Real Estate Sellers

We provide you the edge to maximize your clients’ digital potential and take your agency to the next level.

🔥 $20- Average Cost/Lead (depending on qualifications)

🔥 $30 / Lead MAX - Guaranteed 🔥

🔥 Average 15% appointment book rate.

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$20/ Average Lead -Guaranteed 🔥

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number

Average 15% appointment book rate.

Lead Qualifications

+ $7.50 (each)

Filter out renters

Filter out utility bill under $x

Filter out under 650 credit

Via Funnel (provided by us)

Additional Questions

Price Added to Base (+ $2.50 each)

  • Do you currently rent or own?
  • How soon are you looking to sell your home?
  • Complete freedom to ask whatever the client wants


Pick A Package That Suits Your Agency

Basic Offer

  • Our Service Fee is half of ad spend we will be managing.
  • Minimum service fee = $399 service fee
  • Either Weekly or Monthly
  • No setup fees.

Bulk Discount Offer

  • 10% OFF 2K AD SPEND
  • 15% OFF 3K AD SPEND
  • 20% OFF 4K AD SPEND
  • ...Etc ( upto 50%)

First $200 Ad Spend of any new account is a testing period before CPL guarantee begins.

View Our Incredible Results Below

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