Are you a freedom motivated entrepreneur or building business in the online space? Are you stuck in a rut and not quite sure how to move forward, and increase your income to 5 figures a month without working around the clock?

No need to spin your wheels or overcomplicate things when you can learn to simply pivot in this new economy and create a life on your own terms.

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Unlock your full potential with this 6 month program that will teach you exactly what you need to do to consistently hit that 6 figure mark and even scale your business to multiple 6 figures. This isn’t some generic course you buy and work through the modules on your own accord. This weekly live training will hold you accountable and help you create the systems and habits you need to create long term sustainable business. Christina not only tailors the program to this group and their current needs, but also gives you one on one access through voxer to hash out a specific plan based on your unique business. This roadmap is your fast pass to make more money, find more purpose on what you do and set the ground work so you can scale with a team of people who can help you build your empire.

If this sounds like you… and you’re ready to make an investment in yourself and in your business, I’m here to help!

This is not for you if...

  • You haven’t made at least $20k and have proof of concept in your business (you would be a better fit for my 3 month Accelerated Business Academy)

  • If you are still living pay check to pay check and struggling to make ends meet (if this is the case, please take advantage of my free Facebook group Life Transformed and the multiple workshops I offer in that group every year)

  • You aren’t ready to go all in on your business and do what it takes to build it to the next level

This is for you if...

  • You want to create endless leads with ideal buyers

  • You have an established business, but haven’t been able to break through that six figure mark and are feeling burnt out and frustrated with the every changing marketplace

  • You want to create your dream lifestyle around your business (whatever that looks like for you) as well as stand out with your brand so you are the preferred choice and referred by others

  • You’re looking for business strategies that will raise profits and lower your time spent “in” the business while creating a community of loyal buyers

  • You want to create a sustainable business where you stop trading time for money

LOOK NO FURTHER! The 6 Figure Profit Plan was designed specifically for YOU! You're a visionary. You have great ideas, but most entrepreneurs don't execute well because they lack a step by step game plan to generate more business and increase their income.

I'm going to show you where to intentionally focus your time, so you can maximize your pay check with less effort. Let's create your dream business together so you are excited to get up in the morning and work for it!

I'm going to teach you my proven systems, foundational business practices, and success habits that have helped many entrepreneurs increase their income in any economy.

Fill out the form below to apply to the

6 Figure Profit Plan

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The 6 Figure Profit Plan is your acceleration ⏩ to purpose , profit , and impact .

6 Figure Profit Plan

This program will help you create a meaningful, purpose driven business in alignment with your values and beliefs.

My purpose here on earth is to help parents design a life outside of the 9-5 so they can enjoy life with their kids. Most people work themselves into the ground, sacrificing time with family, just to take a vacation, once or twice a year.

I lived that way for many years, until I said "NO MORE" and create a life I LOVE.

I will show you how to build an income around your desired lifestyle with your family as the priority, while you build a business you're proud of so you become a role model for your kids. Stop working for your vacations, and let me show you how to create a life you never need a vacation from.

The 6 Figure Profit Plan is key that connects the dots between your business and your dream life, and it will help you overcome the daily challenges of entrepreneurship all while having fun with likeminded, positive, self motivated business owners.

Hi, I'm Christina!

My husband Ryan, and I have created a freedom based lifestyle that most people dream of, and I want to tell you that this is possible for you too. We live like we are retired in our early 40s and schedule our day around the things we love and want to accomplish.

No set weekly schedule or asking for time off , no missing out on important life events because we are too busy working. Creating a life beyond the balance most people seek was really important to us, but learning to embrace lifestyle entrepreneurship takes working for yourself to a whole new level.

I will help you transform your busy day - that never seems like there is enough time ⏰ to accomplish everything you want - into a life many will be impacted and inspired by.

Most people say they don’t have time. But I’m going to show you how to create time freedom and then, if you so desire, you can teach other people how to do the same. 👏