Treatment with the help of the patient’s own information

in the BICOM® mobile VET bioresonance device

In contrast to other “frequency therapy devices”, BICOM® bioresonance is a method that is highly individual and perfectly tailored to the needs of the patient through the use of the patient’s own information and the possibility of testing specific wave patterns for resonance.

The patient’s own pathological and physiological information is recorded using special applicators and fed into the BICOM® mobile VET.

Depending on the therapy program, the specific wave pattern as a carrier of information is amplified, weakened or inverted and transmitted back to the patient in modulated form, which means that the transmission of information changes in clarity depending on the modulation or it disappears completely.

The treatment signals continuously adapt to the changing pathological situation of the patient. As the therapy progresses, the body’s ability to regulate is reactivated.

Find out more about this topic at our regular events. Together with veterinarians and animal naturopaths, we offer various face-to-face and online events .

The BICOM® bioresonance method is a cause-oriented, holistic treatment concept. It can narrow down the cause of the health problem in animals and find out even the hidden causes of the clinical picture.

Animals have a natural regulatory system that can also compensate for unusual influences. However, even good self-healing powers eventually reach their limits. Persistent exposure to allergens, environmental toxins, fungi, viruses, bacteria or stress and changed living conditions weaken the immune system and are often the cause of an illness. In particular, fungal infestation on the skin or chronic diseases in general are not always due to a breeding-related genetic defect, but are signs of a disturbed immune system.

The BICOM® bioresonance method is the key to successful diagnosis and therapy, especially for animals that cannot tell us exactly where it hurts or what the symptoms are. It is a gentle form of therapy that can be carried out without side effects and without additional stress for the animal.

The BICOM® mobile VET records the bioenergetic state of the animal, processes the information it contains and returns modified vibrations / therapy frequency patterns to the animal. Symptoms and stress can be diagnosed and targeted therapy can be initiated.

Through the use of endogenous and exogenous substances, the body’s own self-healing powers can be activated and imbalances that have existed for a long time can also be regulated.

REGUMED Medizintechnik are pioneers of the BICOM® bioresonance method. More than 30,000 therapists worldwide, well over 10,000 of them in Germany, successfully use their therapy concept.

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Biophysical basics of the bioresonance method

Life is only possible when three conditions are met: matter, energy and information.

We also find these aspects in conventional medicine, both in diagnostics and in therapy. For example, every drug is also a carrier of information.

Information is neither energy nor matter, it is immaterial and comparable to the meaning of a message from a sending to a receiving system.

In addition to the electrical processes in the receptor proteins and biomembranes in general, electromagnetic interactions through light (biophotons) also play a role in cell communication and the transmission of information.

Specific electromagnetic wave patterns act as information carriers. These wave patterns can be modulated by the BICOM® device in order to eliminate disturbing or stressful information in an organism.

The goal is to restore the free flow of healing information (cell communication) and thus support the self-regulation of the organism and the self-healing powers.

Individual, patient-specific information or information from native substances, digitized substances or information stored on storage media can be used for therapy.

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Image of a happy pet surrounded by symbols of wellness

Bioresonance Therapy And Pet Allergies

May 01, 20244 min read

Pets are adored by millions of people. Approximately 36.5% of American households own at least one dog, and around 30.4% own at least one cat, as reported by AVMA. One of the most unfortunate conditions to suffer from is pet allergies, especially for those individuals who truly adore their cat or dog. Pet allergies can cause numerous symptoms to occur, and may even lead to a person having to completely avoid being around their own pet, should the allergy symptoms be severe. Treatment options are available to assist with reducing the symptoms caused by pet allergies, but it is important to consider the fact that it is not always the pet that is directly causing the allergy symptoms. In this post, we are going to take a closer look at pet allergies, as well as discuss how Bioresonance technology can be useful in detecting and treating the condition.

Symptoms Of Pet Allergies

Detecting the symptoms of pet allergies is the first step to being diagnosed with the condition, as well as to seek out appropriate treatment options. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology explains that a person may experience a variety of symptoms when they are exposed to a dog or a cat, should they be suffering from pet allergies. These symptoms may include:

  • A stuffy or runny nose, as well as sneezing

  • Nasal congestion, which may cause pain in the face

  • Watery eyes that may also be red and itchy

  • Coughing, breathing problems and chest tightness

  • Some people also tend to develop hives or a skin rash after being exposed to a pet

Causes Of Pet Allergies

Pet allergy symptoms are caused by the exposure to pet allergens, which is usually in the form of proteins that the human body’s immune system overacts to. People with pet allergies usually suffer from an immune system that is over-sensitive; thus causing their body to treat the proteins expelled by the pet as a foreign substances. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, it is important to note that pet hair is not an actual allergen, but rather collects particles that may contain allergens. Most commonly, allergens from pets are found in urine, dander and saliva of these pets – including both cats and dogs. It is also vital to understand that the fur of pets can also collect pollen and dust particles – in this case, these particles may be what is causing a person to experience the allergic reaction, and not specifically the proteins or allergens produced by the pet.

Treatment Options For Pet Allergies

The first line of treatment for individuals who are suffering pet allergies is to minimize their contact with the pet. Petting, hugging, kissing and holding pets should be avoided, and the person should ideally avoid being in the same room as a pet. This, however, does not guarantee that the person will not experience any type of allergic reactions – the allergens from pets can become airborne, which means they can travel to rooms in the house where the pet is not allowed in.

People who do live with a pet are recommended to install high-efficiency particular air purifiers in their houses, which may help to eliminate allergens from the air inside the house. Bathing the dog or cat on a weekly basis can also help to reduce the allergens expelled by their body becoming airborne.

Should an allergic reaction be experienced, a person can opt for a dose of antihistamines, which will help to prevent a further release of histamine, and assist with clearing up the symptoms the person is experiencing.

How Bioresonance Can Be Used To Detect And Treat Pet Allergies

Bioresonance technology utilizes a special type of device that has been programmed to read signals expelled from the body, rewrites the signals and then sends new signals back into the body. With the use of Bioresonance therapy, a person can be provided with more detailed information regarding their pet allergies. This technology can point out whether the person is truly allergic to their pets, or rather the pollen and dust that collects on the fur of their pets. Furthermore, Bioresonance technology can also point out possible causes of the allergic reaction a person experiences, which may help the person address these underlying causes; thus reducing the severity of the symptoms they experience when exposed to a pet.


infections in Animals

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Treatment Priorities

For gentle and optimal treatment of the causes of diseases in animals

The BICOM® bioresonance method is predestined for use with large and farm animals such as horses , but also with dogs , cats and small animals. The treatment focus of the BICOM® mobile VET is wide-ranging. It is now used for many indications.

It recognises health deficits at an early stage and is used, among other things, for the following symptoms:

  • sweet itch

  • Feed intolerances

  • allergies and related diseases


  • leishmaniasis

  • Lyme disease

  • anaplasmosis

  • lameness in horses

  • hoof ulcer

  • Poisoning by poisoned baits, plants etc.

  • mauke

  • Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

  • Cat flu/cat disease

  • eye/conjunctivitis

  • and much more

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