journey.

~C. A.

In my 12 year mental health and spiritual journey, I can say without a doubt that Lynsie McKeown has been one of the greatest blessings I have received, and continue to.

It is hard to describe the gem that is Lynsie, and the incredible work she does as a yoga and meditation teacher, intuitive healer, spiritual guide, and energy worker. If you are committed to your healing and transformation, and ready to do the work, Lynsie is the person to go to,

~Zawadi Nyong'o

Lynsie's breadth of knowledge and spiritual wisdom is inspiring, thought provoking and challenging, in the best of ways. Her harmonious voice and holistic approach to coaching and teaching have given me the courage and tools I need to go deep, to heal, to ask for more and to live my best and most joyous life.

She is a poised and powerful woman and her expertise has been an invaluable force for transformation in my life.

~Elizabeth Erickson

Claim your spot now and begin the Journey to Awakening to your most extraordinary life

When you embrace the divine Goddess energy within you, you blossom into what

you most desire in life.

You become the radiant magnet that attracts the love, abundance, beauty, and

prosperity you deserve.

Meet Your Guide, Lynsie

"Living up to your highest potential comes naturally when you are aligned with the Divine"

Lynsie's mission is simple and clear... to empower women to be in tune with their divinity and create lives filled with purpose, joy and confidence.

Lynsie is a Spiritual Women Empowerment Coach, a lineage Yoga and Meditation Teacher, a certified Neuroencoding Specialist, TedX Speaker and live global Radio Show Host of

Women Thriving, Unapologetically reaching over 40 countries.

With over 17 years of personal inner work and spiritual growth combined with more than 14 years of professional experience in the healing and transformative modalities, Lynsie weaves an intricate web of compassionate and insightful support that enables women to honor their unique pace of healing and transformation, so that they move in sacred flow with the divine becoming an expression of the innate joy, beauty, ease, and freedom that resides within.

She leads powerful, transformative mentorship programs for women who want to experience the freedom and abundance that comes from diving deeply into the sacred abode of the heart.

Join the Awaken the Divine Feminine and get INSTANT access to the community, the content and the transformations!

Awaken the Divine Feminine includes:

A monthly workshop and workbook on a specific goddess

Direct empowerment coaching from Lynsie in our private portal

An online vault of yoga practices for each goddess

Yantras + Mantras Guide representing the monthly energies

Audio meditations for guidance and contemplation

Yoga Nidra + pranayama guided classes

Special monthly practices for embodiment and energetic attunement

VIP Guest speakers to uplift + empower


Change Your Breath, Change Your Life Course

BONUS: Complete Practice Vault

Your Investment:

$550 per month payment plan / $5500 per year(save $500 when you sign up by May 17th)

I do not charge more for payment plans. You will not be penalized for needing to pay monthly. However, if you can pay in full, this allows me to provide scholarships, pay the expenses of the program upfront, and enables incredible guest speakers to join us on this journey.

If you feel aligned with this program and need an extended payment plan, or want to make a deposit to reduce your monthly payments, reach out to me.

[email protected]

I will work with you to make it possible.

Unsure or have questions? Book a Clarity Call with Lynsie. It is important you feel confident and aligned with your investment. There is never any pressure to join. Your decision is honored, always.