For many years, I acted and behaved in ways that always made sense to me but not others. And when there was ever a disconnect between myself and other people, I would often say, “What’s wrong with them?” or even worse, “What’s wrong with me? Did I do something wrong?” And that’s the power of being Self-Aware.
You learn that your behaviors are a part of how you are wired and that there are certain ways to best communicate with you to be more effective. Being Self-Aware also helps you learn how to best communicate with others who are wired differently than you. This is one of the many benefits of my program. Click the link to learn more about my Self-Awareness Program.
Increase Self-Awareness and Maximize Potential
Clarity, Role Awareness & Authenticity
Recognize Strengths & Limitations
Leadership Effectiveness and Building Thriving Relationships
Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Health
>> 45 Minute Orientation of the report (Virtual or In-Person if local)
>> 3 Coaching sessions over 30-60 days to go over your report in more depth, set your priorities, and develop action plan. (Virtual or In-Person Local)
As I started taking risks and putting myself in different environments, I started to have hope that there was more to my life than what it was.
As I started to become more aware of my gifts and talents and how I could use them to serve others and ultimately make a better life for myself. I have devoted my life's work to helping others heal from the past, grow in faith, live as their MOST AUTHENTIC self, Living with purpose and on purpose. And it all starts with Self and Self-Awareness. Which is why I am excited to help as many people as I can with my programs.