Become a financial wellness professional

If you're ready to up your game, to stand out in a noisy marketplace, to have greater impact in your clients' lives...then the CFWP™ just might be what you've been looking for.

Wondering if our CFWP™ certification

and content licensing is right for you?

If so you most likely fall into one of these groups




You are in the financial services industry and you are looking for a systematic process, content methodology, and easy to follow frameworks to help you better help your clients when it comes to their financial well-being.

You are a financial professional who is looking to grow your business by adding the topic of financial well-being to your existing set of offerings. If you fall into this bucket, that means you already have your own process, and you are looking to supplement what you currently offer with the topic of financial well-being.

You currently teach, or want to teach, the topic of financial well-being to your clients and prospects but you want to use a comprehensive set of information, data, and tools to enhance your credibility and better improve the learning experience.

Why You Should Earn Your CFWP™ and License Our Content

This a Perfect Fit If You...

• Want to make a personal impact with the clients you serve

• Established in your own right but are looking to grow your practice

• Want to harness the financial wellness movement

• Working in a related field and this would be an ideal add on for existing clients

• Need a course curriculum to start building your business in the financial wellness space

• Want to stand out in a noisy and competitive marketplace

Here's What's Included


Certification Training

Earn your CFWP on your terms. Our online video training modules allow you to go at your own pace. Learn how to up your game and be viewed as a more trusted professional. Grow your practice, your influence, and your income.


Referral Partner

Your annual licensing fee includes an automatic approval as a FFW Referral Partner. What better way to create passive, recurring revenue than to implement the organization you earned your CFWP through!


Keynote Presentation

Love speaking to groups of prospects? Us too. Your annual licensing fee includes access to an updated speech for you to use as a keynote, break out session, or training.


Webinar Presentation

Do you use webinars to expand your reach and drive your business? Financial wellness is a hot topic, and you don't need to go through the trouble of creating your own presentation. We've got you covered because your annual licensing fee also provides you with a fully built out webinar.



It can get lonely out there. We get it. That's why we created of like-minded professionals who are all at the top of their game, making huge impact in the lives of their clients. You don't have to do this alone; you can learn from others and make gains faster than you ever could alone. Eagles fly with eagles.


David Swenson, President, Swenson Wealth Advisors

"If you want to get better at what you do, if you want to improve your business, your systems, your relationships, I would strongly recommend working with the FFW and becoming a Certified Financial Wellness Professional™."

Meet Brent Hines

Executive Director | International Speaker | Founder of the Foundation for Financial Wellness

In a prior life as a financial advisor, I implemented a strategy to expand my practice by providing financial literacy classes that were endorsed and hosted by employers. Setting myself apart, I incorporated principles from Behavioral Finance and Psychology into my teachings, focusing on facilitating behavior change rather than sales tactics.

Since 2010, I have delivered classes and 1:1 counseling to thousands of employees and retirees, inside some the largest organizations on the planet. Yes, I had pipeline that was more robust than I had ever experienced before, but more importantly, I had a healthier pipeline full of people whom I wanted to build relationships with and who valued the work we were doing in financial wellness.

Trailblazing Since 2010

Credibility by Association

Whether we are co-creating financial wellness certifications with the National Wellness Institute, or speaking globally on the TEDx stage, or delivering continuing education classes for corporate professionals through the Society of Human Resource Professionals, we are proud of the company we keep.

@ 2022 Foundation for Financial Wellness - All rights reserved