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in this section, you can discover what bioresonance therapy is and how it can be a useful tool to enhance your veterinary practice.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment method that uses electromagnetic frequencies to address imbalances in the body. When applied to animals, it can help to alleviate a range of health conditions by promoting natural healing processes. This non-invasive therapy is gaining popularity among pet owners who are looking for safe and effective ways to support their animal’s well-being. Learn more about bioresonance therapy for animals and how it may benefit your furry friend.

Bioresonance has long been used to identify and target the root cause of a variety of health problems in people. More recently, this technology has also been applied to pets and other animals with much success. BICOM® bioresonance therapy can be used in the treatment of various types of animals, including, Dogs, Cats, Horses, Rodents, Birds and more.

Would you like to know more?

A range of experiences, research and scientific studies into the efficacy of bioresonance treatment can be found on our Blog section. This is where you can view the latest findings and articles about therapy with the BICOM® or browse the article archives.

You can also learn more about the features of the specific devices in the BICOM® range through our therapy machine page. This can help you to see which product will suit you, your clients and your practice best.

An illustration depicting a person experiencing bioresonance therapy, surrounded by symbols

“As far as I’m concerned, bioresonance has been the greatest discovery of my life”

May 01, 20243 min read

Client Name: Sabine Lauermann-Bittner

Sabine Lauermann-Bittner, vet:

In 1989 I opened a small animal practice and, since then, have accumulated a wealth of professional experience. I am a second generation vet and continue to practice my profession enthusiastically and with pleasure.

I integrated bioresonance therapy into my practice because I found conventional medical diagnosis and treatment unsatisfactory for chronically sick animals. I looked around for alternatives and increasingly treated these cases holistically and homeopathically, with growing success.

As far as I’m concerned, bioresonance has been the greatest discovery of my life – it has taken me into another dimension.

Initially, I was very skeptical as I had never heard anything about it before. Now I am very enthusiastic about the successful outcomes I have achieved. I use the device every day in my practice.

The animal owners who come to me generally have a long history of having consulted numerous practices. Many are desperate and disheartened and only come to me because they have been sent by other animal owners.

We carry out bioresonance testing to diagnose the problem, start treating with the device and, after just a short time, we see visible changes and signs of success. Most animals are restored to health. I have witnessed the most unusual stories.

Case study: A new life for Nancy the cat

One case, in particular, touched me. The story of an old sick cat. An elderly lady I have known for a long time went to the cats’ home seeking to adopt a cat which nobody else was sure to want – she didn’t even mind if it was sick. The lady had such profound confidence in my veterinary ability that she said to me: “I’m taking in an old sick animal and want to look after it. I’ll bring it to you for treatment and you’ll make it healthy again!”

That’s how she found Nancy, a 15-year-old cat who was in a pitiful state. She had absolutely no fur, her skin was all scratched and dotted with pimples, she had chronic diarrhea, was dirty and had problems tolerating food. She scratched continuously, was emaciated, anxious and other animals would not tolerate her.

I was shocked when I saw the cat for the first time. She sat in the basket, a picture of misery, emaciated and wasted away. I began BICOM® treatment after extensive testing. The cat had multiple allergies and was contaminated with heavy metal and toxins which had to be eliminated.

Bioresonance treatment took a while because old animals need time to regulate their bodies. I treated the animal at fortnightly to monthly intervals. We could see an improvement from one treatment to the next. Her fur grew back completely over the course of time and her condition improved visibly.

After eight sessions she was restored to health. She can now eat virtually anything and her weight is normal. From time to time we support her kidneys with the program “renal functional impairment”.

On these visits, I can see how well she is doing now. Nancy has a stress-free life now and the old lady is extremely happy. Her loving care and affection have obviously contributed to this success!

I wish more colleagues would offer bioresonance as there are many apparently “hopeless” cases for which conventional medicine cannot offer sufficient help.


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