Medical Breakthrough: Borrelia Treatment

Bioresonance cures Borrelia strain near Hamburg

May 01, 20242 min read

It all started when I became more and more allergic to animal hair of all kinds. Not the best prerequisite for a veterinarian. After various attempts to get rid of the allergy, bioresonance was ultimately the only thing that really helped me well and, above all, in the long term. Since this treatment by a naturopath, I have been virtually symptom-free and can do my job again.

Based on my own experiences, I planned to use this with my animal patients as well. But as a veterinarian trained in conventional medicine, I first wanted to convince myself whether I could also get involved as a therapist. That’s why I attended two special advanced training courses offered by the manufacturer of the BICOM® device. During these courses, I was able to convince myself that I could also use bioresonance for the diagnosis and therapy of dogs and cats without prejudice.

Since then I have treated many animals with it. Of course, some special cases are more memorable. Just like the young shepherd who was actually brought to me to be put to sleep because he couldn’t get up anymore, hadn’t eaten for days and looked pathetic.

Borrelia strain

Mostly I diagnose and treat animals with chronic and allergic problems and not as a so-called “last straw”. With this German shepherd I had the feeling that something was still possible. During my biophysical test, I got a clear rash from “Borrelia”, a bacterial infection transmitted by ticks. That gave me hope.

I started the first treatment immediately after testing. For this I used the appropriate Borrelia ampoule and specific programs that are stored in the BICOM® device. After four more sessions over the next two weeks, the animal was healthy again. Since in this case the owner did not want any further conventional medical treatment, bioresonance was the only therapy this dog received. The dog lived on happily for many more years.

In summary, I would like to say that BICOM® bioresonance is an important part of finding a diagnosis for me and I will continue to use it successfully therapeutically.


Dr medical vet Reinhard Goy

dr Goy has been using proven complementary healing methods in his veterinary practice for over 20 years in addition to conventional medicine. He was particularly impressed by the BICOM® bioresonance method.


infections in Animals

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It is important to remember that individual anecdotes and testimonials should not be used as the sole basis for making decisions about medical treatments or therapies.

When it comes to alternative therapies like bioresonance, it is essential to rely on evidence-based research and the advice of trained medical professionals. While some people may have positive experiences with bioresonance for their animals, it is important to approach these claims with caution and seek out reliable information from reputable sources.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue bioresonance or any other alternative therapy for your animal should be made in consultation with a veterinarian or animal health professional who can help you weigh the potential benefits and risks.

Pollen – a nuisance for our animal companions too

Hay fever patients are only too familiar with the problem. Year after year the misery begins in the spring with stinging eyes, runny itchy nose and, in severe cases, with a cough and asthma as well. What is perhaps less well known is that our animals too suffer increasingly from this same medical condition.

Just as with humans, the incidence of allergies is also becoming more frequent in animals. Allergic reactions may be provoked by airborne allergens such as pollen, house dust and house dust mites, amongst other factors. Food intolerance is also on the increase, however, and represents a distressing problem for the affected animals.

Now, in spring, as it gets warmer, allergic animals are all suffering as well. With animals it is mainly their skin which itches or else their

noses run more and they occasionally sneeze. Changes in their coats and reddening of the skin are often noticed in the face, feet and ears. These areas often display bloody claw marks and develop into very painful weeping eczema, indicating the severity of the irritation.

This type of problem in animals can be treated with the allergy programs pre-loaded in the Bicom device.

Dr. med. vet. C. May

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