Physiological Psychology

The Science Behind Sleep And Why It Is Important

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The Science Behind Sleep And Why It Is Important

It is undeniable that most people today are sleep-deprived for plenty of reasons. This could range from having a heavy workload, being distracted from social media, and using the internet, to personal reasons and others. Indeed, sleep deprivation is a major problem in our society that affects millions of people. (Download More)

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  • #importanceofsleep

  • #sleepscience

  • #mentalwellness

  • #healthylifestyle

  • #sleephealth

  • #sleephygiene

  • #restorative sleep

  • #sleepdeprivation

  • #cognitivewellbeing

  • #mentalhealthawareness

  • #selfcaretips

  • #bedtimeroutine

  • #sleepquality

  • #sleepbenefits

  • #healthysleephabits



  • Processes that Regulate the Body's Mechanism to Stay Awake

  • What happens to our bodies when we sleep?

  • Different Stages of Sleep

  • Facts About the Circadian Rhythm

  • Facts About the Sleep/Wake Homeostasis


  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of adults in the United States do not get enough sleep

  • The adverse effects of lack of sleep could include an increased risk of chronic diseases, decreased cognitive performance, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

  • Did you know? When we sleep, our bodies enter a state of rest and recovery.

  • The Power of Melatonin

  • The Sleep/Wake Cycle

  • When was the last time that you had a really good sleep?

  • Sleep deprivation is a major problem in our society that affects millions of people.

  • Fact: When our circadian rhythm and sleep/wake homeostasis are in balance, we're able to wake up feeling alert and refreshed.

  • FACT: The average person will go through four to five sleep cycles every night. Each sleep cycle consists of five stages; four non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages and one rapid eye.

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