We upscale Gyms and increase

your profitability

More members I More revenue

We upscale Gyms and increase your profitability

Our highly skilled EGMC sales team

One of the largest cost savings you will make, let us manage

your sales. EGMC offers a lead to trialist/tour service,

meaning we send people to you

We collaborate with you and your marketing provider to maximize advertising, opportunities and leads

We increase your leads by using a very specific method of advertising that yields high results

We fix the prospects issues and connect with them on a personal level, understanding that we sell 'for' someone not 'to' someone

Using our unique profiler report we will learn all about your gym and then sell on your behalf

You will receive weekly reports on leads, tours and sales

We convert your leads to tours and provide a regular pipeline of customers to your club

“Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win.”

– Jenny Gitomer


Your gym needs the habits, strategy and tactics to

consistently hit the markers required to

be truly successful in sales.

“One difference between successful sales people and all the rest is that salespeople take action”

-Bob Proctor

EGMC onsite four-hour training workshops (bi-monthly)

We deliver training on the end to end sales process including conversational selling, overcoming objections and closing the sale

Don't miss anymore opportunities, learn about all the sales funnels to make sales a real success

Learn how to complete a comprehensive sales planner and leave with the a completed planner for the month ahead



KPIs influence management behaviour as well as business

culture. Strategic-operational KPI alignment gives the

gym a powerful tool to use when implementing change and

improvements. Our modern KPI dashboard will allow you to

easily explore the data behind the gym and uncover actionable

insights whilst keeping your team aligned

We increase your leads using a very targeted method of advertising

You will see your successes and failures so you can do more of what's working and less of what's not

We will review and help you devlop accurate targets for your teams to shoot for, giving you milestones to gauge progress and help you make better decisions at a strategic level

We can build specific KPIs to meet your needs, perhaps for a new project or for your entire gym, all delivered in a clear dashboard.

If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.

- Peter Drucker


It's great getting new members in but it's just as

important to hold onto them. A forward thinking gym

that reviews regularly and delivers real

personalisation and engagement will

keep members for longer

Retention problems sneak up on you. You need to be actively monitoring retention cohorts even when retention is going up and to the right.

-Dan Wolchonok

We will provide you with a bespoke retention strategy that will service your members and team alike

We will engage your members and your staff and assist in building a great community

We will provide you with a competitor anaylsis

We make sure that you over communicate with your members. Are you meeting their expectations?

Monitor and improve attrition

Learn why members are leaving

Strategy is reviewed bi-monthly


The ‘bottom line’ of your business is one of the best

indicators of overall gym health. A gym owner may

summarise that a gym is profitable, but they never really

know for sure. Accurate financial management provides

your business with a rudder so you can take action before

any potential bumps in the road occur.

We will provide monthly reviews and feedback of the gyms financial performance

We will identify discrepancies

We will identify your gyms trends

Receive like for like reporting compared to other periods so to track improvements

Learn how to budget correctly and accrue spends

Gain accurate reporting for investors

We can support you in managing your cash flow plans

"Be aware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a big ship".

- Benjamin Franklin



Many successful entrepreneurs, such as Mark Zuckerberg

and Steve Jobs, had mentors. Your EGMC business mentor

sees your gym through a fresh perspective and often

knows the ups and down of the path ahead.

"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”

- Oprah Winfrey

The mentor will broaden your perspective on your gym business and allow you to prevent failures from occurring

You Mentor will help you network, already coming from a good network they will expand your opportunities

Some people we've helped:

"EGMC contributed to the turnaround of our club through a solid restructure. Developing new revenue streams adding over £4000 per month to our P&L".

Pete Williams, Managing Director

- The Thames Club

"I worked with EGMC owner Ben in the successful refurbishment and relaunch of a high profit club. He has an excellent ability to drive multiple revenue lines and scale up a gym"

Kevin Wallace, Senior General Manager

- Nuffield Health

Our highly skilled EGMC sales team

One of the largest cost savings you will make, let us manage your sales. EGMC offers a lead to trialist/tour service, meaning we send people to you.

We collaborate with your marketing provider to maximize advertising opportunities and leads.

Using our unique profiler report we will learn all about your gym sell on your behalf.

You will receive weekly reports on leads, tours and sales

We convert your leads to tours and provide a regular pipeline of customers to your club

“Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win.”

– Jenny Gitomer


Your gym needs the habits, strategy and tactics to consistently hit the markers required to be truly successful in sales.

EGMC onsite four-hour training workshops (bi-monthly)

We deliver training on the end to end sales process including conversational selling, overcoming objections and closing the sale

Don't miss anymore opportunities and learn how to complete a comprehensive sales planner.

Learn how to complete a comprehensive sales planner and leave with the a completed planner for the month ahead

“One difference between successful sales people and all the rest is that salespeople take action”

-Bob Proctor



KPIs influence management behavior as well as business culture. Strategic-operational KPI alignment gives the

gym a powerful tool to use when implementing change and improvements. Our modern KPI dashboard will allow you to easily explore the data behind the gym and uncover actionable insights whilst keeping you team aligned.

We can build specific KPIs to meet your needs, perhaps for a new project or for your entire gym, all delivered in a clear dashboard.

You will see your successes and failures so you can do more of whats working and less of whats not

We will agree and provide targets for your team to shoot for giving you milestones to gauge progress helping you make better decisions at a strategic level

We will help you keep within your budget, and even increase your savings.


If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.

- Peter Drucker


It's great getting new members in but it's just as important to hold onto them. A forward thinking gym that reviews regularly and delivers real personalisation and engagement will keep members for longer.

We will provide you with a bespoke retention strategy that will service your members and team alike.

We will engage your members and your staff and assist in building a great community

We will provide you with a competitor anaylsis

We make sure that you over communicate with your members. Are you meeting their expectations?

Monitor and improve attrition

Learn why members are leaving

Strategy is reviewed bi-monthly

Retention problems sneak up on you. You need to be actively monitoring retention cohorts even when retention is going up and to the right.

-Dan Wolchonok


The ‘bottom line’ of your business is one of the best indicators of overall gym health. A gym owner may summarise that a gym is profitable, but they never really know for sure. Accurate financial management provides your business with a rudder so you can take action before any potential bumps in the road occur.

We will provide monthly reviews and feedback of the gyms financial performance

We will identify discrepancies

Receive like for like reporting compared to other periods so to track improvements

Learn how to budget correctly and accrue spends

Gain accurate reporting for investors

We can support you in managing a cash flow plan

We will identify your gym trends

"Be aware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a big ship".

- Benjamin Franklin



Many successful entrepreneurs, such as Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs, had mentors. Your EGMC business mentor sees your gym through a fresh perspective and often know the ups and down of the path ahead.

The mentor will broaden your perspective on your gym business and allow you to prevent failures from occurring.

You Mentor will help you network, already coming from a good network they will expand your opportunities.

"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”

- Oprah Winfrey

Pick a service and make an enquiry for your free 30 min consultation call

We've helped

"Evolve contributed to the turnaround of our club through a solid restructure. Developing new revenue streams adding over £4000 per month to our P&L".

Pete Williams, Managing Director

- The Thames Club

"I worked with Evolve owner Ben in the successful refurbishment and relaunch of a high profit club. He has an excellent ability to drive multiple revenue lines and scale up a gym"

Kevin Wallace, Senior General Manager

- Nuffield Health

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