
What is Neuroplasticity?

What is Neuroplasticity?

December 10, 20223 min read

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to adapt and change as a result of our interactions with the world around us.

Have you ever felt frustrated by your brain? Stuck in an endless cycle of negative, anxious thoughts, or feeling unable to improve at school or work? While it may feel impossible to break this cycle, it's not. The human brain is an amazing organ, constantly forming new connections and pathways. Believe it or not, as humans, we are capable of rewiring our brains.

Every time we learn something new, we are creating new connections between our neurons. Our brains are constantly rewiring to adapt to new circumstances. Although this occurs naturally on a daily basis, it’s also something that we can encourage and stimulate.

How is neuroplasticity sabotaging my success?

Our brains don't like to work too hard. When we are making a lot of the same connections, they create shortcuts. Unfortunately, this means when you are constantly having negative thoughts, you are sculpting your brain to naturally begin to worry. But wait, there's good news: we can also harness neuroplasticity in order to create positive connections in our brains.

How can I rewire my brain using neuroplasticity? 

Think of it this way: if you want to get a six-pack, you can't just go to the gym once and expect to come back completely ripped. You might have to go to the gym every day for a year, or even longer before you see results. The same goes for your mind. Maybe you've tried meditation once or twice and couldn't get relaxed or didn't notice any results. Well, your mind is like a muscle - it takes time to sculpt and train.

So, we do sit-ups and planks for our six-pack abs...what do we do for our minds? Since our brains create connections in response to actions, it is possible to rewire your brain simply by changing your habits. I know - it's easier said than done. So, how can we actually change our habits, and eventually, our brains?

Here are 3 great places to start:

1. Make a list of the habits you want to ditch and develop: 

The first step toward changing your brain is to identify the bad habits that you want to get rid of and any good habits that you want to implement. Bringing awareness to your habits is the first and most important step toward change.

2. Choose something to replace the bad habit. 

Do you mindlessly scroll on social media in your free time? Stopping cold turkey won't be easy, and you're likely to find yourself reaching for your phone as soon as your feel an ounce of boredom. Instead, come up with a quick list of activities to fill the void of doom-scrolling. That way, when you find your brain wandering toward (insert bad habit here), it will be easier to take your mind off of it and onto something that will positively impact your noggin. 

3. Visualize yourself changing your habits

Visualizing is one way to rewire the connections in your brain. Taking time out of each day to seriously visualize yourself engaging in your new habits can actually help make them happen. The more you think about engaging in these positive habits, the more likely they are to actually become habits.

If you're struggling to change your habits, consider working with a neuroplasticity coach. Neuroplasticity coaches can help you create a plan to overcome bad habits, and create new, positive connections in your brain. Applying the concept of neuroplasticity to your day-to-day can help to overcome negative, anxious thoughts, and change your life for the better. 

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