Sketch Battles is an exciting art competition for young creatives, offering a chance to showcase their talent. Participants must be based in Cyprus, and submissions are reviewed by our judge, Rate, who evaluates each piece based on creativity and skill.
Sketch Battles is an exciting art competition for young creatives, offering a chance to showcase their talent. Participants must be based in Cyprus, and submissions are reviewed by our judge, Rate, who evaluates each piece based on creativity and skill.
The REVIVE Festival was the biggest international mural festival in Limassol. It was organised in collaboration with City Friends Club. This festival put together artists like: Arsek Erase, Insane51, Odeith, Zabou, Mezzo, Fat Heat, Paparazzi, and many more.
Graffiti competitions provide a dynamic platform for artists to showcase their creativity and technical skills in a way that is both expressive and competitive. These events encourage artists to push the boundaries of their craft, blending vibrant colors, intricate designs, and bold concepts to make a powerful visual impact.
Join us for a journey into the incredible world of graffiti!
© 2025 Zograff Studio