
Want a career working from home as a CW?

Please take the time to fill out our application.

This application process consists of TWO steps.

Step one is filling our your general information and uploading your CV.

Step two is taking our CWing assessment.

Good Luck!

Step One: General Info + CV

Tell us a little bit about your background

choose your state

Please upload your resume or CV below.

Upload your voice note here!

Use this link to record your voice note Answering the below questions:

The voice note should be no longer that 5 minutes. Any voice note exeeding the 5 minutes will be disregarded.

After recording the voice note, copy the generated link of the recorded voice note and paste it in the below form to submit.


1. Introduce yourself briefly in English.

2. Tell us about your favorite book and why you love it.

Step Two: Skills Assessment

Answer the questions below to the best of you ability.

Please attempt all questions.

There are no right or wrong answers, we simply want to assess your thought process.

A few ground rules for the assessment:
1. Please make sure all links are clickable and shareable before submitting.

Not adhering to the above can disqualify your assessment.

Good Luck!


Task 1: Social Media Posts

1.Create 1 Carousel Post (5 slides) for our VWN instagram page. Choose a topic that matches the theme of our content.

2.Come up with a caption and better Graphic copy for this Shanda Sumpter post.

3.Write a caption for this Nick Perry post.

Task 2: Facebook Ad

Client: Lemon Jelly

1.Write a Facebook Ad for the following product:


  • 1 Facebook Ad (5 Headlines + 5 captions)

Task 3: Email/Newsletter

Client: Dirty Cookie

1.Let's create a listicle email focused on recently added items on

Based off of this template (BOSE 3): 

2.Choose any 3 items from this website and write a listicle email about them:

Task 4: Snapchat Script

Client: Snippet

Topic: Extreme Body Modifications from Cultures Around the World

-Research the following topic and choose 3 examples you could cover in a listicle-style script. You don’t need to submit a full script, but make sure to create a basic 3-bullet-point outline to show the listicle sections you would include in a full script. 

-Then write the first 200-300 words of the script, covering the intro / hook and the first listicle section. 

-The ideal Snapchat script reads like a fast-paced story that will be told out loud. The goal is to present information in the most suspenseful and interesting way possible, since we are competing to hold attention from second to second. Here are a few specific guidelines I generally use to achieve this -- the ideal candidate will be able to write according to the following:

Write like you’re telling a story to a friend, instead of giving a formal journalistic report:

  • -Casual language that is comfortable to speak out loud

  • -Short sentences

  • -Limit unnecessary adjectives and long words

Cut out all unnecessary information to make the writing fast-paced:

  • -Focus only on the most important or interesting details. Keep the script always moving forward, never stalled out with information dumps each sentence should add context, interest, or flow into the next detail.

  • -No redundant information

  • -Use active voice

Organize each section like an independent story: with setup → climax → conclusion:

  • -Even if the topic doesn’t have a built-in story to follow (like the hiring assignment: “Extreme Body Modifications”), organize the information using story structure to naturally draw the audience in and make it feel more narrative and suspenseful

  • -Start with setup/context information: who, where, what, when

  • Build to the most interesting (or clickbaity) information as the “climax.” (If the topic is Extreme Body Modifications, maybe the climax is a description of the actual modification ritual, or the world record holder)

  • -End with a short wrap-up sentence or outro/transition into the next video section

Submit your basic outline / partial script in a similar format as follows:


  • -Write in phrases that are relatively short and comfortable to speak out loud

  • -Use active voice

  • -Be concise – use minimal adjectives and present only the most important / interesting details. It’s more important to keep the script moving quickly than to include every detail you find in your research

  • -No need to mention or advertise the Snippet brand in the script – keep it focused on the topic.

Task 5: Blog Post

Client: VWN

Target Group: Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Choose an interesting marketing/business topic and write a LinkedIn blogpost about it.

(Ex: “10 Tips To Boost Your Sales”, “9 Tools to Help You Create Interactive Marketing Content”...etc)

Task 6: Sales Funnels

Explain what a Sales Funnel is and how to create one. Be as detailed as possible.

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