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How to Know if You’re Nailing Customer Loyalty

How to Know if You’re Nailing Customer Loyalty

August 16, 20243 min read


How to Know if You’re Nailing Customer Loyalty

How to Know if You’re Nailing Customer Loyalty

It’s no secret that the world of business is more competitive than ever, and customer loyalty can be the difference between success and failure. But if you’re not sure where you are on the spectrum of customer loyalty, where do you begin? Read on to find out how to know if you’re nailing customer loyalty.

The problem: brands don’t know their customers as well as they think
In a recent study, Bain & Company found that 80% of companies believe they deliver a superior customer experience, but only 8% of their customers agree. This disconnect is costing businesses dearly, as poor customer service is one of the leading drivers of churn. There are three steps you can take to get your relationship with your customers back on track Determine where you are in respect to customer loyalty: The first step is understanding how loyal your customers really are. That might seem straightforward enough, but it’s surprisingly difficult because there’s no industry standard for what loyal means. Some brands have a hard time figuring out where they stand at all:
Are we more like Lufthansa or JetBlue? What about Delta? How about Southwest? And so on and so forth.

Understanding the customer journey

Mapping out the customer journey is a critical first step in understanding customer loyalty. By identifying key touchpoints and mapping out the interactions between the customer and your company, you can start to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, analyzing customer feedback at each stage of the journey can help you understand how your customers feel and what they need from you. Finally, constantly monitoring your progress will ensure that you are making the most impactful changes.

Getting a clear picture of your customers’ needs

Before you can start working on customer loyalty, you need to get a clear picture of what your customers need and want. The best way to do this is to simply ask them. You can survey them, either online or in person, and ask them about their experience with your business and what they would like to see improved. Once you have this information, you can start working on making changes that will encourage loyalty.

What people like about you

-You offer a great product or service
-You’re always friendly and helpful
-You make it easy for customers to do business with you
-You always follow through on your promises
-You go above and beyond to solve customer problems
-You’re always accessible when customers need you
-You make sure customers are happy with their purchase

Understanding how your customers get value from your brand

When customers are considering your brand, they think about what value you offer them. This could be in the form of a great product, excellent customer service, or a unique experience. Whatever it is, your customers need to feel that you’re providing them with something they can’t get anywhere else. If you can deliver on this, you’re well on your way to nailing customer loyalty.

Is there enough consistency in your messaging?

When it comes to customer loyalty, consistency is key. Your customers need to know what they can expect from you, and your message should reflect that. If you’re constantly changing your message or offering different incentives, it can be tough for customers to know what they can expect from you. Plus, it can make you seem unreliable or untrustworthy. So if you want to build customer loyalty, make sure your messaging is consistent.

Measuring customer loyalty across multiple channels

To get a holistic view of customer loyalty, you must measure it across multiple channels. This includes social media, online reviews, customer service interactions, and sales data. By tracking loyalty across all channels, you can get a clear picture of where your business stands.

If you need help understanding where you are or if you know are you ready to stop leaving money on the table, book your free discovery call.

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