School of Insurance - Arkansas

Continuing Education Courses

AR - Wire Fraud & Identity Theft In Real Estate

1-Hour General Education.

Identity theft and wire fraud are the fastest-growing crimes in America during the real estate transaction for the very obvious reason that most of us have made our most valuable personal information — name, address, social security number, driver’s license, credit card number, etc. — available online.

According to Bureau of Justice statistics, more than 16.7 Americans were victims of identity theft in 2017. Fraud losses during real estate transaction, in some manner or another, totaled $16.8 million. At least 143-million Americans were affected by the Equifax breach. Banks (JP Morgan Chase), retailers (Target) and web services (Yahoo) have all been hacked.

This course is designed to give the agent the knowledge to help their client remain safe during the already stressful period of a real estate sale or purchase by knowing the signs and “red” flags associated with nefarious behavior.


AR - Principles of RESPA

1-Hour General Education.

This one-hour course instructs title insurance professionals on working and engaging with customers in a RESPA-compliant manner. It covers prohibitions under Section 8 of RESPA and insight on compliant advertising agreements, office rentals, co-advertising arrangements, affiliated business arrangements and promotional events. Certain state law restrictions are also covered regarding marketing-related activities.


AR - Taxes and Real Estate What You Need to Know

2-Hour General Education.

While it’s not a producer's job to act as a tax advisor to clients and customers, having a strong understanding of property tax-related issues likely to come up during the transaction process helps them provide a better quality of service. And, thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the U.S. tax code recently underwent a number of significant changes relating to mortgage interest deductions, state and Local Taxes (SALT) caps, tax brackets, and more bring about a huge benefit to real property owners.


AR - Escrow Issues

1-Hour General Education.

This class will provide title producers with an excellent in-depth look at how escrows work in the title insurance, real estate and financing environment.

The term "escrow" is a part of the settlement process, but few know how many different escrows are actually a part of each settlement. The class will review the different types of escrows, how to establish an escrow and the pros and cons of an escrow. We will review an actual escrow agreement and examine the wording necessary to create a complete escrow agreement.


AR - Title Insurance Underwriting

1-Hour General Education.

Try as we do to eliminate or minimize risks, there will be claims. Every title insurance professional must have a basic understanding of the underwriting process including how to talk to your customer who may need to file a claim.

This course will cover the basic knowledge need for a title insurance producer to know, understand and assist clients through the various steps of the underwriting process.


AR - Ethical Practice In The Marketing And Selling Of Title Insurance

1-Hour General Education.


“Ethics” are a body of moral principles. In the insurance profession, these moral principles are developed and impacted by legislation, by those in the profession, and by the standards and beliefs of the individual agent.

This one-hour course covers the responsibilities of practicing ethically and responsibly.
We will cover some common areas on concern as well.


AR - Title, Escrow and Closing A Real Estate Transaction

1-Hour General Education.

From unexpected tax lines, easement issues, title insurance requirements, and final walk-through hiccups, the closing process can be a tricky one. The purpose of this course is to give you the information needed to help your clients navigate the closing process.


AR - What Are the Types of Deeds Used to Convey Title in Real Estate

2-Hour General Education: CE on the GO [Audio Only]

The vast majority of real estate transactions use four major types of deeds to convey title. The difference in the types of deeds is primarily the covenants and warranties conveyed by the grantor to the grantee. They vary from few-to-none to significant warranties conveyed in a general warranty deed.


AR - ALTA New Forms

1-Hour General Education.

This course covers changes in the Covered Risks, Exclusions, Schedules, and some definitions in the Conditions. It has a handy chart showing the 2006 forms and the 2022 forms, the differences, and the effect the changes may have on the transaction.


AR - Cyber Crime in the Title Insurance Industry

3-Hour General Education.

The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center receives complaints crossing the spectrum of cyber crime matters. Since they began tracking scams in the late 2013, it has compiled statistics on more thgan 7,000 U.S. companies that have been victimized. The scam succeeds by compromising legitimate business email accounts through social engineering or computer instrusion techniques, Businesses of all sizes are targeted, and the fraud is proliferating. Title companies handle a lot of money through their escrow accounts and are consequently a favorite target of cyber criminals. This course covers all the different types of cyberfraud, how to recognize them, and how to protect your business against them.


AR - Digital Closings

1-Hour General Education.

There has been an explosion of interest in eClosings in the industry. Because of the savings of time and resources realized by the use of digital closings, lenders and title insurers are beginning to look into ways to utilize the technology. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sponsored a pilot that tested eClosings and it showed that the technology had a positive influence on the closing process. Government Sponsored Entities(GSE) have made eClosings a part of their scorecard when evaluation lenders. Consumers appreciate the advantages that digital closings bring to their experience. Digital Closings are making their way into the Real Estate closing process and title agents need to understand the process and how they can incorporate the process into their workflow.


AR - Ethics in Title Insurance

1-Hour Ethics Education.

This covers a discussion of Compliance Confronting Pressure and Temptation, Managing Funds, Making Ethics Personal, and Your Company's code of Ethics.


AR - Ethics in Title Insurance

3-Hour Ethics Education.

This course discusses 6 different topics related to ethics in the title industry.

Understanding Compliance:

Compliance with laws and regulations is enforced by various state and federal entities. We’ll talk about enforcement agencies, what can happen to violators and some of the trickier areas of compliance.

Confronting Pressure & Temptation:

Pressure and temptation to bend the rules is more common that you may think. It can come from obvious sources and, you’ll learn, from very subtle sources as well. The fiduciary role you play is crucial to maintaining the trust of customers, consumers and the general public.

Recognizing Fraud:

Recognizing Fraud is more important today than ever before. Ethical lapses, intentional or unintentional, can put everyone in the danger zone. Fraudulent schemes are in the news nearly every day. We’ll help you keep your eyes open for suspicious activities.

ALTA Principles of Fair Conduct:

The ALTA Principles of Fair Conduct are part of ALTA’s Consumer Initiative. Title industry professionals like you worked together to create the Principles and they’re a terrific guide for creating your own code of ethics.

Making Ethics Personal:

Making Ethics Personal is really important. Ethical behavior starts with each individual person, no matter what job they hold or what role they play in the company operation. Personal and company ethics will help you as you face dangers in today’s risky marketplace.

Your Company’s Code of Ethics:

Your Company Code of Ethics is the best tool you have to establish and maintain a truly relevant code that all of your employees can understand and actively apply every day. You can use the ALTA Principles of Fair Conduct as a starting point.
