
Your Business Can Be


At Every Stage!

Beyond Burnout - Systems for Success


Your Business Can Be


At Every Stage!

Beyond Burnout - Systems for Success

Fractional COO & Online Business Management Services For Entrepreneurs And Companies

Cheryl L James, brings more than 25 years of expertise, experience, solutions, and results to you!

Services Include:

  • Business Start-Up/ Start-Over Support

  • Client Management & Assistance

  • Automation & CRM System

  • Operations Data Analysis Management

  • Business Expansion & Growth Support

  • Metrics Monitoring & Analysis

  • Project Management & Assistance

  • Launch & Strategy Support

Business Start-Up/ Start-Over Support

Client Management & Assistance

Automation & CRM Syetem

Operations Data Analysis Management

Business Expansion & Growth Support

Metrics Monitoring & Analysis

Project Management & Assistance

Launch & Strategy Support

We Are Your

Fractional Chief Operating Officer & Online Business Manager

Ready For The Next-Level


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Ready To


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Established - Ready To


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We All Want To

Avoid Launch Mistakes

Go From Bottleneck To Breakthrough

Move From Manual To Automated

Avoid Launch Mistakes

Launching a service business can be both exciting and overwhelming. You may have a great idea, but without proper planning and execution, your launch may...

Go From Bottleneck To Breakthrough

Every business owner dreams of growing their company, increasing their profits, and reaching new heights. However, progress can halt when a bottleneck is created...

Move From Manual To Automated

Does your service business rely heavily on manual processes? Do you spend more time on administrative tasks than growing your business and serving your...

Launching a service business can be both exciting and overwhelming. You may have a great idea, but without proper planning and execution, your launch may...

Every business owner dreams of growing their company, increasing their profits, and reaching new heights. However, progress can halt when a bottleneck is created...

Does your service business rely heavily on manual processes? Do you spend more time on administrative tasks than growing your business and serving your...

Hey There!

I'm Cheryl L James

  • Spent more than 25 years helping Fortune 100 companies define business-impact processes and strategies

  • Levels the competitive landscape for her clients based on value and never price

  • Experienced leading large global teams and managing the strategic and tactical aspects of a project

  • Functions as a Fractional COO

  • Is a certified Online Business Manager

Hey There!

I'm Cheryl L James

  • Spent more than 25 years helping Fortune 100 companies define business-impact processes and strategies

  • Levels the competitive landscape for her clients based on value and never price

  • Experienced leading large global teams and managing the strategic and tactical aspects of a project

  • Functions as a Fractional COO

  • Is a certified Online Business Manager


When You’re Ready, Choose To…

  • Grab your freedom to freely serve your clients and choose the best projects that benefit you the most.

  • Allow a trusted resource to optimize, streamline, and manage the business operations.

  • Optimize your business operations and save money.

  • Look ahead and know how to Protect your business longevity and sustain 6- and 7-figure profits.

  • Elevate your client service, inspire your team to engage at the highest level, and gain financial freedom.

  • Claim your clarity, personal peace, power, time, and prosperity as a BOSS.

Does This Sound Familiar?

If Yes -You’re In The Right Place At The Right Time!

  • I’m so busy doing COO stuff – I can’t operate in my zone of genius, serve my clients like they deserve, nor grow my revenue like I want.

  • I keep investing in products and systems promising to streamline operations – but they don’t work well together, or they never work like I need them to.

  • I’ve hired virtual assistants and employees - but I’m stuck managing them to get the results I need.

  • I have unfinished projects, pending projects, and big project opportunities that I can’t get to - I’m bogged down with too much minutia.

  • I know I have a competent team and great business growth opportunities – but the tools and systems are missing.

  • My family and friends worry about my schedule and health.

  • I’m feeling overwhelmed, weary, or uninspired - I want help from someone who’s capable and trustworthy.


When You’re Ready, Choose To…

  • Grab your freedom to freely serve your clients and choose the best projects that benefit you the most.

  • Allow a trusted resource to optimize, streamline, and manage the business operations.

  • Optimize your business operations and save money.

  • Look ahead and know how to Protect your business longevity and sustain 6- and 7-figure profits.

  • Elevate your client service, inspire your team to engage at the highest level, and gain financial freedom.

  • Claim your clarity, personal peace, power, time, and prosperity as a BOSS.

Does This Sound Familiar?

If Yes -You’re In The Right Place At The Right Time!

  • I’m so busy doing COO stuff – I can’t operate in my zone of genius, serve my clients like they deserve, nor grow my revenue like I want.

  • I keep investing in products and systems promising to streamline operations – but they don’t work well together, or they never work like I need them to.

  • I’ve hired virtual assistants and employees - but I’m stuck managing them to get the results I need.

  • I have unfinished projects, pending projects, and big project opportunities that I can’t get to - I’m bogged down with too much minutia.

  • I know I have a competent team and great business growth opportunities – but the tools and systems are missing.

  • My family and friends worry about my schedule and health.

  • I’m feeling overwhelmed, weary, or uninspired - I want help from someone who’s capable and trustworthy.

What Clients Are Saying



Frequently Ask Questions


A Fractional COO (Chief Operating Officer) is an experienced business professional who works on a part-time basis to provide strategic and operational leadership for companies. They help manage day-to-day operations, implement the CEO’s strategic vision, and ensure the business runs efficiently and effectively. Fractional COOs are particularly beneficial for small businesses and startups that cannot afford a full-time COO but still require the expertise and guidance of an experienced executive.


A Fractional COO is responsible for overseeing the primary functions of a business, including operations, sales/marketing, and finance/administration. Their main goal is to grow the business and improve its efficiency. They work closely with the CEO and other executives to align operational goals with the overall business strategy. Some of their tasks may include streamlining operations, managing financial.


\\A company should consider hiring a Fractional COO when it needs help with managing day-to-day operations, improving efficiency, scaling up the business, or implementing new strategies. Fractional COOs are especially useful for smaller companies that cannot afford a full-time COO but still need the expertise and guidance of an experienced executive. They can provide valuable insights and support to help businesses achieve their goals and overcome challenges.


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Each month I’ll perform a forward-facing ‘what-if’ analysis of a business to highlight potential opportunities or concerns. Get these and other business operations/strategy tips by adding your email address here