Terms & Conditions

Updated March, 2024


The following are terms of a legal agreement between you and Breezon Pty Ltd T/A Reining Cash, Inc. d.b.a. Reining Cash (Reining Cash, “we”, “us”) By purchasing Software coaching and/or consulting services from Reining Cash or any other property held by Reining Cash or by using our software platforms (“Software”), you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms for the software platform and coaching and consulting services, in their entirety and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Reining Cash may terminate your ability to use our Software and services without notice if you do not comply with these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, you must not access or use our Software and services. You must be at least 18 years old to use our Software and services.

1. INTRODUCTION: By continuing to use Reining Cash’s Software, Coaching and/or Consulting Services (defined below), you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions, as they may be amended by Reining Cash from time to time in its sole discretion. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. As a Client, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, both for current and for any additional services for which you may contract with Reining Cash, including all payment terms (collectively, the Agreement). In this Agreement, “you” and “your” refers to the Client.

You agree that any of your agents, representatives, employees, or any person or entity acting on your behalf with respect to the use of the Software, Coaching and/or Consulting Services, shall be bound by, and shall abide by, these Terms and Conditions. You further agree that you are bound by these Terms and Conditions whether you are acting on your own behalf or on behalf of a third party, including another Client.

We reserve the right to make changes to the Software Platform and to these Terms of Service at any time. All changes are effective immediately when posted. Your continued use of the Platform following the posting of the revised Terms of Service means that you accept and agree to the changes.

We reserve the right to make changes to the Software Platform and to these Terms of Service at any time. All changes are effective immediately when posted. Your continued use of the Platform following the posting of the revised Terms of Service means that you accept and agree to the changes.

2. TERM, PAYMENT & MODIFICATION: For Software, recurring coaching, online membership or consulting services- The term of this Agreement shall begin and become effective as of the sign-up date, which coincides with initial payment. The term shall continue as follows unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing. This Agreement shall renew at the end of each 30-day period for a successive 30-day term unless either party provides written 5-day notice of its intention not to renew or if both parties agree to enter a new contract term for a determined time period.

Any and all “one-time” purchases (Strategy Sessions, Events, In-Person Consulting) shall not be tied to any other services or subject to this Agreement, unless otherwise specified by client.

Client agrees to pay to Reining Cash all applicable charges to its account in Australian dollars, in accordance with the payment terms and conditions and/or payment plan mutually agreed upon, including, if any, all applicable taxes. If any mutually agreed upon payment terms of additional services requested by you are different than the terms set forth in these Terms and Conditions, the payment terms for the additional services shall apply to those services. Client agrees that any setup fee (or similar one-time payment depending on the service selected by Client) is nonrefundable as it is applied to costs immediately incurred by Reining Cash in initiating services.

Client understands and agrees that the Software, Coaching, Online Membership and/or Consulting Services are billed one month in advance. In addition, if Client has elected to pay Reining Cash by credit card, Client agrees to authorize Reining Cash to charge its credit card in advance for such payments and for any amounts owed under this Agreement. In addition, the client agrees to not perform any chargeback to Reining Cash from their bank or credit card if they are in violation of these payment terms and acknowledges it is detrimental to Reining Cash’s ability to do business.

In the event collection proves necessary, the Client agrees to pay all fees (including all attorneys’ fees and court costs) incurred by that process.

In the event of a chargeback, the Client agrees that these TOS will provide sufficient proof of their services and products being delivered as described at purchase.

You understand that Reining Cash may modify its standard terms and conditions and service offerings from time to time and that Reining Cash reserves the right to adjust the pricing of such services. Following the fulfillment of initial contract terms, Clients in month-to-month contracts may be subject to revised terms and conditions and/or pricing.

3. METHOD OF PAYMENT: Client must set up direct withdrawal from a valid, sufficiently funded bank account, provide a valid credit card with sufficient credit, or maintain a deposit with Reining Cash that Reining Cash can bill for all contracted Services.

4. REFUND POLICY AND CANCELLATIONS SOFTWARE & SERVICES: The product and/or services referenced herein is sold with a strict no refund policy. Fees assessed by Reining Cash are non-refundable, and Reining Cash does not provide Fee refunds or credits for partially used or unused subscriptions. If you sign up for a Service subscription but do not access the Service or Platform, you are still responsible for all Fees during the term of your subscription. If Reining Cash chooses at its sole discretion to issue a refund or credit in one instance, we are under no obligation to issue the same refund or credit in the future. In the event of a refund or credit, the amount refunded or credited will be determined by Reining Cash in its sole discretion. If you have any questions or concerns about this refund policy, please contact us at [email protected].

If you wish to cancel any Reining Cash subscription (including subscriptions for services) at any time after a free trial or discounted period ends, you must submit a cancellation request to us via our support email address [email protected]. For monthly subscriptions (including subscriptions for services and software), we require at least ten (10) days’ notice of cancellation by email. If you provide such notice less than ten (10) days before the first day of your next subscription month, your credit card may still be charged. You will not be entitled to prorate your last month’s use, nor will you be entitled to any refund for any payments to Reining Cash. For annual subscriptions, we also require at least ten (10) days’ notice of cancellation by email. If you provide such notification less than ten (10) days before the first day of your next subscription year, your credit card may still be charged. If you cancel before the end of your year, you will not be entitled to a refund. Reining Cash in its sole discretion may charge a cancellation fee equal to the amount the subscription was discounted.

5. REFUNDS FOR PHYSICAL PRODUCTS: Any orders of physical products must be returned within 30 days (in original condition) to be eligible for a refund.

6. SERVICES PROVIDED: Coaching and/or Consulting Services are the process by which Reining Cash will help you grow your business via proprietary systems, frameworks and advice. Though Reining Cash cannot guarantee specific results, we proactively seek to provide high quality advice and systems that maximize the Client’s return on advertising spending.

7. OWNERSHIP OF NON-CLIENT PROPERTY: Title and full ownership rights in and to the Coaching and Consulting frameworks, strategies and systems, together with any and all ideas, concepts, computer programs, and other technology supporting or otherwise relating to Reining Cash’s operation of the Reining Cash network and website(s) (collectively, the “Reining Cash Materials”), shall remain at all times solely with Reining Cash and/or with the respective outsourced service provider or author. Client acknowledges that it has not acquired any ownership interest in the Reining Cash Materials and will not acquire any ownership interest in the Reining Cash Materials by reason of this Agreement.

8. NO LICENSE: Nothing contained in this Agreement or use of Software, Coaching and/or Consulting Services should be understood as granting you a license to use any of the trademarks, service marks, or logos owned by Reining Cash or by any third party.

9. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: All information disclosed by Reining Cash to Client shall be deemed Confidential Information, regardless of whether marked or identified as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “PROPRIETARY.” Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Confidential Information shall also include, and the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to any other information in oral, written, graphic or electronic form which, given the circumstances surrounding such disclosure to or learning by Client, would be considered confidential.

9.1 “Confidential Information” means any non-public, oral, written graphic or machine-readable information, including but not limited to, that which relates to patents, patent applications, trade secrets, research, product plans, products, developments, inventions, processes, designs, drawings engineering, formulae, markets, market research, market plans, software (including source and object code), hardware configuration, computer programs, algorithms, regulatory information, business plans, pricing, agreements with third parties, services, customers, marketing or finances of the Reining Cash or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates.

10. RESTRICTIONS: Client shall not in any way: (i) disclose or otherwise transfer Confidential Information to any third party at any time, including consultants , except as approved by Reining Cash in writing in advance; (ii) use (except as specifically permitted in writing by Reining Cash), copy. Modify and/or transfer the Confidential Information and/or merge the Confidential Information with any other technology, formula or materials; (iii) to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law reverse engineer any of the Confidential Information; and/or (iv) disclose the parties’ discussions about the Confidential Information. Client agrees that it will disclose the Confidential Information only to its employees who have a specific need to know regarding the Coaching and/Consulting Services and only to the extent necessary for such purpose.

11. YOUR SITE: You hereby acknowledge that Reining Cash is not responsible for the maintenance of your website(s); nor is Reining Cash responsible for order entry, payment processing, shipping, cancellations, returns or customer service concerning orders placed on your website(s). You further acknowledge that your site does not contain any Reining Cash owned or licensed content, including but not limited to any Reining Cash search listings, except pursuant to a separate signed affiliate agreement with Reining Cash.

12. CLIENT REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: Client represents and warrants to Reining Cash that for the term of this Agreement, this Agreement constitutes a valid, binding, and enforceable agreement in accordance with its terms; Client is the authorized owner or representative of the website(s) for which Software Coaching and Consulting Services will be used and performed; and Client’s website will not violate any applicable law or regulation; does not infringe upon in any manner any third party rights, including but without limitation to copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right or right of privacy or publicity; is not false or misleading; has not and will not result in any consumer fraud, product liability, breach of contract, injury, damage, or harm of any kind to any person or entity; is not defamatory, libelous, slanderous, or threatening; is free of viruses; does not contain, promote, or offer any form of spyware, adware, or other advertising or information collection software; and/or does not contain, link to or promote any of the following: violence, hate crimes (whether racial or otherwise), illegal activities, discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

13. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: Subject to the limitations set forth herein on assignment of this Agreement or the rights hereunder by Client, all of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, if any, successors, and assigns.

16. CHOICE OF LAW; EXCLUSIVE VENUE: This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Queensland, and the parties agree that should any dispute arise concerning this Agreement, venue shall be laid exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction in State of Queensland, Australia

17. HEADINGS: Section headings are not to be considered a part of this Agreement and are not intended to be a full and accurate description of the contents hereof.

18. WAIVER: Waiver by one party hereto of breach of any provision of this Agreement by the other shall not operate or be construed as a continuing waiver. No waiver of any breach or default of this Agreement by either party hereto shall be considered to be a waiver of any other breach of default of this Agreement.

19. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING: This document and any exhibit, schedule, or other supplementary document attached constitute the entire understanding and agreement of the parties, and any and all prior agreements, understandings, and representations are hereby terminated and canceled in their entirety and are of no further force and effect.

20. ATTORNEYS’ FEES: In the event a dispute arises between the parties hereto, then the prevailing party in such dispute, whether or not a final decision is ultimately rendered by the court, shall be entitled to receive its attorneys’ fees reimbursed from the non-prevailing party.

21. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES: The covenants, undertakings, and agreements set forth in this Agreement are solely for the benefit of and enforceable by the parties or their respective successors or permitted assigns.

22. SURVIVAL: The sections of this Agreement that address or govern matters or circumstances that could occur after termination of this Agreement shall be interpreted to survive any such termination.

23. EXECUTION: This agreement is executable upon successful payment from Client. By purchasing Software, coaching and/or consulting services from Reining Cash or any other property held by Reining Cash, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

24. Software Platform Services

Reining Cash provides a multitude of product integrations and services (the “Services”) on the Platform, which you may subscribe to through the Platform. All references to the Platform include the Services. All Services are subject to these Terms of Service as well as the additional provisions below. The terms in these Terms of Service govern to the extent there is a direct conflict.

a. Right to Modify the Services. We reserve the right to implement new elements as part of the Services including changes that may affect the previous mode of operation of the Services. We believe that any such modifications will enhance the overall Services, but it is possible that your opinion may vary.

b. No Contingency on Further Releases and Improvements. You understand that your purchase of Services on or through the Platform is not contingent on the delivery by us of any future release of any functionality or feature, including but not limited to the continuation of a certain Service beyond its current subscription term, or any third party services.

c. As-Is. The Platform is provided on an as-is basis, except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement.

d. Features. Features and terms used in connection with the Platform and Services such as “power dialer” may have some resemblance to those provided by others, but our Platform features and terms are specific to our Platform.

e. Additional Terms. Additional terms may apply to specific services and programs offered by Reining Cash on the Platform. To the extent there is a conflict, these Terms of Service will take precedence.

Software Platform Limited License And Prohibited Uses

Reining Cash grants you a personal, royalty-free, non-assignable, revocable, and non-exclusive license to access and use the Platform Content while using the Platform. Except to make the Services available to you and your end users, as expressly permitted under these Terms of Service, any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, framing, display or performance of Platform Content without prior permission of Reining Cash is strictly prohibited. You may not remove any Marks or other proprietary notices, including, without limitation, attribution information, credits, and copyright notices that have been placed on or near the Platform Content.

You, your employees, and your end user clients (“Clients”) may use the Platform only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Service. You agree that you, your employees, and your Clients will not:

  • Use the Platform or any Services in any way that violates any applicable law or regulation.

  • Use the Platform or any Services for the purpose of exploiting, harming or attempting to exploit or harm anyone in any way.

  • Send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use, or re-use any material that does not comply with these Terms of Service.

  • Transmit, or procure the sending of, any unlawful advertising or promotional material, including any “junk mail,” “chain letter,” “spam,” or any other similar solicitation.

  • Impersonate or attempt to impersonate Reining Cash, a Reining Cash employee, another user or any other person or entity (including, without limitation, by using email addresses associated with any of the foregoing).

  • Engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone’s use or enjoyment of the Platform or any Services, or which, as determined by Reining Cash, may harm Reining Cash or users of the Platform or expose them to liability.

  • Use the Platform or any Services in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the Platform or interfere with any other party’s use of the Platform, including their ability to engage in real time activities through the Platform.

  • Use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Platform for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on the Platform.

  • Use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material on the Platform or for any other unauthorized purpose without Reining Cash’s prior written consent.

  • Use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Platform or any Services.

  • Introduce any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful.

  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any parts of the Platform, the server on which the Platform is stored, any server, computer, or database connected to the Platform, or any Services.

  • Attack the Platform via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

  • Otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Platform or any Services.

Customer/End User Conduct

In connection with your use of the Platform or Services, you agree that:

  • You, your employees, agents, and Clients will maintain in effect all licenses, permissions, authorizations, consents, and permits necessary to carry out the obligations under these Terms of Service.

  • You are fully responsible for your actions and the actions of your employees, agents, and Clients with respect to use of the Platform.

  • You are fully responsible for the use of the Services by your Clients. Reining Cash’s agreement is with you, not your Clients.

  • You are fully responsible for the use of the Services by your Clients. Reining Cash’s agreement is with you, not your Clients.

  • You, your employees, agents and Clients will not misrepresent the Services.

  • You will provide these Terms of Service to your employees, agents, and Clients and confirm that all employees, agents, and Clients understand that they are subject to these Terms of Service if they use or offer the Services.

  • You own or control all rights in and to all content you provide to Reining Cash.

  • You will be solely responsible for all of your use of the Platform, including the quality and integrity of any data and other information made available to us by or for you through the use of the Services under these Terms of Service and each Service that you make available to your Clients.

  • You have provided, and will continue to provide, adequate notices and have obtained, and will continue to obtain, the necessary permissions and consents to provide your Client’s data to us for use and disclosure in accordance with these Terms of Service and our Privacy Notice.

  • You, your employees, and your Clients will provide reasonable cooperation regarding information requests from law enforcement, regulators, or telecommunication providers.

Use Of Platform Communication Features And Services

Reining Cash is the provider of Services for your use, which may include certain communications features such as SMS, MMS, email, voice call capabilities and other methods. You agree that:

  • You are exclusively responsible for all communications sent using the Services, including compliance with all laws governing those communications such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) and the CAN-SPAM Act, and you agree that you understand and will comply with those laws.

  • You understand that your use of the Services may violate applicable laws if you do not comply with them. Reining Cash is not responsible for your compliance with laws and does not represent that your use of the Services will comply with any laws. You should consult a lawyer for legal advice to ensure your communications comply with applicable law.

  • Reining Cash is a technology platform communication service application provider only. Reining Cash does not originate, send, or deliver any communications to any recipient via SMS, MMS, email, or other communication method;

  • You, not Reining Cash, are the maker or initiator of any communications. You control the message, timing, sending, fraud prevention, and call blocking. The Service is purely reactive and sends messages only as arranged and proscribed by you. All communications, whether, without limitation, SMS, MMS or email, are created by and initiated by you and/or your Clients, whether generated by you or sent automatically via the Services at your direction.

  • Any customer data provided to Reining Cash through any means, including without limitation, by inbound text, data imports, tablet sign-ins, API calls or manual entry, only includes data from individuals who have explicitly opted into your communications program and have explicitly agreed to receive your communications (whether by SMS, MMS, email, voice communication or other method) in accordance with applicable law, including without limitation the TCPA.

Resale of the Platform Enterprise Level Services (MAP Policy)

Some levels of the Services allow you to resell access to the version of the Platform that is customized for or by you. If you are authorized to resell access, you must comply with our minimum advertised price policy as described in this section and the provisions below.

a. Minimum Advertised Price. You cannot advertise access to the Platform unless it is part of a high ticket program where you offer coaching. You may not sell the platform as a stand alone SaaS offer.

b. Changes. The MAP is established by Reining Cash and may be changed by Reining Cash from time to time in its sole discretion. Any changes to the MAP will be communicated by a change to this section of these Terms of Service. Reining Cash may also notify you of any change to the MAP.

c. Resale Restrictions. When reselling the service, you agree that you are fully liable to your resale Clients for the Service and will handle all disputes and inquiries they have without any involvement from Reining Cash, unless Reining Cash offers to assist.

D. You Are Not Reining Cash. Do not present yourself as Reining Cash when reselling the Service, hold yourself out as a representative of Reining Cash, or indicate that you are associated with Reining Cash in any way. Do not direct your resale Clients to contact Reining Cash for any reason, including for Service support.

E. Suspension and Termination. We may suspend or terminate your ability to resell Services as described in this section in our sole discretion and with or without advance notice to you if we determine that you are violating this Agreement or for any other reason.

Account Registration

To access portions of the Platform or to register for or use the Services, you will be asked to provide registration details or other Information. It is a condition of your use of the Platform that all Information you provide is complete, current, and accurate. All Information you provide to register with the Platform, complete a transaction through the Platform, or otherwise is governed by our Privacy Notice, and you consent to all actions Reining Cash takes with respect to your Information consistent with our Privacy Notice.

Use and Protection of Login Credentials

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user name and password (“Login Credentials”). You are responsible for all uses of your account and Login Credentials, whether or not authorized by you. You agree to notify Reining Cash immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your account or Login Credentials or any other breach of security. Reining Cash reserves the right to disable your Login Credentials at any time in its sole discretion for any or no reason, including if, in Reining Cash’s opinion, you have violated any provision of these Terms of Service. User accounts are non-transferable, and all users are obligated to take preventative measures to prohibit unauthorized users from accessing the Platform with his or her password.


The Platform And The Services Offered Through It Are Provided On An “As Is” And “As Available” Basis Without Warranty Of Any Kind, Either Express Or Implied, Including, But Not Limited To, The Implied Warranties Of Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular Purpose, Or The Warranty Of Non-Infringement.

Without Limiting The Foregoing, We Make No Warranty That (A) The Platform, Platform Content Or Services Will Meet Your Requirements, (B) The Platform Content, Services Or Platform Will Be Uninterrupted, Timely, Secure, Or Error-Free, (C) The Results That May Be Obtained From The Use Of The Content Or Services Offered Will Be Effective, Accurate Or Reliable, Or (D) The Quality Of Any Platform Content Or Services Purchased Or Obtained By You From The Platform, From Us Or The Reining Cash Team Will Meet Your Expectations Or Be Free From Mistakes, Errors Or Defects.

You Acknowledge That The Internet And Telecommunications Providers’ Networks Are Inherently Insecure. Accordingly, You Agree We Are Not Liable For Any Changes To, Interception Of, Or Loss Of Your Data While In Transit Via The Internet Or A Telecommunications Provider’s Network.

This Platform Could Include Technical Or Other Mistakes, Inaccuracies Or Typographical Errors. We May Make Changes To The Platform Content And Services On Or Through The Platform, Including The Prices And Descriptions Of Any Products Or Services Listed Herein, At Any Time Without Notice. The Content Or Products Available On The Platform May Be Out Of Date, And We Make No Commitment To Update Such Content Or Products.

The Use Of The Platform, The Services Or The Downloading Or Other Acquisition Of Any Products Or Platform Content Through The Platform Is Done At Your Own Discretion And Risk And With Your Agreement That You Will Be Solely Responsible For Any Damage To Your Computer System Or Loss Of Data That Results From Such Activities.

Through Your Use Of The Platform, You May Have The Opportunities To Engage In Commercial Transactions With Other Users And Vendors. You Acknowledge That All Transactions Relating To Any Products Or Services Provided By Your Or Any Third Party, Including, But Not Limited To The Purchase Terms, Payment Terms, Warranties, Guarantees Relating To Such Transactions, Are Solely Between The Seller Or Purchaser Of Such Merchandise Or Service And You.

We Make No Warranty Regarding Any Transactions Executed Through A Third Party, Or In Connection With The Platform, And You Understand And Agree That Such Transactions Are Conducted Entirely At Your Own Risk. Any Warranty That Is Provided In Connection With Any Services Or Content Available On Or Through The Platform From A Third Party Is Provided Solely By Such Third Party, And Not By Us Or The Reining Cash Team.

We Reserve The Sole Right To Either Modify Or Discontinue The Platform, Including Any Services Or Features Therein, At Any Time With Or Without Notice To You. We Shall Not Be Liable To You Or Any Third Party Should We Exercise Such Right. Modifications May Include, But Are Not Limited To, Changes In The Pricing Structure And The Addition Of Free Or Fee-Based Services. Any New Features That Augment Or Enhance The Then-Current Services On This Platform Shall Also Be Subject To These Terms Of Service.

Some States Or Jurisdictions Do Not Allow The Exclusion Of Certain Warranties, So Some Of The Above Limitations May Not Apply To You. Please Consult The Laws In Your Jurisdiction

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are used as references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you′re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.

© Copyright Reining Cash 2024