Are you in need of financing to give your business a boost? Do you have an important project that could use some extra capital to help fund and execute your plans? Having trouble obtaining a credit approval through your bank or lender because you are Self Employed?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, reach out to our friends at to explore the possibilities for a financing solution!
FSRA Brokerage License #11384 age License #11384
Home renovation and construction projects
Individuals who can’t prove their income by conventional means
Credit management or recovery from bankruptcy
Income tax, property tax, bills or mortgage arrears
Unique & “non-conforming” properties
Stopping a power of sale
Multi-family residential
Storefront with apartments for residential commercial (mixed) individuals
Commercial plaza mortgages
Retail and office mortgages
Construction projects
Local retail stores
Buildings & apartments
Restaurants & hotel ventures
Land servicing and developments
Vacant and raw land
Click HERE to book your discovery discussion with our friends at