Show Your Dog You Love Them
How To Show Your Dog You Love Them, By Feeding A Proper Species Appropriate Diet With Certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist, Dr. Stephanie Krol
Human-dog bonding has been going on for thousands of years. Since the time of hunter-gatherers, dogs have been man’s most loyal and excellent companion. Even today, the special bond between dog and man continues. That is why dogs are labeled as man’s best friend. Most dog owners can relate to the emotional connection that they have with their dogs.
Our canine friends give people companionship and unconditional love. Many dog owners can attest to how dogs make people feel secure. Due to people’s emotional attachment to dogs, they are being utilized to provide emotional support to patients.
“Most dog owners will tell you that they love their dogs, but as a dog owner, do you truly love your dog?” Dr. Stephanie Krol asks pet owners. Dr. Stephane is an avid dog lover and a certified raw dog food nutrition specialist. “If you love your dogs, you have to feed them with proper food that creates health and wellness. Dogs are powerful animals, but they have needs that go beyond love and affection. Every species of dog has a unique nutritional requirement, and it’s the least we can do to learn that information and educate ourselves on how to give them the best lives possible. You have to provide your dogs with the appropriate diet for their species,” she explained.
Dr. Stephanie Nearly Lost Her Dog
Dr. Stephanie is the proud dog owner of a Jack Russell Terrier named Winston. She described her dog as a brilliant and rambunctious dog with a great sense of humor to other dogs and people. Together, they enjoy strolling in the park, wherein they pick on people who are not paying attention to their dogs. “Winston loves to bark at them and wake them up. So have so much fun together,” she narrated.
One day, Dr. Stephanie recounted that her dog began throwing up violently. She took Winston to the veterinary specialty clinic near her home. “The vet told me that aging is catching up with my dog. Winston had a little fatty tumor on his right front leg. He was also having trouble seeing in the dark,” she said. However, she thought that those were just natural signs of aging.
Dr. Stephanie sought a second opinion. Unfortunately, the second vet also said the same thing. “The vet told me that Winston needed to undergo surgery, or his spleen would rupture,” she said. They could not really give me a reason why he was also currently sick, just drugs to stop symptoms. However, she contemplated that even with surgery, she could still lose her boy.
Dr. Stephanie loves her dog so much that she refused to accept the vet’s prognosis. That is why she decided to take the matter into her own hands. She was determined to make her dog healthy again. “I do not want to lose my dog, so I took the big risks, and prayed I was on the right track for big rewards. I have decades of experience in research and experimentation. I have also coached many people into healthier lifestyles. I used all these pieces of knowledge to save my dog,” she explained.
Through research, Dr. Stephanie developed the proper diet for Winston to regain his vitality. “The simple change of diet did help my dog, but it did not happen overnight. It took some time before Winston became healthy again, but she saw amazing weekly progress,” she said.
“When I saw what happened to my dog, I knew that I had to share it with the world. It was just the right thing to do! There are dogs around the world who are suffering. The right diet could optimize their health and lifespan. It will also let them live a pain-free and joyful life,” she added.
Today, Winston lives a life filled with energy, love, and vitality and continues to join Dr. Stephanie while walking in the park.
Feeding Your Dog With The Proper Diet
Dr. Stephanie emphasized that dogs come in various sizes. She added that every dog has a certain nutritional requirement, different from another species. For example, the ratios are different for each dog, and some dogs like different vegetables and fruits, and puppies should not be faster till after a year old at least.
“As dog owners, we are responsible for educating ourselves, so our dogs can live happy, healthy, and protected lives,” Dr. Stephanie said. She pointed out that people tend to feed their dogs around their convenience and not based on their health. “Many dogs around are suffering and aging prematurely. We can attribute it to the overly processed, cleverly-marketed commercialized pet food, over-vaccinating and putting unnecessary toxic chemicals on and in them just like we do for people sadly,” she added.
While trying to heal her dog, Dr. Stephanie took a very deep dive into commercially available pet food. She found out that most of the promises made on the packages of commercialized pet food are often exaggerated and sometimes flat-out inaccurate and untrue. “The bulk of the pet food product comes from nutritionally empty and worthless animal byproducts. Usually, these are animal parts that are byproducts of food production no longer fit for human consumption called rendering. In addition, some of the animal byproducts can contain tumors, lots of fat, and even drugs used to put down sick animals in some cases, that is not good for your dog’s health,” she explained.
That is why Dr. Stephanie wants to share what she learned while navigating the traditional medical system to make the right food choice for her dog. She teaches dog owners a unique nutrition plan designed to optimize dogs’ health and lifespan.
“We have to show our love to our dogs by feeding them healthy and nutritious meals. Hence, it is essential to start asking yourself if the food you are giving your dog is healthy. A super great way to answer that question is identifying if it’s real food? Not processed food. Does it contain hazardous chemicals? Ask: Will this food make my dog sick or healthy?” Dr. Stephanie said.
Dr. Stephanie is inviting dog owners to learn how to restore their dog’s health and build their immune systems, so they do not get sick, through a proper diet. Aside from being a Certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist, Dr. Stephanie is a Certified and Accredited Animal Psychology/Pets Behavior Specialist. Also, Dr. Stephanie serves as a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals.
Dr. Stephanie was a former award-winning educator and a sought-after dean for Higher Education and Allied Health Schools. She pursued her passion for taking good care of dogs. “I always have a strong emotional connection with all animals. Doing pet wellness coaching is like rekindling an old love. I am passionate about it,” she added.
Learn the proper species-appropriate diet for your dog with Dr. Stephanie by visiting