Southwest Learning Centers is a community of supportive teachers and team members who recognize that as they elevate families, teams, and communities, they elevate themselves. We change communities for the better.
We excel at supporting families to reach their unique vision of success by honoring their emotional and financial investment in us. Through support that transcends childcare alone, SWLC provides the sense of security, peace, and joy necessary for determined and engaged families to scale and live their best lives; making a positive impact upon their communities.
We strive to treat everyone with the care and respect those who love them would want for them.
Everyone deserves to feel loved.
Our students arrive confidently each day knowing their teachers and their family both value them.
Everyone deserves to feel safe.
Energy matters. Children are sensitive to their environment and rely upon their families and teachers to ensure their safety; physically and emotionally.
Everyone deserves to feel successful.
We celebrate wins! There are no small milestones. Whether it's holding a spoon, tying a shoe, or making a friend. Our teachers and families celebrate together.
While your role is part-time it is in no way small. You will be truly appreciated by teachers, families, and especially the children.Please note, for working with children and families:
Tattoos must be covered (your art may not be for everyone and we don't want to judge)
Hazards: Piercings and press-on nails or other jewelry is a choking hazards should it fall to the ground. Piercings are also easily caught (or tugged on by children), and long nails can scratch. Please leave jewelry at home, and nails on the shorter length.
Light to no makeup, as well as perfume, to avoid allergic reactions in some children.
We are a tobacco-free zone (including vaping), and is not permitted during your shift
Are you ready to become part of our mission to build a better world one family at a time? Apply now!