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in this section, you can discover what bioresonance therapy is and how it can be a useful tool to enhance your veterinary practice.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment method that uses electromagnetic frequencies to address imbalances in the body. When applied to animals, it can help to alleviate a range of health conditions by promoting natural healing processes. This non-invasive therapy is gaining popularity among pet owners who are looking for safe and effective ways to support their animal’s well-being. Learn more about bioresonance therapy for animals and how it may benefit your furry friend.

Bioresonance has long been used to identify and target the root cause of a variety of health problems in people. More recently, this technology has also been applied to pets and other animals with much success. BICOM® bioresonance therapy can be used in the treatment of various types of animals, including, Dogs, Cats, Horses, Rodents, Birds and more.

Would you like to know more?

A range of experiences, research and scientific studies into the efficacy of bioresonance treatment can be found on our Blog section. This is where you can view the latest findings and articles about therapy with the BICOM® or browse the article archives.

You can also learn more about the features of the specific devices in the BICOM® range through our therapy machine page. This can help you to see which product will suit you, your clients and your practice best.

An illustration showing a pet experiencing food allergies and post-vaccinal complications

Food allergies and post-vaccinal complications

May 02, 20242 min read

Client Name: Jörg Fiedler, vet

Underlying factor in many disorders

75% of my patients, especially small animals, suffer from allergies. With large animals, the problems tend to be mainly orthopedic, such as lameness, for example.

I believe there are two reasons why allergy therapy is so important in my practice:

Firstly, in general the body is increasingly exposed to more adverse influences, for example from the environment.

Secondly, the potential for diagnosing with the BICOM® is so great that, with many disorders, I can identify an allergy as the cause, whereas before I would only have been able to treat the symptoms. Particularly with skin problems and gastrointestinal problems etc., I can produce an accurate diagnosis and follow this up with targeted treatment.

Allergies are often caused by food. As with humans, it is often the classic basic allergens such as protein (milk, egg) and wheat, as well as pork and beef. Then there are attractants, preservatives and colorings. With dogs, I very often detect heavy metal contamination too.

My success rate for treating allergies with bioresonance is between 75 and 85%.

I should like to describe two of the many cases I have treated.

A nine-year-old mongrel was brought to my practice in a pitiful state. He had been suffering for over nine years from bacterial pyoderma with the classic symptoms such as hair loss over his whole body, open flaky red skin lesions the size of a beer mat, and extreme itching. He had already been seen by numerous vets and clinics without his condition improving. Up to this point he had been treated with cortisone, antibiotics and cephalosporin.

On testing with the BICOM® device I discovered the cause was intestinal mycosis and postvaccinal complications. The dog also reacted allergically to colorings in its daily food.

I treated him with the standard allergy programs in the BICOM® device. After eight weeks and six BICOM® treatment sessions, his hair had grown back completely and the itching had stopped. That was two years ago and since then he has had no further skin problems.

The second case involved a mare whose skin looked burnt each spring when changing from its winter to summer coat. It had lost all its hair and its skin was encrusted and bleeding. Two other mares which shared the same pasture with it each day had no symptoms.

On testing with the BICOM® device I found allergies to two types of grass. I began the classic bioresonance treatment: allergy therapy and stabilising the eliminating organs. After the second therapy session, the animal’s hair began to grow and after the sixth session, it had a full coat.

It is now four years since this treatment and the horse has had no symptoms since.


infections in Animals

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