
Horary was once the backbone of the astrologer’s practice, it offers direct insight into issues which are really important in people’s minds. When used effectively, it is one of the most practical techniques providing guidance in times of crisis. The horary astrologer draws up an astrological chart specifically to examine the concern in question, which of course can be of numerous forms: questions about relationships, financial matters, career issues, family and health issues, conflicts and lawsuits, lost objects and missing people, amongst others.

The horary chart is drawn for the moment that the question is clear in the mind of the astrologer, and is then subject to astrological scrutiny. Thanks to the symbolism discovered in the chart, the astrologer strives for a deeper understanding of the matter in question, and often reveals details in answer to the query.

As in every form of divination, whether radiesthesia, horary, I Ching or other, for the results to be relevant and reliable, a sincere approach and deep reflection as to the question is essential.

60 USD for a horary question.

  • Revealing tendencies in matters of personality, mentality, health and life patterns.

  • Highlighting trends, strong and weak points in character.

  • Discovering the nature and temperament of a person.

  • Finding the connection between character and moral worth of the individual.

  • Knowing their strengths or otherwise for specific activities or tasks.

  • Evaluating a person’s aptitude.

  • Assessing the individual’s psychological profile.

  • Learning about predisposition to life events.

All traditional ways of analysing a person’s character are empirical, involving observation and recounted experience. Character Analysis is the application of the ancient sciart (science-art) which involves creating a bridge between the rational cerebral function and the intuitive capacity by means of a pendulum or similar instrument. It is thanks to a series of researchers, ancient and modern, who experimented with various stages and aspects of this application that the current method is now developed and systemized.

Most traditional ways of analysing a person’s character are empirical, involving observation and recounted experience, however when using a pendulum Character Analysis is the application of the ancient sciart (science-art) which involves creating a bridge between the rational cerebral function and the intuitive capacity.

Obviously, this service is conducted in the utmost confidentiality.

Please allow 3 working days for a complete written analysis. I need the subject’s name and date and time (if possible) of birth, or a photo (even an old one).

The cost of this service is 300 USD.


171 Moo 4, Mae Ann, Huay Sai

+66 96367 3960