BICOM® Bioresonance

Stress-free for pets and pet owners Suitable for all types of animals

There are many dogs , cats and horses suffering from health problems worldwide.

Be it problems with the musculoskeletal system, allergies and food intolerances or chronic diseases.

Sometimes, as an animal owner, you are at a loss when you can’t get any further with conventional therapy methods.

Like acupuncture or homeopathy, bioresonance belongs to the field of complementary medicine and is intended to be a useful supplement to conventional medicine.

It works with the body’s own wavelength of the four-legged friend, is used without medication and is painless to use.

Of course, not all health problems can be resolved with bioresonance. It is best to talk to a veterinarian or animal naturopath.

With our therapist finder you can find the nearest practice that can offer you BICOM® bioresonance.

Pain-free testing and therapy

Treatment with the BICOM® device is painless and stress-free. Especially sensitive animals feel very comfortable and it often happens that they completely relax and come to rest during the therapy.

Bioresonance has no harmful side effects and is used without medication.

Occasionally, initial aggravations, in what is known as the body’s initial reaction, can occur. However, these fade away after a short time.

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What Pet Owners are saying..

Image showing two long-haired shepherds

Long‐haired shepherds Franze and Fanny with itching and diarrhoea

May 01, 20243 min read

A patient report from the animal keepers Margarete and Peter

Our two long‐haired shepherd dogs, Franze and Fanny, are the focus of our lives. They are siblings and we picked them up from a breeder when they were 8 weeks old. Unfortunately, our joy didn’t last long, because at the age of about 11 months both dogs started to scratch themselves in various places so much that there were bald and bloody spots and they had diarrhea again and again. We were very shocked when we first met the littermates – the other dogs were just as well or even worse.

We went to the vet, who gave us a different food. But unfortunately that didn’t help. We went to the nearest vet, then to the vet clinic, and then to a vet again. It was getting worse and worse. Franze had several palm-sized spots on his back that were bleeding and itching like crazy. All night he lay next to us and scratched and scratched. His sister was only marginally better. We didn’t know what to do anymore.

Then a friend of mine told us about her veterinarian that he uses such a device for therapy and has already helped a lot of dogs, cats and horses with it. We were so desperate and hoped that this veterinarian could help us and our dogs. We made an appointment and also took the 2 hour drive on us – the main thing is that the two are helped.

When we arrived we took both dogs to the practice and the vet gave them both a very thorough examination. He took blood that was sent to the laboratory and additionally he tested the two with the bioresonance device. A week later we should come back. It turned out that our dogs had various construction sites. Among other things, they had an underactive thyroid gland, several allergies and exposure to various bacteria.

We were given pills and then we were supposed to come to bioresonance with both dogs once a week. We did that too. For eight weeks we drove 2 hours there and 2 hours back every week. Then we should only come every 2 weeks. We also changed the lining. We now cook them meat with all the additives they need. We were even able to reduce the pills for the thyroid after a few weeks.

Our dogs happily ran into the practice on their second visit to this vet and immediately lay down in the dog beds, where they were treated with bioresonance. We couldn’t believe it, but they thought it was really good. Success was not long in coming. The sores went down and healed.

We then got a spray from the vet in case it happened again – but so far we haven’t needed it anymore. We wish that many more veterinarians would offer bioresonance in their practice. But until that is the case, we are happy to drive the long distances with our two darlings if they have a problem again.

Oh yes, before we forget. We then had an acute problem with Fanny. She must have caught a fox’s vomit that contained rat poison while she was walking her. She started vomiting blood and also had bloody diarrhea.

We drove straight to the nearest vet and there she was on a drip all day – but it didn’t get any better. In the evening we drove to the vet with bioresonance and she was treated there almost the whole night and also for the next three days in a row. Then she was fine and started eating again. We were so happy and firmly convinced that without bioresonance there would be no more Fanny today.


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