Ask Bill...

I'm here to help!

I really enjoy answering questions from real estate brokerage owners, real estate agents and other entrepreneurs.

Feel free to enter your message below...

I'll record a response or draft an email and send it to your best email address. All I ask is that you grant me permission to use it anonymously on my sites or posts. Of course names will be changed to protect the innocent :)


My Question IS...

Please feel free to any question related to real estate sales, marketing, management, profitability, recruiting, retention, training, mindset, goals, vision, productivity, avoidance etc.

IMPORTANT: By asking a question I understand you MAY use the answer as an example in other presentations, posts or videos. I hereby give you permission to do so with the understanding that you will remove any personal information and change the names, locations etc. so as to protect my privacy. Bill reserves the right to not answer any question for any reason and to refer you to other sources IF he is aware of a viable resource.

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