
Chiropractic Trust Podcast

Welcome to the Chiropractic Trust Podcast, where we delve deep into the principles and practices of Straight Chiropractic. Each episode, hosted by leading experts in the field, is designed to enlighten, educate, and inspire chiropractors by exploring topics essential to advancing knowledge and skills in non-therapeutic chiropractic care.


Alanna Ogan: Episode #19

Welcome to Episode 19 with Alanna Ogan..  She is the founder and owner of Active Family Chiropractic, From her website. "Dr. Alanna Ogan came to Sioux Falls in February 2010, after practicing in St. Paul, MN for several years. Originally from Watertown, she wanted to get back to South Dakota and closer to her family while opening Active Family Chiropractic.


Alex Rubin: "Zero to Fifty" Episode #18

Since the inception of this podcast I am frequently asked questions about starting a nontherapeutic Chiropractic practice.  These come from both new practitioners starting from scratch or folks interested in transitioning their practice into the nontherapeutic model of Chiropractic.  I have been looking for someone who is just starting out to share their experience, and this person stopped by my office a few months ago.  Alex Rubin is doing exactly that.  He started his practice from scratch about three months ago and by all measures is off to a great start.  He is already profitable and thriving in only his first quarter of solo practice.


Eddy Robinson: "Can It All Be Rainbows and Unicorns" Episode #17

Eddy Robinson is phenomenal.  He is the epitome of hard work and perseverance, with the confidence to live his life being faithful to his personality.    If you are in your practice (and your life) and it does not feel like you are being authentic to who you are, then have a listen to Eddy.   Eddy started this practice only a few short years ago and he candidly shares how he has built it from zero into a thriving happy place for his community.  He shares his story about how he realized that a nontherapeutic Chiropractic practice was the right path for him.


Trent Scheidecker: The Chiroway Journey Episode #16

What does it look like when the light bulb goes on?  Everyone who practices in the nontherapeutic model has their own light bulb moment.  For Trent Scheidecker the moment was a catalyst which lead to his very successful practice and manifested a vision of a franchise model of nontherapeutic Chiropractic offices.  Trent is a big vision person and a big action person.  It was a pleasure to catch up.  Trent also has his own podcast called: Today's tic.


Tyler White: "What a Long Way You've Come" Episode #15

When we are attending the same seminar we often find ourselves hanging out at breaks talking about Chiropractic, families, and life.  He is a great guy who is one of those folks who always gives you a calming sense and also the feeling that he has spent a lot of time on Chiropractic and what it is to run a nontherapeutic Chiropractic office.  I hope you enjoy a visit to New Jersey with Tyler White.


Jim Healey: "If You Believe" Episode #14

A great chat with Jim Healey.  Jim has been around a long time and is a wealth of knowledge.  A quick plug for the upcoming seminar being put on by  the Garden State Chiropractic Society in NJ on October 19th, 2019.  If you want to learn more about a nontherapeutic type of Chiropractic office, it should prove to be a great day of learning and discussion.


Board Member Q&A Session. "Starting a Practice" Episode #13

My board member guests are Scott Timpanelli from Greenville, SC and Chiropractor Howie from Mississippi.  We quickly realized that this should be more than one episode so this show focuses more on mindset for starting a practice vs. a discussion on a lot of nuts and bolts (like fees, location, etc).  We'll do that one at a later date.  This was recorded late at night, and I was energized by the spunk that these two still had so late in the evening which was after a busy day checking folks.

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Dr Stamatis

Subluxation Awareness

August 26, 20242 min read

As many of you know, September has been designated Subluxation Awareness Month. In fact, a few years ago a bill was sponsored by the less mixer of the 2 mixer organizations in my home state of Pennsylvania and it was passed in the state's House of Representatives and Senate. 


        Shortly after that happened every chiropractic office became inundated with new people wanting to begin care. 


Yeah, right.


Not to belittle the efforts of those that got this passed, but I do not think that anyone outside of a few people in the chiropractic community knows about this or would even care.

        I'm reminded of a story I read about that that took place at a business seminar.  The instructor asked the crowd this question:  "If you and I were both going to open a hamburger stand and you could pick any one thing to give you an advantage over me, what would you pick?"

        The people from the crowd shouted back answers like: "a great location," "the best-tasting hamburger," "a clean, attractive stand," "excellent employees," etc. 

        After many answers were offered, the teacher paused and said: "Go right ahead and take all those, but I can promise my stand will outsell yours.  Because, the one advantage I'm going to pick is...A STARVING CROWD."

        It is not hard to guess that the point of the exercise was to show them that even if they have a wonderful product, service, or business, if people don't know about it, perceive that they need it or want it, your business will never be as successful as it can be.

        We do not have that "starving crowd" for chiropractic.  Yet we all know that we should.  People should be lining up to get into our offices from opening to close.  According to Civil Rights Activist Dick Gregory, "If the public knew what it is you people [chiropractors] really do, they'd force you to stay open at night at gunpoint so they could get their families adjusted.  They'd never let you go home."

        In order to serve people in our community they must know what we do.  They need to know about vertebral subluxations, innate intelligence, the nerve system, the adjustment, our non-therapeutic objective, etc.    

        So how are people in your community finding out about the wonderful life enhancing service we provide? 

        How do you educate and inspire people in your office? 

        Do you have procedures and education tools set up in practice to accomplish this goal? 

        Are you giving them the necessary information to make the best possible choices for themselves and their families?

        Is your office set up to be convenient and affordable for lifetime chiropractic care?

        Are there things you may be doing or not doing that may be sabotaging your success?

        If you'd like to learn more from people that are practicing in the non-therapeutic model of straight chiropractic come to The Chiropractic Trust's October event in Pennsylvania.

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The Chiropractic Trust is dedicated to supporting Straight Chiropractors by promoting the practice and principles of non-therapeutic chiropractic. Our commitment is to protect, preserve, and advance this specialized field, ensuring access to high-quality care and education for our members.

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