

The mission of TWM is to bring heaven to earth in all areas of life to help women become ALL God created them to be.

[She] is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that [she] does, [she] prospers.

—Psalms 1:3 ESV


Tenacious Woman Ministries is a place of acceptance, belonging, healing, and transformation offering coaching and courses at affordable rates and in accordance with God’s vision for healing, taking radical responsibility for our own actions, and accepting the power he has given us.

  1. “Exousia” is divine authority for daily life.

  2. “Dunamis” is the explosive, miracle-working power of God.

  3. “Energia” is energy from God.

  4. “Ischuos” is the strength to accomplish great things.

  5. “Kratos” is the power to influence and have dominion.

The Problem

Rocks in our soil prevent our roots from growing deep, which keeps us from producing fruit in our lives.

The rocks alter the way we see Christ, the way we see ourselves, and the way we see others.

Both of these things prevent us from becoming ALL God meant for us to be in this world & from fulfilling our mission He has uniquely gifted us to accomplish.

Misty Knight

CEO & Founder

Misty, a dedicated professional with a Masters Degree in Social Work earned in 2006, has built a multifaceted career driven by compassion and a commitment to empowering others. Beginning as a medical social worker at Medical Center Hospital, Misty demonstrated a keen understanding of the intricacies of healthcare and patient advocacy. Her journey continued as she transitioned into the role of a case manager in the Children with Special Health Care needs program, showcasing her adaptability and dedication to making a meaningful impact in the lives of vulnerable populations.

In 2007, Misty embraced the role of a single foster mom, showcasing her unwavering dedication to providing a loving and nurturing environment for children in need. Her personal journey continued in 2011 with the arrival of her first biological child, leading her to embark on a five and a half-year mission as a devoted stay-at-home mom.

Despite facing discrimination upon reentering the workforce, Misty's resilience and determination led her to entrepreneurship. Following a challenging divorce from an emotionally abusive marriage, Misty confronted further adversity in the form of gender discrimination and abusive bosses. Undeterred, she found her calling in supporting women who have experienced similar trauma and abuse.

Drawing from her own experiences, Misty is passionate about helping women recognize their unique worth and potential, empowering them to overcome adversity and embrace their authenticity. Misty is dedicated to creating a supportive community where women can heal, grow, and fulfill their unique missions in life. Her commitment to uplifting others, coupled with her diverse professional background, positions Misty as a resilient and compassionate advocate for women's empowerment and personal growth.

Healing is Possible

Your donation can empower and transform the lives of countless women, helping them overcome their struggles and experience true healing and wholeness in Christ through our coaching and classes.

Our Programs

We offer various classes, Bible studies and coaching. Visit our Programs page to learn more.

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Tenacious Woman Ministries

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