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in this section, you can discover what bioresonance therapy is and how it can be a useful tool to enhance your veterinary practice.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment method that uses electromagnetic frequencies to address imbalances in the body. When applied to animals, it can help to alleviate a range of health conditions by promoting natural healing processes. This non-invasive therapy is gaining popularity among pet owners who are looking for safe and effective ways to support their animal’s well-being. Learn more about bioresonance therapy for animals and how it may benefit your furry friend.

Bioresonance has long been used to identify and target the root cause of a variety of health problems in people. More recently, this technology has also been applied to pets and other animals with much success. BICOM® bioresonance therapy can be used in the treatment of various types of animals, including, Dogs, Cats, Horses, Rodents, Birds and more.

Would you like to know more?

A range of experiences, research and scientific studies into the efficacy of bioresonance treatment can be found on our Blog section. This is where you can view the latest findings and articles about therapy with the BICOM® or browse the article archives.

You can also learn more about the features of the specific devices in the BICOM® range through our therapy machine page. This can help you to see which product will suit you, your clients and your practice best.


The Liver Meridian of the Horse

April 26, 20244 min read

In TCM, the liver meridian belongs to the element wood and is closely connected to its YANG partner, the gallbladder meridian. The Wood phase is energetically associated with spring, because just as nature changes in spring, the symptoms are also very changeable. Pain comes on suddenly, changes localisation and symptoms and is often accompanied by restricted movement and paraesthesia. The external climatic influence is the wind.

Muscles, tendons, blood, eyes, hooves, nervous system and hormones belong to the extended functional circle of the liver due to its affiliation with the element wood. The liver energy provides blood and Qi, which moisturises theareas just mentioned. The liver ensures the free flow of Qi and blood. Without it, every life process would end in stagnation.

The most common disharmony pattern is liver qi stagnation, which manifests itself in tension pains that improve with exercise. The liver is alsoinvolved in the transformation of food energy and detoxifies in general.

The course of the liver meridian:

The liver meridian originates with its point Le 1 at the crown edge of the two hind hooves and then runs upwards along the inside of the hind limb to then end on both sides of the lateral abdominal wall at the level of the 12th and13th ribs as point Le 14.

The liver and gallbladder meridians are associated with emotions such as anger, aggression and rage. The liver is the “general” responsible for drive, dynamism and flexibility. Meridian-related programmes, as described below, can also lead to an improvement in the energetic state on the physical-emotional level and help to remove blockages.

This can be remedied by flooding the liver meridian:

To do this, use the start (Le/Lv 1) and end points (Le/Lv 14) of the liver meridian on both sides of the body. You will find a description of these points in your programme manual or an acupuncture atlas.

In the Bioresonance method, we use the meridian programmes

Acute liver / chronic liver 310.1 / 311.1 (normal frequency)

Acute liver / chronic liver 3310.0* / 3311.0* (low frequency)

Input cup : blood, sputum

E-Applicator (black): Gold finger, button applicator or magnetic depth probe on LE/LV 1 on both sides

A-Applicators (red): Gold finger, button applicator or magnetic depth probe on LE/LV 14 on both sides

A brief description of the indications for the most important points of the liver meridian



Le/Lv 1:for arthrosis in the meridian course, resolves stagnation. Also used for bladder diseases, uterinedisorders, reddening and swelling of the external genitals and abdominal hernias.

Le/Lv 2:for liver congestion and aggression

Le/Lv 3:calming for liver problems, pain-relieving and calming for disorders of the Qi flow. Also for urogenital disorders, cramps, pain and movement disorders of the hind leg.

Le 4:decongestant for urinary retention, localised pain, ankle disorders and spavin.

Le/Lv 7 and 8:used for pain in the knee joint and hind leg.

Le 13:mainly for digestive problems and YIN deficiency. Is the MU point (alarm point) of the spleen. For chronic gastroenteritis, spleen-kidney ligament colic, swelling of the liver and spleen, inflammation and pain in the muscles

Le 14:for muscle tension, liver and stomach problems andis the MU point (alarm point) of the liver. For liver diseases, swelling of the spleen, pleurisy, inflammation and pain in the muscles.

The procedure for stagnation of the liver meridian is:

Step 1: Release blockage (deep-seated) programme 3017.0, alternatively programme 918.0

Step 2: Programmes and applicator system from liver meridian programmes as described above – but then …

Step 3: After the first run, swap the input and output. Input applicator to the starting point (Le/LV 14) and output applicator to the end point (Le/LV 1)

With this procedure, the actual meridian programme runs twice!

With this procedure, the actual meridian programme runs through twice! From the test set Combined Test Technique (KTT) 5-Elements, the ampoule “Liver” and/or substance complexes from the category Liver can be applied for stabilisation from the “Element Wood” for example “Cheleidonium D 6”, “Taraxacum D 6”, “Nux vomica D 6” can also be applied.

ATTENTION!: Liver function therapeutic: Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)

  • Promotes cell division, among other things, and is too strong for a diseased, weak and attacked liver!

BETTER!: Liver function prophylaxis with Figwort (Opuntia) Prefer extract preparations – e.g. 500 mg extract capsule.

  • Therapeutic effects: hepatocytic convalescence (cirrhosis!) hepaticprotein biosynthesis increase Hepaticelimination, functional enhancement liver function equalisation Human 70 kg bw 3 x 500 mg / d / as a supplement.


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