The Position Papers

These position papers are foundational documents for The Chiropractic Trust, explaining the principles and practices of Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic. They serve to educate both members and the public on the core philosophies and guidelines of this specific type of chiropractic care.

Clear Definitions

Understand the core principles of Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic and the importance of vertebral subluxations.

Guidelines and Standards

Learn about the recommended standards of care and frequency of chiropractic adjustments.

Position Paper #1:

What is Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic?

A member of The Chiropractic Trust has one singular purpose in his/her practice: to correct vertebral subluxation. The criteria determining the presence of vertebral subluxation are objective in nature. These objective criteria lead to the practice of chiropractic being Non-Therapeutic and unmixed with other purposes (i.e. straight).

The Chiropractic Trust defines chiropractic by our objective which is non-therapeutic in its approach.  

Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic is defined as the location, analysis, and facilitation of the correction of vertebral subluxations solely because they, in and of themselves, interfere with the proper expression of the innate intelligence of the body and are a detriment to life. Additionally, Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic shall include the need for educating humanity as to the seriousness and importance of vertebral subluxation and having said correction; nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else.  

Members of The Chiropractic Trust do not claim that vertebral subluxation is the cause of any or all diseases, but simply an interference to the ongoing life process, and that alone justifies its correction. Members of The Chiropractic Trust correct vertebral subluxations not because they cause disease or are associated with any medical condition, but simply because the body works better without them.  

Position Paper #2

What is Vertebral Subluxation?

A vertebral subluxation is the condition of a vertebra that has lost its proper juxtaposition with the one above, the one below, or both, to an extent less than a luxation, which impinges nerves and interferes with the transmission of mental impulses. Vertebral subluxations always involve all of the following:

1.    The spine.

2.    A bony misalignment away from the innate normal position, a dynamic and changing position known only to the innate intelligence of the individual and is not always the equivalent of a geometric normal.

3.    Interference to the transmission of mental impulses over the nerve system and, as a result, the expression of the innately determined organized function of the body.

Position Paper #3

What is Innate Intelligence?

“Innate Intelligence” is a principle of organization within the body, an inborn intelligence, whose mission is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization. The function of innate intelligence is to help the body adapt universal forces and matter so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefits. The forces of innate intelligence never injure or destroy the tissue in which they work. Innate intelligence produces constructive resistive forces in response to the external invasive forces.

Recommendations for Chiropractic Care

Position Paper #4

Since a vertebral subluxation is caused by external invasive forces that overcome the internal resistive forces of the body, our chiropractic philosophy dictates that a practice member can be checked for vertebral subluxation daily. A corrective adjustment will be administered only when the chiropractor determines one is needed using his/her analysis to detect vertebral subluxation.

The chiropractor will give the practice member a recommendation for care based upon his/her first visit assessment. These recommendations can change at any time, and the chiropractor will inform the practice member of these changes as, and if, they occur.   The Chiropractic Trust recommends every human being be checked for vertebral subluxation by a licensed chiropractor a minimum of once a week, or more within that time parameter, if indicated.

Standards of Care for Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractors

The Chiropractic Trust has been developed to protect, preserve, advance, develop, and adamantly defend the practice of Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic. It is necessary to create a Standards of Care position paper to provide the non-therapeutic straight chiropractor (herein referred to as NTSC) with basic standards of care. This Standards of Care will enable the NTSC field practitioner to possess guidelines to understand the parameters of this type of practice, as well as to help the NTSC provide quality chiropractic care while helping to ensure the safety of the people being served.  

The Chiropractic Trust recognizes that chiropractic is an art (based on science and philosophy) and that no two chiropractors are alike, so there may be some room for variations in analysis and technique. The objective of care, however, should be universal among chiropractors in the non-therapeutic model.    

1.    Defining the Practice of Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic  

Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic is defined as the analysis and facilitation of the correction of vertebral subluxations because they are detrimental to the expression of innate intelligence. The NTSC emphasizes that the presence of a vertebral subluxation supersedes the presence or absence of any subjective complaints and is enough to warrant a chiropractic adjustment to correct the vertebral subluxation. The area of paramount interest to the NTSC is exclusively the detection and correction of vertebral subluxations.  

In addition to the objective assessment and correction of vertebral subluxations, chiropractic care includes the education of the practice member/patient to facilitate his/her understanding of the significance of the vertebral subluxation, and the importance of correcting and maintaining its correction. The NTSC considers anything else outside the scope of the NTSC. NTSCs are aware that there are other factors the practice member might engage in to pursue greater well-being and influence their ability to reach their fullest potential. The single factor that the NTSC focuses on is the detection and correction of the vertebral subluxation.   (See also “Position Paper #1 – What Is Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic?” and “Position Paper #2 – What Is a Vertebral Subluxation?”)    

2.    Education for the Public/Practice Member


The uniqueness of chiropractic requires thorough communication and proper education to our practice members to provide quality service and to help ensure safety. The NTSC is expected to have a well-organized system of education consisting of an initial consultation/orientation to:

a.    inform and educate the public as to what chiropractic is (and is not),

b.    how it is practiced in the office (objective), and

c.    what is to be expected (analysis, technique, visit frequency, etc.).  

The practice member should have all the information necessary for informed consent before beginning care. It is also expected that the NTSC will provide further information and education as needed for each practice member on a regular basis.  

It is recommended that the NTSC have some written terms of acceptance for each practice member to read and sign (parents will read and sign for minors). This will allow the new member to see in writing a synopsis of the objective of the NTSC. An example of a “Terms of Acceptance” may look like the following:  

Terms of Acceptance  

When a person seeks the services of a chiropractor, it is essential to fully understand the objective of the chiropractor.  

It is not the intent of a chiropractor to diagnose, treat, or attempt to cure any physical, mental, or emotional ailments or to give advice about any ailments or treatments.  

The only objective of this office is to keep the body as free as possible from vertebral subluxations. We do this because of our absolute conviction that a body is better able to live up to its full potential when no vertebral subluxations are present and for no other reason.    

3.    Chiropractic Analysis and Technique  

There are many safe analyses and techniques taught throughout the chiropractic educational system and profession. The purpose of the chiropractic analysis is to determine the need for chiropractic care (presence of a vertebral subluxation) and the most effective way of administering an adjustment. It should only include procedures necessary to fulfill that objective. It is expected that the chiropractic analysis:  

a.    has some scientific and philosophical basis,

b.    is as objective as possible,

c.    assesses for the presence of vertebral subluxations, and

d.    includes a post-check.  

The NTSC understands that the chiropractic service provided is not a crisis service, and recognizes that it is the innate intelligence of the body that makes the adjustment. The NTSC, therefore, is to be as specific and gentle in his/her analysis and in introducing a force to the spine for facilitating an adjustment.  

It is the responsibility of the NTSC to be highly proficient at the analysis and technique of his/her choosing. The NTSC is expected to consistently improve on his/her skillset.  

The initial consultation/interview should determine if there are any contraindications to adjusting the spine or determine the need for any other intervention. If, however, during the analysis the NTSC encounters a finding outside his/her scope of practice, the NTSC should:  

a.    ask the practice member if he/she is aware of it,

b.    if he/she knows about it, and, as it is being addressed, note it and proceed accordingly,

c.    if he/she is not aware of it, explain what was found in layman’s terms, and

d.    let the practice member determine where to go next to have it further evaluated.  

If the practice member is uncomfortable during the initial visit or during any analysis, a non-crisis approach will be taken. This may include more education, limited vertebral subluxations addressed (above and/or below questionable area), and even waiting for a further visit to address any vertebral subluxations after any other issue is addressed by whomever the practice member chooses to see for further evaluation. The NTSC must note this finding and the discussion with the practice member.  

At no point should the NTSC offer a diagnosis. The sole objective of the NTSC is to locate, analyze, and facilitate the correction of vertebral subluxations.  

Non-therapeutic straight chiropractic is non-diagnostic by the nature of its objective. Since the NTSC does not treat medical conditions but exclusively addresses the vertebral subluxation, the only determination that needs to be made is whether the person entering the office has a vertebral subluxation or not and what type of adjustment can be safely performed on the person.  

A finding outside the scope of chiropractic does not necessarily mean that chiropractic service must be stopped. When in doubt, it is expected that the NTSC will always err on the side of safety for the practice member.    

4.    Documentation and Paperwork  

Every new practice member that chooses to start care must fill out basic paperwork collecting whatever information the chiropractor may require, in accordance with their state law, and sign a Terms of Acceptance. The NTSC is expected to keep daily records of each person served in his/her office, and the records will reflect the objective of the chiropractor. It is recommended that each chiropractor review his/her individual state laws on this subject.  

5.    Recommendations of Frequency of Care/Service  

The NTSC practices with the understanding that vertebral subluxations can potentially occur daily and that having one’s spine checked regularly and consistently will ensure the highest quality of service provided. The recommendations for visit frequency will reflect the need to make chiropractic an ongoing maintenance/habit service and will be at the chiropractor’s discretion based on the analysis and technique used.   (See Position Paper #4 – Recommendations for Chiropractic Care)

Thank you for visiting The Chiropractic Trust

At The Chiropractic Trust, we are committed to preserving and advancing the practice of Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic. Our position papers reflect our dedication to upholding the highest standards of care, ensuring that every practice member receives precise and effective chiropractic adjustments.

The Chiropractic Trust is dedicated to supporting Straight Chiropractors by promoting the practice and principles of non-therapeutic chiropractic. Our commitment is to protect, preserve, and advance this specialized field, ensuring access to high-quality care and education for our members.

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