
Want a career working from home as a SM?

Please take the time to fill out our application.

This application process consists of TWO steps.

Step one is filling our your general information and uploading your CV.

Step two is taking our SM assessment.

Good Luck!

Step One: General Info + CV

Tell us a little bit about your background

choose your state

Please upload your resume or CV below.

Step Two: Skills Assessment

Answer the questions below to the best of you ability.

Please attempt all questions.

There are no right or wrong answers, we simply want to assess your thought process.

A few ground rules for the assessment:
1. Please make sure all links are clickable and shareable before submitting.
2. Keep in mind that you have to change the color and scale of the text of each sentence as shown in the reference.
3. Don’t write the subtitles out yourself, you can use any online software to generate a SRT file for you to use in Adobe Premiere.
(You can use any free online software to generate the SRT file)

Not adhering to the above can disqualify your assessment.

Good Luck!


Section 1: Social Media Strategy

This is your brand:  The Queen Kollective

Section 2: Content Creation

This is your brand:  The Queen Kollective

Section 3: Analytics

This is your brand:  The Queen Kollective

Analyze the performance of the social media account for your client. identify the strengths and weaknesses of the account, and recommend strategies for improvement.

Section 4: Situational questions

Almost there!

Please upload your voice note below following the instructions. Failure to follow the instructions will lead to automatic disqualification.

  1. Use this link to record your voice note Answering the below questions:

    The voice note should be no longer that 5 minutes. Any voice note exeeding the 5 minutes will be disregarded.

    After recording the voice note, copy the generated link of the recorded voice note and paste it in the below form to submit.



1. Introduce yourself briefly in English.

2. Tell us about your favorite book and why you love it.

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