Coburn Real Estate

Enterprises, LLC

Find your dream home, move in now, and rent with built-in savings for your down payment. In 3 years or less, you’re ready to buy. Rental plans to fit your needs.

Low rates and affordable monthly payments

Flexible, adaptable, and adjustable plans to fit your needs

Find the Property You Desire

Have you been looking for the property that will serve you and your family? We have the property for you!

Start the Journey to Home Ownership

From renter to owner, you have found the right place to begin that journey.

Technology to Assist Your Journey

We have partnered with DoorLoop to provide the most state of the art technology to manage your journey to home ownership.

© 2023 Coburn Real Estate Enterprises LLC - All Rights Reserved

Call us at: 330-737-1031

Mail us at: [email protected]