Massive Reasons

That Stops


From Taking Action


Influential Minds > Unleash Your Gifts > Blogs > Massive Reasons That Stops Businessprenuers From Taking Action Blog

Yesterday I had a business client who told me procrastination was mastering her.

She felt lost, lethargic, sluggish, anxiety started to creep in and now she is starting to feel useless.

I asked her, what was her blocker to taking action?

She instantly told me she didn’t know but when we started to dig around there were 2 things that were stopping her.

1) 2 x limiting beliefs around money and her self-worth

2) Fear and the negative feeling of possible failure.

One of the things I notice as a business coach are these are the symptoms of businesspreneurs on the brink of going up to their next level of performance.

It is part and parcel of achieving your goals.

When you set yourself a goal, you are instantly signing up to coming out of the comfort zone. When you come out of your comfort zone you feel scared, fearful, uncomfortable and potentially lost.

You also feel excited and sometimes so good you feel high.

It’s an emotional rollercoaster!

Here is what you can do about:

1) Your Limiting Thoughts

Whenever you think or dream about the perfect life you desire or set a goal, your subconscious mind sends limiting thoughts into your mind telling you that whatever you want to achieve is not possible.

For instance, you will think, ‘I will have to work twice as hard’, or ‘that means I have to wake up 2 hours earlier each day’, or ‘I don’t even have enough time for family, let alone to spend another one hour a day reading’.

When you want to work hard on your goals, your mind will tell you to stop because it is going to be tired or you can always do it tomorrow.

Whenever you are trying to go out of your comfort zone, our self-induced limiting thoughts will kick in and tell us to stay right where we are.

You have to understand that this phenomenon is absolutely normal.

We are trained and programmed to think and act within our comfort zone, not outside of it, to keep ourselves safe. They are just considerations telling you why you should not attempt your goals.

Whenever you have limiting thoughts, be aware of them and know that they are just part of a normal process. These thoughts are there to warn you because you are trying to do something out of your norm.

Once you have identified them and understood that they are just your limiting thoughts, things will become easy.

And once you are aware of them, you can overcome them. And you can achieve your goals and more.

Trust me, you can!

2) Your Fear

The second major factor that stops people from taking action to reach their goal is the fear and the negative feelings they feel within them.

Fears are normal, just like limiting thoughts.

Fear stands for Fantasising Experiences Appearing Real.

Back in the jungle, fear worked as the signal telling us that we should get away from dangers.

However, those fears are important only when you live in the jungle and where the tiger has spotted you for dinner.

Today, in the modern world we feel fear because we are afraid of rejection, failure, or even success.

We are afraid of making a fool of ourselves when we voice our opinion in a meeting. We are afraid we might get humiliated and feel embarrassed if we fail in public speaking or in other ways.

So, fears are just feelings that we feel within us, they are not real in the first place.

Think about it, when you try to approach a stranger or ask someone out for a date, you are afraid of rejection and failure. This is what stops most people from taking action and moving forward.

Always remember this, “FEAR is just Fantasised Experiences Appearing Real”.

Fear only appears in your head. Fear is there because you worry about the uncertainty.


Limiting thoughts and fear are normal when you set goals and move up to your next performance levels.

Your brain is trying to protect you and make sure you don’t get hurt.

Repeat to yourself that FEAR is just Fantasised Experiences Appearing Real.

Think about it another way: if you don’t experience limiting thoughts and fear, is that your mind telling you your goal is too easy and too small? And if it is, will you grow?

Let us help you overcome these fears and limiting beliefs through our Supercharge Your Business In 90 Days programme. This programme will help you scale your business to £1m+ but also help you deal with your fear, anxiety and limiting beliefs at the same time so that you grow into the successful businesspreneur that you know deep down you can be…



Influential Minds are experts in Business transformation who have a history of results in helping you work less and earn more profit.



WEBSITE BY Digital Leads Agency

Massive Reasons That Stops Businessprenuers From Taking Action Blog

Influential Minds > Unleash Your Gifts > Blogs >

Massive Reasons That Stops Businessprenuers From Taking Action Blog

Yesterday I had a business client who told me procrastination was mastering her.

She felt lost, lethargic, sluggish, anxiety started to creep in and now she is starting to feel useless.

I asked her, what was her blocker to taking action?

She instantly told me she didn’t know but when we started to dig around there were 2 things that were stopping her.

1) 2 x limiting beliefs around money and her self-worth

2) Fear and the negative feeling of possible failure.

One of the things I notice as a business coach are these are the symptoms of businesspreneurs on the brink of going up to their next level of performance.

It is part and parcel of achieving your goals.

When you set yourself a goal, you are instantly signing up to coming out of the comfort zone. When you come out of your comfort zone you feel scared, fearful, uncomfortable and potentially lost.

You also feel excited and sometimes so good you feel high.

It’s an emotional rollercoaster!

Here is what you can do about:

1) Your Limiting Thoughts

Whenever you think or dream about the perfect life you desire or set a goal, your subconscious mind sends limiting thoughts into your mind telling you that whatever you want to achieve is not possible.

For instance, you will think, ‘I will have to work twice as hard’, or ‘that means I have to wake up 2 hours earlier each day’, or ‘I don’t even have enough time for family, let alone to spend another one hour a day reading’.

When you want to work hard on your goals, your mind will tell you to stop because it is going to be tired or you can always do it tomorrow.

Whenever you are trying to go out of your comfort zone, our self-induced limiting thoughts will kick in and tell us to stay right where we are.

You have to understand that this phenomenon is absolutely normal.

We are trained and programmed to think and act within our comfort zone, not outside of it, to keep ourselves safe. They are just considerations telling you why you should not attempt your goals.

Whenever you have limiting thoughts, be aware of them and know that they are just part of a normal process. These thoughts are there to warn you because you are trying to do something out of your norm.

Once you have identified them and understood that they are just your limiting thoughts, things will become easy.

And once you are aware of them, you can overcome them. And you can achieve your goals and more.

Trust me, you can!

2) Your Fear

The second major factor that stops people from taking action to reach their goal is the fear and the negative feelings they feel within them.

Fears are normal, just like limiting thoughts.

Fear stands for Fantasising Experiences Appearing Real.

Back in the jungle, fear worked as the signal telling us that we should get away from dangers.

However, those fears are important only when you live in the jungle and where the tiger has spotted you for dinner.

Today, in the modern world we feel fear because we are afraid of rejection, failure, or even success.

We are afraid of making a fool of ourselves when we voice our opinion in a meeting. We are afraid we might get humiliated and feel embarrassed if we fail in public speaking or in other ways.

So, fears are just feelings that we feel within us, they are not real in the first place.

Think about it, when you try to approach a stranger or ask someone out for a date, you are afraid of rejection and failure. This is what stops most people from taking action and moving forward.

Always remember this, “FEAR is just Fantasised Experiences Appearing Real”.

Fear only appears in your head. Fear is there because you worry about the uncertainty.


Limiting thoughts and fear are normal when you set goals and move up to your next performance levels.

Your brain is trying to protect you and make sure you don’t get hurt.

Repeat to yourself that FEAR is just Fantasised Experiences Appearing Real.

Think about it another way: if you don’t experience limiting thoughts and fear, is that your mind telling you your goal is too easy and too small? And if it is, will you grow?

Let us help you overcome these fears and limiting beliefs through our Supercharge Your Business In 90 Days programme. This programme will help you scale your business to £1m+ but also help you deal with your fear, anxiety and limiting beliefs at the same time so that you grow into the successful businesspreneur that you know deep down you can be…



Influential Minds are experts in Business transformation who have a history of results in helping you work less and earn more profit.



WEBSITE BY Digital Leads Agency