Shrub and Bush Trimming and Pruning

Professional Tree Services: Tree Removal, Tree Trimming & Pruning, Shrub and Bush Trimming & Pruning, Stump Grinding & Removal, Tree Cabling & Bracing, Tree Health Maintenance & Care

Kennewick Tree Service

Not only do our team at Kennewick Tree Service provide trimming and pruning for trees but also shrubs and bushes. We are the experts in all plant life which gives us the required set of skills to identify, diagnose, treat, and trim your shrubs, bushes, and hedges. Our commitment to our clients is to help their yards flourish, becoming the envy of everyone within the street. Here we discuss how our services can achieve this level of presentation for your property.

Shrub & Bush Trimming

Shrubs and bushes help contribute to the visual appeal of our property, often incorporating a range of colors and textures. Shrubs are typically much thicker and can be molded and shaped to provide a clean-cut feature of our yard. However, bushes are generally less full and can grow wild if they are not kept in check. Our team at Kennewick Tree Service love providing these services for our clients, allowing us to show off our creative skills. We guarantee that you will never find your shrubs and bushes over-trimmed, giving them a less-than-luscious look when you work with our professionals.

Hedge Pruning

Most people who have a hedge within our community of Kennewick see it as their pride and joy, something that is only ever to be handled by the most skilled hands. This is why our team can provide this service to so many of the hedge owners within our local area. We care just as much about the presentation of your property and hedge as you do, and this level of care is what gives our clients the best results. You can have confidence when working with our team as we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations every time.

Residential Agreements

Looking after shrubs and bushes within a property is not a once-off service, other than for those who have a green thumb themselves. Most of the residents within our community who have great care for the appearance of their properties have engaged us to provide regular trimming and pruning services. This makes sure that the property does not become overgrown, their plants are happy and healthy and that their properties are presented well throughout the year. Our loyal clients can save on their regular services with our residential maintenance agreements.

Commercial Agreements

Presentation is always of the utmost importance for the commercial property owners within our community, which is why they come to the trusted local contractors they have confidence in. Our team understands of the varying maintenance requirements between different trees and shrubs, which puts us in the best position to take care of commercial yards. By arranging a maintenance agreement with our team, you can rest assured that you will be receiving only the best services, at the best possible price. When presentation matters, you need the skilled hands of industry experts.

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Kennewick, WA, USA

Kennewick Tree Service

(509) 318-2213

Kennewick, WA